King's Business - 1956-08

SPECIAL REPORT ! Dawson Trotman & his Navigators six pages of text & photos THE KING'S BUSINESS

Augus t 1956


Milestones in Modern Missions

1792 — Triumph over the indifferent Church William Carey & world-wide Missions

1865 — Triumph of faith missions — Hudson Taylor & the China Inland Mission

1908 — Triumph of Christian Education in West — The Bible Institute of Los Angeles founded.

1956 — T r ium ph over tragedy — McCully, Fleming, Elliott, Saint & Youderian


/ Preparation for further advance in Modern Missions \! Accredited training in Nursing, Dentistry, and Dispensary 4 A passport to more effective service on the foreign fields 4 Unique missionary medical training for men and women

Tuition free. Offered k to graduates of colleges BIOLA SCHOOL OF today for free cotolog. V MISSIONARY MEDICINE a school of _ _ _ _ . ^

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Meaningful Missionary Medicine

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Scofield New Testament


W h a t Ch ris tian Leaders A re Saying

HYMAN APPELMAN, Evangelist The Scofield New Testament is terrific. I am having it by my pillow, and using it con­ stantly. FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, Headmaster, The Stony Brook School This edition of The Scofield New Testament is a most attractive one. C. E. MASON JR., Dean, Philadelphia Bible In­ stitute I believe you have done a real service to the Christian church and a statesman-like thing by issuing a Scofield New Testament in this handy style. DAWSON TROTMAN, the late President of The Navigators. Mr. Trotman wrote this testimony shortly before his untimely death in a boating accident at a New York youth conference. I am using the Scofield Reference New Tes­ tament with a great deal of pleasure! I like it very much and know it is bound to have a very wide usage.

specifications Page size: 3% x 5 5¡16. It is identical—page for page— with the larger size Scofield Bible. Printed on genuine Oxford India paper. Leatheroid binding 3.75. *• Leather binding 5.00. Morocco (leather lined) binding 7.50.

where to buy See your local book store or order by mail from

THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.


A UGU S T , 1 9 5 6

only YOU can do it I t is a glorious fact that God has given each of us the power of choice. In the matter of salvation God has done everything and then comes to our heart’s door and knocks. Only we can open that door. He will not force His way in against our will. In the matter of stewardship it is the same. The cattle on a thousand hills are His. All that we possess comes from Him. Then, as when we were saved, He comes gently and knocks. He asks us about our possessions. And again, only we can make the choice. W e can hug them closely to ourselves or we can, out of an open and pure love, give back to Him in order that His work on earth might go on. For nearly 50 years the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. has enjoyed a steadily increasing ministry. Through the grace of our Lord and Saviour this ministry has expanded until today it includes a Bible institute, college, school of missionary medicine, theological seminary, foreign mission outposts in Hong Kong, radio broadcasts (half hour gospel programs three times each week over nearly 50 stations) and a literature work (tracts, books, monthly magazine [The King’s Business]). Many new friends are needed right now to carry on and expand this vital ministry. Some of you will have estates and cash amount­ ing to many thousands of dollars. Others perhaps will have only a few dollars. Our Saviour knows your ability to give. And knowing that He knows and cares is all that matters. O f course each gift is deductible for income tax purposes. When you give you may designate how you want your gift used by checking the appropriate box below. Because you have freely re­ ceived, therefore, freely give.

Match Sticks

Sirs: I write this short letter to share the blessings of one of the object lessons of the February issue with the match sticks. Because of it, one of our sixth graders made a decision for Christ. San Diego, Calif. J. P. Giordano Sirs: As a result of the article in the June issue entitled “Higher Educa­ tion” by George H. Moore, I have become more interested in teaching, writing, psychology, government service and social service as a means for me to have an influential part in the King’s business. Colorado Springs, Colo. Allan Taylor Sirs: The article for June aroused a question in my mind. It said, “We must ask in simple faith and never add any ‘buts’ to our requests.” In lessons or sermons on prayer I have previously heard preachers say we should always add “ if it be Thy will.” Isn’t it right to add “ but if it is Thy will to allow this illness . . . etc.?” I’ve never thought we should pray to be spared from childhood diseases such as measles Sirs: I have some old magazines I am glad I saved. The reading in them is priceless and something for a mature Christian. The present K.B. may be fine for young people, still it has too much worldly style. Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. C. 6. Taylor Sirs: I happen to be in the Conserva­ tive Baptist work and a member of the Board. And I have of course been put on the spot a bit because of the stand I took two years ago on the pretribulation issue. I just want to write to thank you for your article. I’m sure your clear-cut statement has been a real help to us. I praise God for your stand. Auburn, Wash. E. P. Fosmark, Pastor Bible Baptist Church Higher Education Under the Parsonage Roof or chicken pox. Santa Ana, Calif. Mrs. J. Carlson Fine for Young People Pretribulation

Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

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S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board AUGUST


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In the year of our Saviour Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Six

