• On roads posted as “limited access” motor- ized vehicles are prohibited from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. during the months of June, July and August. Weapons • It is unlawful to discharge any weapon: » from a vehicle, » within 150 yards of any residence located on or adjacent to game lands, » within 150 yards of any game lands build- ing or game lands camping area (unless otherwise posted). The 150-yard provision of this rule does not apply to the use of archery equipment on Butner-Falls of Neuse and Jordan game lands. • Firearms may be carried openly, or concealed with a valid concealed handgun permit, at any time on game lands, except for the game lands noted in this section. Hunting is allowed ONLY during the open seasons on game birds and game animals. On Buckhorn, Chatham, Harris, Hyco, Lee, Mayo, and Sutton Lake game lands, and Pee Dee River Game Land north of U.S. 74, and that portion of R. Wayne Bailey-Caswell Game Land that is located north of U.S. 158 and east of N.C. 119 during closed seasons and closed hunting days on game birds (waterfowl, doves, woodcock, snipe, rails, gallinules, moor- hens, coots, grouse, pheasant, quail, turkey) and game animals (deer, bear, fox, rabbits, squirrels,
bobcats, opossum, raccoon), it is unlawful to possess any firearm readily available for use. During that time in which fox season is the only open season for a game animal, it is also unlaw- ful to possess these weapons. However, per- sons may possess a firearm during the closed season on these game lands if: » it is cased or not immediately available for use; » it is used by persons participating in field trials on field trial areas; » it is possessed in designated camping ar- eas for defense of persons and property; » or if it is a .22-caliber pistol with a barrel, not greater than 7.5 inches in length and shooting only short, long or long rifle am- munition, carried as a side arm. In accordance with Code of Federal Regu- lations, the possession of loaded firearms, ammunition, loaded projectile firing devices, bows and arrows, crossbows, or other weap- ons is prohibited on Butner-Falls of Neuse, Jor- dan, Kerr Scott, and Vance game lands unless: » in the possession of a Federal, State or local law enforcement officer; » being used for hunting or fishing, with de- vices being unloaded when transported to, from or between hunting and fishing sites; » being used at authorized shooting ranges; or » written permission has been received from the District Commander.
• Where prohibited, target shooting is defined as the discharge of a firearm for purposes other than hunting, trapping or self-defense. Training, Hunting, and Recreating with Dogs • Except for authorized field trials, dogs may not be trained or allowed to run unleashed from April 1 through August 15 on any game land located west of I-95 and from March 15 through June 15 east of I-95. • On game lands west of I-95, dogs also may not be trained or allowed to run unleashed during daylight hours on dates when special hunts are scheduled for the Disabled Sports- man Program. Additional restrictions apply to some designated bear management areas and game lands. Designated Bear Management Areas • It is unlawful to hunt bear on a designated bear management area, except by permit where allowed. (See page 61.) • Dogs may not be used to pursue bear, except during permit hunts that allow hunting bear with dogs. • It is unlawful to take feral swine on desig- nated bear management areas except during the deer archery season, deer blackpowder season, deer gun season and any small game season using only weapons and manner of take prescribed for that hunting season.
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