King's Business - 1956-08


group study


b y C h e ste r J. P adgett

that neither could do or say anything apart from the other. What a proof of our Lord’s deity! Study Questions on Chapter 5 (Continued) 1. What work of God does our Lord claim ability to do in verse 21? 2. What divine work does our Lord claim in verse 22? 3. What mark of deity does our Saviour claim in verse 23? 4. What are the conditions of re­ ceiving eternal life? (v. 24.) 5. Who are the “ dead” in verse 25? Have you experienced this spiritual resurrection? Study Questions on Chapter 5 (Continued) 1. What resurrection does our Lord have in mind in verses 28,29? W ill there be a time difference in the res­ urrection of the righteous and the resurrection of the wicked? (See 1 Thes. 4:13-18 and cf. Rev. 20:6-15.) 2. Who is the “ other” who bears witness to the deity of Christ in verse 32? (See Matt. 3:17.) 3. What witness does our Lord ap­ peal to in verses 33-35? Why was this witness so important? 4. What does our Lord say of John in verse 35? What do these terms mean? How can they apply to the believer today? 5. What further witness does our Lord mention in verse 36? (See 20:30, 31.) Study Questions on Chapter 5 (Continued) 1. Why could not many men re­ ceive the witness of God regarding His Son? (v. 38.) Is the same true today? (See 1 Cor. 2:14; Matt. 11:27.) CONTINUED


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