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Vol. 47, No. 8

Established 1910


Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home


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ARTICLES PROGRESS REPORT — Roy A. Myers .................................................... 9 DAWSON TROTMAN & HIS NAVIGATORS — Photo story .............. 10 PRAY THE LORD OF THE HARVEST — Andrew Murray ................ 16 STRENGTH AGAINST SIN — Horatius Bonar ...................................... 18 COMFORTABLE OR COMFORTED? — Arthur H. Townsend .............. 19 REINCARNATION & BRIDEY MURPHY — J. Vernon McGee 21 STAMPS IN MY PRAYER BOOK— Robert Sherer Wilson .............. 23 PARABLE FROM OUR CHILDHOOD — Marie Maniré Chapman & Donald Rutledge FEATURES READER REACTION .................................................................................... 4 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ....................... 6 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ....................... 7 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................................ 8 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — The Forgetful Fawn — BettyBruechert ............ 24 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ...... ..................... 26 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ........................... 27 SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES: JOHN — Chester J. Padgett ......... 28 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .............................................................. 34 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore 35 ADVERTISERS' INDEX .................................................................................. 42

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CHR ISTIAN EDUCATION OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ...................................................... 36

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COVER The delightful young lady on this month's cover is lazily investigating a shady country road. And she m ight be anyone of us as we wander in our mind's eye back to childhood days in the country. For a photo essay parable bu ilt around this theme see page 38. — photo : Eva Luoma

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor


LLOYD HAMILL: managing editor LUCY BARAJIKIAN: editorial assistant STELLA KINTER: circulation manager SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." Date o f expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager. 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.

ROSE HARDIE: copy editor

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MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.




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A U G U S T , 1 9 5 6

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller DEARNESS

Macedonia Still Calling! If the Apostle Paul were here today, how he would rejoice to know that there is a Macedonian Bible Institute in that land which so urgently besought his help in Biblical days. This semes­ ter, in addition to the 80 students from the town of Katerini (where the Insti­ tute is located), we have 22 from out­ lying areas. Among them is a fine young couple from Neos Mylotopos, Mr. and Mrs. Kalalides, who are anx­ ious to give themselves to the Lord’s work; also two young men who have the faith, zeal and general education necessary for training, but lack their support. They are Basil Zettas and John Karayiannides. We have prayed that the Lord will send forth laborers and He has an­ swered by sending us Spirit-filled young men and women ready to be thrust forth, but unfortunately we can­ not train them without your help. How our hearts grieve as we see so much need and hunger for the Word of God in Greece and such a dearth of work­ ers! Now we pray that as God has put it into their hearts to serve Him, so He will put it into your hearts to support them. In addition to the young people, it is most touching and encouraging to have among our regular students dear Brother Terzis, who at 54 years of age has left all to follow Christ. Seven times he has been arraigned in crimi­ nal courts because of his boldness in witnessing. It would he a great serv­ ice for the Lord if someone in America would help him to realize his holy desire of working as an evangelist in the field of Thrace. For less than a dollar a day you can help to turn this country upside down by sending forth the Greeks among the Greeks to bring them to Christ. Think of it—only $25 a month is all it takes to put a student through Bible School. Any part of that sum, sent regularly, will be a real blessing. You will receive your student’s testi­ mony and picture and have the joy of corresponding with the one you help support. Send your gift to the Ameri­ can Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, New York. (If you live in Canada, write to 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.)

Y our son is a fine boy. He’s been an asset to our school and, I might add, a very capable president of the Senior class.” Bill’s English teacher was speaking to Mother and Daddy at the close of baccalaureate service. “You may well be proud of Bill.” As Mother murmured thanks to the teacher there ran through her heart and mind a panoramic view of her son’s life up to this point. Many pleasures, heartaches, spankings and trials had entered into the rearing of the boy. An early acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour had introduced the really important influence in the life of this dear child. Now as he stood poised on the threshold of further preparation for a full life of service, Mother experienced a new apprecia­ tion of Bill’s dearness. God had only loaned him to her and she was grate­ ful for the privilege of being his “ cus­ todian.” Through the years there had been times when Mother wasn’t sure how the boy would respond to her loving discipline. But God honors those who honor Him, hence, the parents’ work paid off. Now a new flood swept Mother’s being. Of all her nine lambs, not one is dearer than another. How can she tell how her heart is wrapped around her eldest boy who is now stricken with a deadly illness? He too is a loan from the Lord. Dare Mother dictate how God shall use him and when He shall take him? No! Part of his dear­ ness is wrapped up in the knowledge that Bob belongs to the Lord. The sensitive face of David next in­ truded itself upon Mother’s attention. Looking so angelic as he plays his violin; being so all-boy and some­ times quite bombastic when directing a passionately loved baseball game, Mother envisions a fruitful service for his Lord as he grows into manhood. He daily becomes dearer as he enters into fuller spiritual fellowship with his parents. Dear to the heart of God are all those washed in the blood of the Lamb. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them . . .” (John 10:27). “ Be­ hold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God . . .” (1 John 3:1). How sweet to rest in the knowledge that we are dear to His heart.

