Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller DEARNESS
Macedonia Still Calling! If the Apostle Paul were here today, how he would rejoice to know that there is a Macedonian Bible Institute in that land which so urgently besought his help in Biblical days. This semes ter, in addition to the 80 students from the town of Katerini (where the Insti tute is located), we have 22 from out lying areas. Among them is a fine young couple from Neos Mylotopos, Mr. and Mrs. Kalalides, who are anx ious to give themselves to the Lord’s work; also two young men who have the faith, zeal and general education necessary for training, but lack their support. They are Basil Zettas and John Karayiannides. We have prayed that the Lord will send forth laborers and He has an swered by sending us Spirit-filled young men and women ready to be thrust forth, but unfortunately we can not train them without your help. How our hearts grieve as we see so much need and hunger for the Word of God in Greece and such a dearth of work ers! Now we pray that as God has put it into their hearts to serve Him, so He will put it into your hearts to support them. In addition to the young people, it is most touching and encouraging to have among our regular students dear Brother Terzis, who at 54 years of age has left all to follow Christ. Seven times he has been arraigned in crimi nal courts because of his boldness in witnessing. It would he a great serv ice for the Lord if someone in America would help him to realize his holy desire of working as an evangelist in the field of Thrace. For less than a dollar a day you can help to turn this country upside down by sending forth the Greeks among the Greeks to bring them to Christ. Think of it—only $25 a month is all it takes to put a student through Bible School. Any part of that sum, sent regularly, will be a real blessing. You will receive your student’s testi mony and picture and have the joy of corresponding with the one you help support. Send your gift to the Ameri can Mission to Greeks, Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Secretary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, New York. (If you live in Canada, write to 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Ont.)
Y our son is a fine boy. He’s been an asset to our school and, I might add, a very capable president of the Senior class.” Bill’s English teacher was speaking to Mother and Daddy at the close of baccalaureate service. “You may well be proud of Bill.” As Mother murmured thanks to the teacher there ran through her heart and mind a panoramic view of her son’s life up to this point. Many pleasures, heartaches, spankings and trials had entered into the rearing of the boy. An early acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour had introduced the really important influence in the life of this dear child. Now as he stood poised on the threshold of further preparation for a full life of service, Mother experienced a new apprecia tion of Bill’s dearness. God had only loaned him to her and she was grate ful for the privilege of being his “ cus todian.” Through the years there had been times when Mother wasn’t sure how the boy would respond to her loving discipline. But God honors those who honor Him, hence, the parents’ work paid off. Now a new flood swept Mother’s being. Of all her nine lambs, not one is dearer than another. How can she tell how her heart is wrapped around her eldest boy who is now stricken with a deadly illness? He too is a loan from the Lord. Dare Mother dictate how God shall use him and when He shall take him? No! Part of his dear ness is wrapped up in the knowledge that Bob belongs to the Lord. The sensitive face of David next in truded itself upon Mother’s attention. Looking so angelic as he plays his violin; being so all-boy and some times quite bombastic when directing a passionately loved baseball game, Mother envisions a fruitful service for his Lord as he grows into manhood. He daily becomes dearer as he enters into fuller spiritual fellowship with his parents. Dear to the heart of God are all those washed in the blood of the Lamb. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them . . .” (John 10:27). “ Be hold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God . . .” (1 John 3:1). How sweet to rest in the knowledge that we are dear to His heart.
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