King's Business - 1956-08

Doctrinal pointers by Gerald B. Stanton, Th.D. Prof, of Systematic Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary

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P l a c e s o f F i n a l D e s t i n y

H aving previously discussed the tem­ porary places of destiny as re­ vealed in the Bible, it now re­ mains to indicate the two final places of destiny for both men and angels. Human reason and earthly justice cry out for an ultimate time when wrongs will be finally righted, when sins will be punished and all rebel­ lion put down, when judgment will be meted out to the wicked and re­ wards to the righteous. With a final­ ity which excludes any contrary tes­ timony, the Scriptures declare that this shall be accomplished in heaven or in the lake of fire. Lake of Fire. Although the time of its creation is unknown, the pri­ mary purpose of the lake of fire is clearly revealed. It was prepared of God for the devil and the angels which fell with him (Matt. 25:41). Salvation and heaven are God’s pro­ vision for man (2 Pet. 3:9), but those who persist in following after Satan and die without saving faith in Christ will of necessity share Satan’s abode in eternity (Rev. 19:20). The lake of fire is described as “ burning with brimstone,” where there is torment “forever and ever.” To be cast therein is known as the “ second death,” and this shall be the part of all those unrecorded in the Lamb’s book of life (Rev. 20:14,15). Those who enter the lake of fire in­ clude the beast and the false proph­ et and Satan their master (Rev. 19: 20; 20:10). Death and Hades shall also be cast therein (Rev. 20:14), to­ gether with all who stand before the “ great white throne” (Rev. 20:11-15). The citizens of this final hell are de­ scribed in Revelation 21:8. The lake of fire is not yet occu­ NEW BOOK. When the true Church is more disturbed by questions on the return of Christ than it has been for half a century, I am gratified that sufficient time and ample research have gone into a Biblical and theological defense of the pretribulation rapture. Although painstakingly thorough,

pied; the antichrist and his blasphem­ ing lieutenant shall be the first ones cast therein. Their presence 1,000 years later indicates that they are not consume^. The Bible does not sustain the annihilation of the wick­ ed. However, it does warn of this awful place of eternal torment. We who know the “terror of the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:11) should urge sinners everywhere to flee to the refuge and salvation available in Christ alone. Gehenna. This term is found 12 times in the New Testament (Matt. 5:22,29,30; 10:28, etc.). It is used al­ most invariably by Christ, the only exception being James 3:6. “ Gehenna” comes from two Hebrew words which mean “ the Valley of Hinnom,” once a pleasant valley to the’ south of Jerusalem. It was early defiled by the vile worship of Moloch, in which young children were burned alive before a brazen idol. At the time of the Chaldean invasion, the valley was filled with rotting corpses too numerous to bury. Later it be­ came the refuse dump for the erttire city of Jerusalem, offensive in ap­ pearance and vile and polluted in odor. Fires burned continually to consume the debris of the city. It was a horrible scene with which every Jew was acquainted, and on the lips of Christ it became a figure of an obviously worse place into which the wicked shall eventually be cast. It pictures the utter corruption of the lost and the continual burning fires of their torment. Gehenna is evidently synonymous with the lake of fire. It is another name for the place of p e rm an en t punishment which yet awaits the arrival of the wicked. (To be concluded.) END. "Kept From The Hour,” by Dr. Gerald B. Stanton, is readable and enjoyable. It is completely documented with extensive bib­ liography and Scripture index. Without res­ ervation I recommend it. — Louis T. Talbot, D.D., Chancellor, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

Copies available at $3.95 postpaid from "Kept From The Hour," Box 635, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.


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