• I HE ABC NETWORK 9 a.m. Mountain Time 8 a.m. in all other time zones • THE MUTUAL NETWORK 10 a.m. Eastern Time 9 a.m. Central Time 8 a.m. Mountain Time 9 a.m. Pacific Time Subject for August: A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE Richard DeHaan will bring the messages during August. Write today for your FREE radio log THE RADIO BIBLE CLASS P.O. Box 22 Grand Rapids, Michigan




A monthly column of names in the news Twenty-four years after graduating from the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles, twin missionary brothers, Don and Dick Hillis, returned to receive honorary doctor of divinity degrees at the school’s annual spring com­ mencement exercises. Preceding their current work with Orient Crusades,

Twin honors for D ick <&Don Don served as a missionary in India while brother Dick was active in China prior to the Communist rule. In Grand Rapids there was another twin-billing as the Zondervan Publish­ ing House announced two contests— the $5,000 Fifth International Chris­ tian Fiction Contest as well as a $500 Song Writing Contest to find new action songs and choruses for chil­ dren. Recognizing the aridness of the Christian literary and musical landscape, the publishers hope to un­ cover new talent as well as encourage already established writers and com­ posers to produce a lush crop of ma­ terial for. the Christian public. In Manila, 125 representatives of nearly every evangelical group in the city (including Child Evangelism Mis­ sion, Berean Mission, Far Eastern Gospel Crusade, International Christian Leprosy Mission, Orient Crusades, various Bap­ tist groups, etc.) met to plan a Chris­ tian school for missionary children. The need was as obvious as the old mathematical formula that two plus two equals four. With the Philippine school curriculum differing sharply from U.S. standards, the only other alternative for missionaries is to home-train their children or send them to high-priced boarding schools. But when the proposed school, to be called Faith Academy, opens its doors in June 1957, it will include a board­ ing school for missionaries in the provinces, provide a 12-year curricu­ lum based on U.S. school standards and offer Christian schooling to mem­ bers of the American community.

S e e w h y thousands of Sunday Schools across the continent and all over the world use All-Bible Graded lessons every quarter.

I ACCEPT you r challenge to investigate your points o f comparison. Send me a sample kit for the departments checked below: , D Beginner Dept. , 3 Senior Dept. Q Primary Dept. C] Young People & O Junior Dept. Adult Dept.- • _□ Intermediate EU Home Dept. • (Junior Hi) Dept. • Also send me free information on: ' 1Cradle Roll Dept. Q Nursery Dept. MY NAME_______ !________ ■ " _______________ (__ ) STATE # Pastor Q S.S.Supt. Q Dir.Chr. Ed. Q Sec.Q' Church Name_________________ ;__________ ;_____ W . SCRIPTURE PRESS • 1825 College Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois KBA-86 * ADDRESS.__________ - . CITY



A U G U S T , 1 9 5 6

M u tu m n i y * by Phil Kerr

J o


My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Words by Edward Mote Music by Wm. B. Bradbury

The inspiration for this song was received by a carpenter while walking to his work one morning in London! His name was Edward Mote (1797-1874) and the year was 1834. Eighteen years later he became a Baptist preacher, and at­ tained widespread fame as a writer. “ One morning it came into my mind as I went to labor, to write an hymn on the ‘gracious experi­ ence of a Christian.’ As I went up ITolburn I had the chorus, ‘On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand.’ In the day I had four verses complete and wrote them off. On the Sab­ bath following I met Brother King as I came out of Lisle Street meet­ ing . . . who informed me that his wife was very ill, and asked me to call and see her . . . I called afterwards. He said it was his usual custom to sing a hymn, read a portion, and engage in prayer, before he went to meeting. He looked in his hymnbook, but could find it nowhere. I said, ‘I have some verses in my pockets; if he liked we would sing them.’ We did; and his wife enjoyed them very much . . . As these verses so met the dying woman’s case, my attention to them was the more arrested, and I had a thousand of them printed for distribution . . .” Words and music by Charles H. Gabriel The composer’s son, Charles H. * Gabriel Jr., was called to the colors during World War I. Just before the army transport sailed from New York, his father came to bid him farewell. The boy said, “ Dad, if I never see you again I’ll meet you where the gates never swing outward!” The boy’s state­ ment inspired the writing of this song. Where The Gates Swing Outward Never

to be held in LOS ANGELES, OCT. 7 -1 4

The Second International Congress on j Prophecy held in New York in Novem- I her 1955, was an epoch-making event. ! Thirty-four speakers, representatives of j many Christian Colleges and Theological ; Seminaries, discussed prophetic subjects j covering practically the entire field of i Eschatology in a marked spirit of unanim- ! ity. The findings of this historic gathering are now available in the form of a MANI- j FESTO, and the leading addresses will I soon appear in a book under the title i “ Understanding the Times.” By popular demand another Congress on j Prophecy for the Pacific Coast Area will I be held at the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles this coming October 7-14 with many churches cooperating and a Committee of One Hundred sponsoring the event. Speakers at Los Angeles will in­ clude:

throughout the west... the


John F. Walvoord Alva J. McClain James McGinlay Albert J. Lindsey Archer Weniger Lewis J. Julianel Louis T. Talbot

John G. Mitchell William F. Kerr Hyman J. Appelman R. L. Powell Wilbur M. Smith J. Palmer Muntz Albert J. Johnson

• Heart searching messages • Thrilling testimonies • Outstanding features • Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FREE STATION LOG WRITE TO . BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR LOS ANGELES 17. CALIF.

Herman B. Centz

The American Association for Jewish Evangelism is spearheading this movement for the study and proclamation of the sure word of prophecy, that the saints may be confirmed in “ the faith once for all de­ livered,” and that Israel and all men may be warned to “ flee from the wrath to come.”

For a free copy of the Manifesto write to-.

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM, INC. Dr. A. B. Machlin, Executive Director Dept. K, Winona Lake, Indiana

Send to Prayer Time, The King’ s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.



