King's Business - 1956-08


I Only $400 Per Year Includes Tuition, Room-Board and Books It's too late to be indifferent! Because of the urgency of the hour CHRIST BIBLICAL SEMI­ NARY trains men and women, at less than cost, to take the glorious Gospel to a world lost in the darkness of sin. Char­ tered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. Apply NOW. • EVANGELICAL • SPIRITUAL • BIBLICAL • PRACTICAL There is an urgent call in these last days for dedicated Evangelists. Missionaries. Pastors. Teachers and part or full time Christian Workers. No better place than Christ Biblical Seminary with a campus of 84 acres, crowning a 1500 ft. crest of the Alleghenies will be found tor born-again Christian young people. Investigate today. Complete curriculum. Catalog FREE. Write Room 226 Harold Geo. Martin, Ph.D., Th.D., Pres. Willard Norman Harrison, Th.D., Dean ADMINISTRATION BUILDING

Outline helps and questions for personal and

Searching the

John (continued)


Hornell, New York

Study Questions on Chapters 4 and 5

3 6 0 million Indians need your prayers! Training national workers is a sound investment; $10 a month pro­ vides board and room for one student at the Hindustan Bible Institute in Madras, India. WE TRAIN NATIONAL MISSIONARIES IN INDIA For more complete information, write: Hindustan Bible Institute 1059 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 15, Calif.

(Continued) 1. Note the steps indicated in 4:47 with regard to the action of the noble­ man. Apply these steps in the matter of salvation; in the matter of prayer. 2. What is the meaning of our Sav­ iour’s complaint in 4:48? (cf. 20:29.) Do you need the spectacular in order to believe God? 3. What is so remarkable about the healing of the nobleman’s son? (w . 50-53.) Is it any more difficult for our Lord to heal at a distance? 4. Apply the description of the peo­ ple gathered on the porches at Bethes- da to the spiritual condition of many believers today (5:3). 5. How is the wonderful character of the healing recorded in this section emphasized by verse 5? How does this fact become a symbol of all healing of the soul by the Great Physician? Study Questions on Chapter 5 ( Continued) 1. What is the purpose of our Lord’s question in verse 6? Think about the need of being specific in prayer. 2. How did this miracle of mercy affect the Jewish leaders? (w . 10, 16.) 3. Think through and list some of the dire consequences of tfaditional- ism and legalism in the church. 4. What command did our Saviour give to the man who was healed? (v. 14.) 5., This marvelous chapter gives many evidences for the deity of Jesus Christ. One of these is given in verse 17. What is the meaning of this state­ ment? (cf. v. 18.) Note in verse 19 and verse 30, how the Saviour teaches His equality and inseparable relation with the Father. They were so one

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