King's Business - 1956-08



BIBLE STUDY continued


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Lord make regarding the Holy Spirit? (7:37-39.) How does the prophecy apply? 2. What central lesson is taught by the paragraph regarding the sinful woman? (8:1-11.) 3. How does C h r i s t t e a c h His equality and oneness with the Father? (v. 19.) 4. What is implied in our Lord’s severe words in 8:21-24? 5. What is the evidence of disciple- ship? (v. 31.) Study Questions on Chapter 8 (Continued) 1. What is the truth and how does the truth liberate? (w . 32-36.) 2. What tragic mistake did the Jews make according to verses 37-42? (Study Rom. 2:17-29.) 3. Who is the spiritual father of unbelievers? (v. 44; Eph. 2:1-3.) 4. What is implied in the words, “ ye cannot hear my word” ? (v. 43.) 5. How does Christ teach His pre­ existence in verses 52-59? Study Questions on Chapter 9 1. How does chapter 9 illustrate the truth of 8:12? 2. What fundamental truth is taught regarding human physical ills in verses 1-3? 3. Why do you think our Lord used the therapeutic clay in the healing of the blind man? (v. 6.) Is it a sin to use the results of medical research for healing? 4. How is the spiritual blindness of the Jews evidenced in this entire inci­ dent? (cf. w . 16, 18, 27-34.) 5. Why did the blind man believe that Jesus was the Son of God? (w . 32,33.) (Continued) 1. What was the blessed result of this man’s healing for his own soul? (9:35-38.) .2. To whom was the Saviour refer­ ring when He spoke of the “ thief and the robber” ? (10:1.) 3. What is an indication of the entrance of the true shepherd? (w . 3, 4.) 4. Why do we know that a true be­ liever will never follow a false teach­ er or be fooled by false teaching? (v. 5.) Study Questions on Chapters 9 and 10

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