Progress Report on new Biola campus

b y R a y A . M y e r s

^Tphese are great days for all of us who I are interested in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. You have all heard much about the Vision and Venture on our fine program over the air so many times. We who serve on the board of directors are mighty proud of the part we have in this great venture of building a new $3-million campus. W e have entered in with fear and trembling, but our confidence is in God who is able to do abundantly above all that we ask in faith believing. Never in the 48 years o f our existence have there been such eventful times as are upon us now. So we as directors can well be proud to help head up this important task of expanding our facilities to train more students for this important work. W e feel certain o f the Lord’s leading in this great venture. There have been many answers to our prayers this past year. A l­ though we have wondered many times why the program has not moved faster we know the Lord is never behind but always on time. The planning is progressing very well. W e have dedicated the site and Biola Blvd. is open so you may now drive out over a fine paved street to see our new campus site. When plans are complete we could start construction at once although all o f our funds are not on hand as yet. W e are most grateful for the fine support we have re­

ceived so far and we are looking to the Lord to supply the funds needed in His own good time. I read an article a few days ago that is food for thought. The article stated that this year the Buddhists in India would celebrate the birthday of Buddha by dedi­ cating a monument in New Delhi for which the government would spend more than three million dollars. Another article stated the U.S. government has recom­ mended the expenditure of more than 835 million dollars for aid to nine countries in Asia. When we read news like this we cannot help but wonder what we as Christians are doing with our money to help spread the gospel of Christ. W e think the way to do it is to supply education to fine young peo­ ple like the 120 graduates of this year’s class. These graduates will be spreading the gospel throughout the world as a result of the training supplied them here at B i o l a . W e need our new campus because we have so completely outgrown our quarters down­ town that expansion to train more students is impossible. Let us all pray to the end that the necessary funds will be available to complete our entire program and that we might have our next commencement program in our new home at La Mirada. Our board will do the job of construction if you folks will help us with the necessary funds.

Mr. Myers is a Southern California building contractor and chairman of the board of directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. This message is taken from a talk by him to this year’s graduating class at Biola.


A U G U S T , 1 9 5 6

Dawson Trotman & His Navigators

Produced by The King’s Business in cooperation with Betty Skinner of the Navigators

T he death of Dawson Trotman, president of the Navigators, has stunned the Christian world. When Evangelist Billy Gra­ ham heard the news his first re­ action was, “ I can’t believe it.” Then in a quiet, even voice he re­ peated several times, “ 0 God, I want to rededicate my life.” Anyone knowing Dawson Trot­ man would fully understand why Billy Graham should be so greatly moved. At 50, Dawson Trotman had perhaps the most unusual and far-reaching ministry of any man of his generation. His followers have a dedication and precision that would make the Hitler Youth Movement look like a disorganized band of gypsies. His magnetic per­ sonality drew around him a hard, disciplined core of followers who, using his austerely simple tech­ niques, have literally revolution­ ized evangelism. Death came to Dawson Trotman on the afternoon of June 18. He and eight others were riding with Evangelist Jack Wyrtzen in a speed­ boat on Schroon Lake, N.Y., during the Navigators’ East Coast confer­ ence. When the boat struck a wave Dawson and Allene Beck, a camper, were thrown overboard. Having been reminded that Allene couldn’t swim, Dawson had moved to a seat next to her. After both went under he pulled her up and held her up, treading water until the boat cir­ cled back to the scene. Two swim­ mers dived out of the boat, and a rope and a life buoy were thrown to Dawson. Just as the girl let go and clung to one of the swimmers Dawson, having apparently lost consciousness, slipped under the water. The lake was dredged all afternoon and for the next two days. On the third day the body

That fall she encouraged him to quit his job and attend the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. It was her financial help that made it possible. He graduated in 1931 and two years later launched the world­ wide work of the Navigators. The organ iza tion was built around what Dawson considered the four basics for a healthy Chris­ tian life: the Word, prayer, wit­ nessing, obedience. From the first it was a man-to-man presentation using the pattern which Paul gave to Timothy: “ And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2). He felt it was not enough to introduce a friend to Christ but that he must teach him the things concerning Christian growth, that he in turn might teach another. At first Dawson worked only with sailors. Dawson’s first zealous convert to his system was Lester Spencer of the battleship West Vir­ ginia (Spencer is now with the American Sunday School Union). When Spencer saw Dawson’s rapid- fire familiarity with the Word he told him, “ I’d give my right arm to be able to witness like you.” “No, you wouldn’t,” Trotman said. Spencer’s Scotch-Irish jaw thrust forward. “ I said I would.” For the next three months Trotman coached Spencer as he learned to study his Bible, memorize Scrip­ ture, counsel his buddies concern­ ing Christianity and live a life aboard ship that would be an ex­ ample for any sailor to follow. Spencer began to train a friend in the same way of life, then the sec­ ond helped another. The method has been working to this day. By Pearl Harbor Trotman’s Nav-

