2024-2025 North Carolina Inland Fishing, Hunting & Trapping…

Hunting Regulations AND INFORMATION

Small Game and Other



SEASON DATES RABBIT Oct. 14 – Feb. 28 (hunting and box-trapping*)


Opossum: No daily, season, or possession limits. Raccoon daily limit 3: No possession or season limits

Daily limit 5; No possession or season limits

Oct. 14 – Feb. 28

* A trapping license is not required to box-trap rabbits, but a valid hunting license is necessary. The sale of live rabbits is prohibited. QUAIL

General Restrictions • Field possession limit while hunting is the same as the daily bag limit. No person shall possess more than one daily bag limit while in the field or while returning from the field to one’s vehicle, hunting camp or residence. • Axes and saws may not be carried when raccoon or opossum hunting. • It is unlawful to carry firearms or climbing irons when training dogs during closed seasons, except under special field-trial regulations. SQUIRREL Gray and Red (statewide): Oct. 14 – Feb. 28 Daily limit 8; No possession or season limits

Daily limit 6; Possession 12; No season limit

Nov. 23 – Feb. 28

GROUSE Oct. 14 – Feb. 28 BOBCAT Oct. 14 – Feb. 28

Daily limit 3; Possession 6; Season 30

No daily, season, or possession limits.


There is no closed hunting season on private lands. See Game Lands Sec- tion for Game Lands regulations.

Gray (statewide – private lands only): May 12 – May 26, 2025 Fox Squirrel (statewide) : Oct. 14 – Jan. 31

Daily limit 8; No possession or season limits

No daily, season, or possession limits

• Hunters may use electronic calls for coyotes and feral swine. • Feral swine may be hunted at night with lights. • Coyotes may be hunted at night with artificial lights except in the counties of Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington. In those five counties, the following apply: » Hunting hours are 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset in the above listed five counties » All coyote hunting in the above listed five counties requires a permit » Permits can be obtained at gooutdoorsnorthcarolina.com » All coyote harvests in the above listed five counties must be reported See page 77 for more information about distinguishing the differ- ences between red wolves and coyotes. PHEASANT

Daily limit 1; Possession 2; Season 10

Feral Swine Trapping Feral swine may be trapped year-round with no bag limits under the following conditions: • A hunting or trapping license is required, except for those persons who are license-exempt (see page 10). • A feral swine trapping permit is also required, even for those who are license-exempt. This free permit is avail- able at gooutdoorsnorthcarolina.com . • Only box and corral traps can be used and the permit number must be displayed on all traps. Traps must be constructed so that a non-target animal, such as a bear, can easily escape or be released without harm. • All feral swine must be euthanized while in the trap and may not be removed alive from any trap. • Landowner permission is required to trap feral swine. Feral swine trapping is allowed on game lands only with permission from the Commission (919-707-0150).

Nov. 23 – Feb. 28 (Barrier Islands of Carteret, Dare, and Hyde Counties for male pheasant only) Sept. 2 – Feb. 28 (Remainder of state not included above for pheasants of either sex)

Daily limit 3; Possession 6; Season 30

No daily, season, or possession limits

2024–2025 69

North Carolina Inland Fishing, Hunting & Trapping Regulations 

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