was recovered from 50 feet of wa­ ter by Alfred Popp, a skin diver who had heard radio reports of the tragedy. Dawson was an excellent swimmer and had been water ski­ ing earlier in the day. For several years he had had a heart condition but an autopsy showed he died from drowning. Dawson Trotman was born in Bisbee, Ariz. in 1906. The son of an English immigrant who came to America to be a cowboy (he realized his dream after breaking two legs in riding rugged cow ponies), Dawson grew to love ad­ venture, a trait which characterized him all of his life. From the min­ ing town of Bisbee, the family moved to California. There Daw­ son grew up in the little town of Lomita, near Los Angeles. One of his favorite stunts during high school days was to drive dowrf' the streets of Lomita with the throttle of his old car wide open, steering from the back seat with his feet. After school he got a job in a lum­ beryard. (For more on these early days see the account by his high school friend, Graham Tinning.) In later years Dawson recalled that one of the greatest influences in his early life was Miss Irene Mills. She was his general science teacher in grammar school and la­ ter leader of the youth group in the Presbyterian church Dawson at­ tended. Before he was a Christian, Daws was the winner of a Bible memory contest held by Miss Mills. She says only the recording angel knows when Daws accepted the Lord but one day in 1929 herCame close to having a bad accident while riding his motorcycle and then and there he knelt by the roadside and recalling John 5:24 got right with the Lord.



more or less standard greeting: “ Here’s a verse the Lord gave me today.” (Then he repeats the verse, letter perfect with the reference before and after.) After the verse comes a big smile: “And what verse has the Lord given you today?” By now the sense of guilt is complete and the Navigator’s friend can only squawk out some gibberish about not having such a good memory. One rumor has it that several years ago Dawson put out an order tell­ ing his followers to ease up on put­ ting outsiders on the spot. He knew only a few dedicated believers could stand the pace and perfection demanded by the Navigators and that outsiders must be gently led and not pushed. Today Navigator representatives are on six continents and contacts are listed in more than 75 coun­ tries. On the day of his death an­ other step of Dawson’s vision was realized as the Navigators set foot on the continent of Africa to help evangelize and train disciples among the Mau Mau. The Navigators gained new rec­ ognition in 1951 when Billy Gra­ ham asked Dawson to join the way to handle the moving of the back wall of the church). Some­ times we sat with our present wives, sometimes not. One favorite occu­ pation was turning the pages of the hymn books and picking titles of hymns that expressed our amorous delight in the gals who later be­ came our wives. This worked well until someone found a particularly timely title upon which we would shake with laughter. Sometimes the elder Tinning would peer down from the platform intently—but he was a patient man and held his peace. Those Sunday nights used to see the church fill up with young peo­ ple. And so Dad Tinning used to pour out his heart to the young people. Dad had one theme, Christ and. Salvation. Daws heard it! Oc­ casionally dad would take a vaca­ tion or a speaking engagement else­ where and allow me and some of the other young people to take over the evening service. Once we built a garden on the platform with live

Graham team to set up a follow­ up program for converts. Since then he has been responsible for the instruction of those who make decisions during the meetings and laying the groundwork for follow­ up to be carried on by local pastors and church lay workers after the crusades close. Those who were close to Dawson Trotman say that if there was one thing that characterized his Chris­ tian life it was the one word, real­ ity. The Lord was real, the Word was living, prayer was not an arti­ ficial sanctimonious whine, but a vital commun ication with God Himself. If he hated anything pas­ sionately, it was artificiality and hypocrisy. This was the man who died last month in the cold waters of Schroon Lake while saving the life of one of his young followers. Back in Colorado Billy Graham preached the memorial service and then the body of Dawson Trotman was laid to rest high on a lonely plateau overlooking the Navigators’ headquarters at beautiful Glen Eyrie. The grave is by a rock where Dawson often came alone to pray and meditate. plants and shrubs plus a fish pond made out of an old-fashioned wash tub. We figured out some deal so that the water would shoot into the air and then was siphoned over the edge and re-shot into the air. Daws and the other boys and I thought it was terrific. It was. As I deliv­ ered a message on “ God’s Garden” the audience listened intently for a few moments. The fountain began to act queerly, the water to shoot violently this way and that which would have passed unnoticed ex­ cept that as the water was drawn off, air was sucked into the hose and very loud gurgling sounds echoed over the auditorium much to the delight of Daws and the oth­ ers who knew they had me in a tight place and enjoyed it fully. After we got our girls home we frequently met at some pre-ar­ ranged place and would ride about in Dawson’s big red (sports car with tan top) Buick. Strangely enough even in those days Daws didn’t miss anything that anyone

Daw son Trotman continued

igators were aboard 100 ships. By the time the war was over they were on 1,000 ships and in many army camps. Out of the prayers and efforts to reach servicemen grew the earliest materials with which tens of thousands of people are now familiar *— the B-Rations, the Search the Scriptures Bible study plan and the Topical Mem­ ory System. After the war the Navigator work branched out to include men and women not in the service. But the invitation to join the inner circle was never wide open. The Navigators have never been inter­ ested in cluttering their organiza­ tion with lazy Christians. Only the dedicated are tolerated. Because of this rigorous spiritual discipline a few outsiders have felt the organ­ ization was made up of super­ religious snobs. When many a Christian, (this was more true a few years back) sees a fledgling Navigator heading his way an un­ easy sense of guilt seems to engulf him as he braces himself for the I ’ve known Dawson and Lila Trotman for 30 years. I was the smart aleck preacher’s son and Daws was a roughneck working on the Patten Blinn Lumber Co. docks at San Pedro. Daws was a little older than I and I’m not sure whether he did or did not gradu­ ate from Narbonne High School. I was in my senior year when my dad took over the Lomita Commu­ nity Presbyterian Church. Irene Mills and Laura Thomas (deceased) had a Fun and Study Club every Thursday night to which these two old maid school­ teachers attracted 30-45 high school girls and fellows. To most of us they gave an expensive Scofield Bible. As I recall the time came when they gave one to Daws but that took time. He came to F&S Club because of the girls and years later married Lila Clayton who was somewhat younger than he. Dawson and I used to meet in the back row (we would have sat further back if there had been any

I wentto high school with




was go to Daws and apologize for my treatment of him and ask his forgiveness. I couldn’t have had a warmer reception from anyone. Dr. S. H. Sutherland, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. I have known Dawson Trot­ man since 1929. Through the years we at B io l a have seen the evidence of the value of his Navigators’ work. He directed many of the servicemen to this school for their training. The Navigators have al­ ways stood out among their fellow students because of their knowledge of the Word of God, their zeal in personal work and their over-all spiritual alertness. We here at B io l a have had in mind to confer an honorary degree (doctor of di­ vinity) upon Dawson within the near future. But that is not neces­ sary now for he has entered in his inheritance and a crown of right­ eousness has been presented to him —an honor which would make any human honor fade into utter and complete insignificance. ing. His meetings which he lead in Christian Endeavor were com­ pletely thought out and probably over the heads of some of his lis­ teners. The whole gang came, how­ ever, when Daws was leading as they could expect some good laughs and Dawson would certainly bring up some amazing ideas. Everywhere that Daws went he talked about Christ and what exper­ iences he was having as a believer. He went from extreme disbelief to strong aggressive belief. Even in those days Daws was a dominant figure in any group. His language was not always the King’s English but everyone knew Dawson and what he thought and why. We can look back now and see what an organizer he was then only to real­ ize how he was practicing for the years in which he built up Navi­ gators not as an organization to glorify Daws or any human being but as an organization with only one purpose, that of presenting Christ and the way of salvation.

and right now we have nearly a quarter of a million taking the courses. When I was at B io l a I remember Dawson coming in on his motorcycle from the beach every day. He would pull into B i o l a memorizing verses of Scrip­ ture. And I remember two or three times he challenged my own life by saying to me, “Are you hiding God’s Word away in your heart?” Evangelist Jim Vaus. About 20 years ago when I was a student at B io l a I was invited to speak with a team in the home Daws had in Long Beach. After I finished my address he called me over to one corner and he said, “ You’re noth­ ing but a phony.” And he proceed­ ed to tell me how he detected this in my life and that I really didn’t know Christ. He said that I had better get squared away with Christ. I bore a real grudge against Daws for many years after that. Years later I was saved in the Billy Graham campaign in Los Angeles and one of the first things I did All during this time Dad Tin­ ning, Irene Mills and Laura Thom­ as used to have conferences with Daws when he was around. And he was always willing to talk and argue as long as they could stand up. Even in those days he was very thorough. He could remember ar­ guments brought up by the long­ shoremen on the docks as they ate their lunches. And Satan certainly was working to win but how glori­ ously the Holy Spirit dealt with Dawson. Somewhere along here Dad Tinning prevailed upon the elders to allow a “ Fishermen’s Club to be organized” and held in the church edifice. Dawson had begun to grow in things of the Spirit as was manifest by his use then (think of it) of small cards on which he listed verses that impressed him. He carried them with him every­ where and he told everyone at chùrch and at Patten Blinn and Fishermen’s Club what he was do­

William G. Nyman, Secretary-trea­ surer, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Shortly after our incorporation in 1942 we asked Dawson to serve as a member of our board of direc­ tors. His advice in screening candi­ dates for Wycliffe membership was invaluable, e sp e cia lly when we were considering so called “ border­ line cases.” A large segment of Wycliffe’s 593 Bible translators are the result of Dawson’s personal in­ terest in helping Christian young people find an outlet of service. Dr. Bob Pierce, President of World Vision, Inc. People in America have very little conception of what a contribution Dawson Trotman and the Navigators have made to the cause of missions world-wide. This outreach of Dawson Trotman has already blessed every one of the missionaries in Korea. Dr. Dick Hillis, Director of Orient Crusades. We are using the Navi­ gator memory system and the Bible study course throughout the Orient

Dawson Trotman by Graham Tinning, 'Executive Director, Forest Home Christian Conference Center said. Frequently he would bring up parts of dad’s sermon. Remem­ ber, he was very much “ anti­ church” in those days and came to criticize and to see the girls and other fellows. He’d not bring up the simple questions but would get started on such issues like “ Is man a free moral agent and if so why does he need God?” or “How can you call yourself a Christian— you’re no different than anyone else,” or what is “ this thing called propitiation?” That was rough be­ cause I could hardly pronounce the word and my own theology was a bit sketchy at that time. two of us might be up to) and the townspeople came each year.

Daws used to work with me when we kids in the high school Christian Endeavor society put on an Easter sunrise service each year. Somehow we wrote our own pub­ licity and actually got it in the Lomita, San Pedro, Wilmington and Long Beach papers. We got speakers and choirs, even police (part of the reason two officers came was to see just what one or


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Daw son Trotman continued

This is one of last photos taken of Dawson. Planning new Navigator work in Africa are Joe Shankle, Dick Hightower, Dawson, Bob Howarth and. Doug Sparks. Dawson refinished and upholstered desk and paint­ ed picture on wall. Until recently he rare­ ly slept more than five hours a night. When not working he grasped every spare minute to vigorously pursue some hobby. He enjoyed water skiing, hunting, oil painting, building. His latest interest was the Hammond organ. If there was one thing he disliked it was half-heartedness in anything. His will to excel and to win in anything he attempted made him a rugged competitor and at times caused rather keen discomfort to the half-hearted.

Dawson’s Early Life

Upper left photo shows store in Bisbee, Ariz. where Dawson’s father worked ( that’s him on horseback at right of photo). Dawson was born in 1906 in building just showing at rear of store. Downstairs, thousands of sticks of dynamite w ere stored for copper mines. Above is Dawson with oldest sister and brother Rowland who died at 23 while saving the life of a young girl in a mountain fall. Lower left is another fam ily snapshot. A fter Dawson’s death his w ife, Lila, told how they had antici­ pated it: “ I shared what the Lord had been speaking to me about . . . that H e was going to take Dawson. W e sat there facing the water and he shared with me again plans for our children and a 10-year program for the Navigator work.



A t left is Miss Irene M ills, Dawson’s grammar school teacher and church C.E. leader. It was she who started Dawson memorizing verses and who later provided money to attend the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Biola records show that during one four month period he dealt with 51 men, preached 31 times, taught 14 Sunday school classes, held 21 shop meetings, two mission meetings, gave out 231 tracts and six Bibles. Right photo shows Miss M ills in front of old Trotman home in Lomita where Dawson had his first office. His first memory system had verses in a 3x4" booklet with verses on one side of page and ref­ erence on reverse side. The cards came later.

L eft to right photos show: Dawson, Lila and Miss M ills on camping trip; Lila circa 1929; Christmas in Colorado Springs .

A recent photo of Dau>son at California’s Acorn Lodge. Above right is 36-year-old L om e Sanny who automatically took over as the world-wide director for the Navigators.

In studios of Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Dawson’s father, 84-year-old Charles E. “Dan” Trotman, listens to a replay of broadcast dedicated to his son. The senior Trotman became a Christian about five years ago. He often told Daws and Lila, “ Just let me alone. I don’t want to be pushed into anything.” He refers to Lila as “ m y dear sweet Lila” ; maintains he picked her out for Daws when she was only 13.


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In the school of prayer with Andrew Murray


T he Lord frequently taught His disciples that they must pray, and how, but seldom what to pray. This he left to their sense of need and the leading of the Spirit. But in Matt. 9:37, 38 He expressly enjoins them to remember that in view of the plenteous harvest and the need of reapers, they must cry to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers. Just as in the parable of the friend at midnight, He would have them understand that prayer is not to be selfish; so here it is the power through which blessing can come to others. The Father is Lord of the harvest; when we pray for the Holy Spirit, we must pray for Him to prepare and send forth la­ borers for the work. Strange, is it not, that He should ask His disciples to pray for this? And could He not pray Himself? And would not one prayer of His avail more than a thousand of theirs? And God, the Lord of the harvest, did He not see the need? And would He, in His own good time, send forth laborers without their prayer? Such questions lead us up to the deepest mysteries of prayer and its power in the king­ dom of God. The answer to such questions will convince us that prayer is indeed a power on which the ingathering of the harvest and the coming of the kingdom do in very truth depend. Prayer is no form or show. The Lord Jesus was Himself the truth; everything He spoke was the deep­ est truth. It was when (Matt. 9:36) He saw the multitudes, and was moved with compassion on them, because they were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd that He called on the disciples to pray for laborers to be sent among them. He did so because He really be­ lieved that their prayer was needed and would help. The veil which so hides the invisible world from us was wonderfully transparent to the

holy human soul of Jesus. He had looked long and deep and far into the hidden connection of cause and effect in the spirit world. He had marked in God’s Word how, when God called men like Abraham and Moses, Joshua and Samuel and Daniel, and given them authority over men in His name, He had at the same time given them authority and right to call in the powers of heaven to their aid as they needed them. He knew that as to these men of old and to Himself for a time, here upon earth, the work of God had been entrusted, so it was now about to pass over into the hands of His disciples. He knew that when this work should be given in charge to them, it would not be a mere matter of form or show but that on them, and their being faithful or unfaithful, the success of the work would actually depend. As a single individual within the limitations of a human body and a human life, Jesus feels how little a short visit can accomplish among these wan­ dering sheep He sees around Him, and He longs for help to have them properly cared for. And so he tells His disciples now to begin and pray and when they have taken oyer the work from Him on earth to make this one of the chief petitions in their prayer: That the Lord of the harvest Himself would send forth laborers into His harvest. The God who entrusted them with the work and made it to so large extent de­ pendent on them, gives them au­ thority to apply to Him for laborers to help and makes the supply de­ pendent on their prayer. How little Christians really feel and mourn the need of laborers in the fields of the world so white to the harvest. And how little they be­ lieve that our labor-supply depends on prayer, that prayer will really provide “ as many as he needeth.” Not that the dearth of labor is not known or discussed. Not that efforts

are not sometimes put forth to sup­ ply the want. But how little the burden of the sheep wandering without a Shepherd is really borne in the faith that the Lord of the harvest will, in answer to prayer, send forth the laborers, and in the solemn conviction that without this prayer fields ready for reaping will be left to perish. And yet it is so. So wonderful is the surrender of His work into the hands of His Church, so dependent has the Lord made Himself on them as His body through whom alone His work can be done, so real is the power which the Lord gives Has people in heaven and earth that the number of labor­ ers and the measure of the harvest does actually depend upon their prayer. Solemn thought! O why is it that we do not obey the injunction of the Master more heartily and cry more earnestly for laborers? There are two reasons for this. The one is: We miss the compassion of Jesus which gave rise to this request for prayer. When believers learn that to love their neighbors as themselves, that to live entirely for God’s glory be­ fore their fellow-men is the Father’s first commandment to His redeemed ones, they will accept perishing ones as the cha r g e en t ru s t ed them by their Lord. And accepting them not only as a field of labor, but as the objects of loving care and interest, it will not be long be­ fore compassion towards the hope­ lessly perishing will touch then- heart and the cry ascend with an earnestness till then unknown : Lord! send laborers. The other rea­ son for the neglect of the command, the want of faith, will then make itself felt but will be overcome as our pity pleads for help. We believe too little in the power of prayer to bring about definite results. We do not live close enough to God and are not enough entirely given up to His service and kingdom to be ca-



OF THE HARVEST pable of the confidence that He will give it in answer to our prayer. O let us pray for a life so one with Christ that His compassion may stream into us and His Spirit assure us that our prayer avails.

in answer to our prayer, blessing has been given that o t h e rw i s e w’ould not have come. Lord, Teach Us to Pray Blessed Lord! Thou hast this day again given us another of Thy won­ drous lessons to learn. We humbly ask Thee, 0 give us to see aright the spiritual realities of which Thou hast been speaking. There is the harvest which is so large, and per­ ishing as it waits for sleepy disci­ ples to give the signal for laborers to come. Lord, teach us to look out upon it with a heart moved with compassion and pity. There are the laborers, so few Lord, show us how terrible the sin of the want of prayer and faith of which this is the token. And there is the Lord of the harvest, so able and ready to send them forth. Lord, show us how He does indeed wait for the prayer to which He has bound His answer. And there are the disciples to whom the commission to pray has been given: Lord, show us how Thou canst pour down Thy Spirit and breathe upon them so that Thy compassion and the faith in Thy promise shall rouse them to unceas­ ing, prevailing prayer. O our Lord! We cannot under­ stand how Thou canst entrust such work and give such power to men so slothful and unfaithful. We thank Thee for all whom Thou art teach­ ing to cry day and night for labor­ ers to be sent forth. Lord, breathe Thine own Spirit on all Thy chil­ dren that they may learn to live for this one thing alone — the kingdom and glory of their Lord — and be­ come fully awake to the faith of what their prayer can accomplish. And let all our hearts in this, as in every petition, be filled with the assurance that prayer offered in loving faith in the living God will bring certain and abundant answer. Amen. END.

Solemn, blessed thought! this power has been given us in prayer to provide the need of the world, to secure the servants for God’s work. The Lord of the harvest will hear. Christ, who called us so spe­ cially to pray thus, will support our prayers offered in His name and interest. Let us set apart time and give ourselves to this part of our intercessory work. It will lead us into the fellowship of that compas­ sionate heart of His that led Him to call for our prayers. It will elevate us to the insight of our regal posi-

Such prayer will ask and obtain a two-fold blessing. There will first be the desire for the increase of men entirely given up to the service of God. It is a terrible blot upon the Church of Christ that there are times when actually men cannot be found for the service of the Master as ministers, missionaries or teach­ ers of God’s Word. As God’s chil­ dren make this a matter of suppli­ cation for t he i r own c i r c l e or church, it will be given. The Lord Jesus is now Lord of the harvest. He has been exalted to bestow gifts — gifts of the Spirit. His chief gifts are men filled with the Spirit. But the supply and distribution of the gifts depend on the cooperation of Head and members. It is just prayer that will lead to such cooperation; the believing suppliants will be stirred to find the •men and the means for the work. The other blessing to be asked will not be less. Every believer is a laborer; there is not one of God’s children who has been redeemed for service and has not his work wait­ ing. It must be our prayer that the Lord would so fill all His people with the spirit of devotion that not one may be found standing idle in the vineyard. Wherever there is a complaint of the want of helpers or of fit helpers in God’s work, prayer has the promise of a supply. There is no Sunday school or district visit­ ing, no Bible reading or rescue work, where God is not ready and able to provide. It may take time and importunity, but the command of Christ to ask the Lord of the har­ vest is the pledge that the prayer will be heard: “ I say unto you, he will arise and give him as many as he needeth.”

Each morning at eight the editorial staff of King's Busi­ ness magazine ga t h e r s for prayer. Over the years God has onswcred the heartcry of thou­ sands. Should you have a request we would count it a privilege to take it to the A throne of grace. Your request w ill be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Edi­ tors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.




tion as those whose will counts for something with the great God in the advancement of His kingdom. It will make us feel how really we are God’s fellow-workers on earth to whom a share in His work has in downright earnest been entrusted. It will make us partakers in the soul travail but also in the soul sat­ isfaction of Jesus, as we know how,


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