King's Business - 1956-08

M u tu m n i y * by Phil Kerr

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My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Words by Edward Mote Music by Wm. B. Bradbury

The inspiration for this song was received by a carpenter while walking to his work one morning in London! His name was Edward Mote (1797-1874) and the year was 1834. Eighteen years later he became a Baptist preacher, and at­ tained widespread fame as a writer. “ One morning it came into my mind as I went to labor, to write an hymn on the ‘gracious experi­ ence of a Christian.’ As I went up ITolburn I had the chorus, ‘On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand.’ In the day I had four verses complete and wrote them off. On the Sab­ bath following I met Brother King as I came out of Lisle Street meet­ ing . . . who informed me that his wife was very ill, and asked me to call and see her . . . I called afterwards. He said it was his usual custom to sing a hymn, read a portion, and engage in prayer, before he went to meeting. He looked in his hymnbook, but could find it nowhere. I said, ‘I have some verses in my pockets; if he liked we would sing them.’ We did; and his wife enjoyed them very much . . . As these verses so met the dying woman’s case, my attention to them was the more arrested, and I had a thousand of them printed for distribution . . .” Words and music by Charles H. Gabriel The composer’s son, Charles H. * Gabriel Jr., was called to the colors during World War I. Just before the army transport sailed from New York, his father came to bid him farewell. The boy said, “ Dad, if I never see you again I’ll meet you where the gates never swing outward!” The boy’s state­ ment inspired the writing of this song. Where The Gates Swing Outward Never

to be held in LOS ANGELES, OCT. 7 -1 4

The Second International Congress on j Prophecy held in New York in Novem- I her 1955, was an epoch-making event. ! Thirty-four speakers, representatives of j many Christian Colleges and Theological ; Seminaries, discussed prophetic subjects j covering practically the entire field of i Eschatology in a marked spirit of unanim- ! ity. The findings of this historic gathering are now available in the form of a MANI- j FESTO, and the leading addresses will I soon appear in a book under the title i “ Understanding the Times.” By popular demand another Congress on j Prophecy for the Pacific Coast Area will I be held at the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles this coming October 7-14 with many churches cooperating and a Committee of One Hundred sponsoring the event. Speakers at Los Angeles will in­ clude:

throughout the west... the


John F. Walvoord Alva J. McClain James McGinlay Albert J. Lindsey Archer Weniger Lewis J. Julianel Louis T. Talbot

John G. Mitchell William F. Kerr Hyman J. Appelman R. L. Powell Wilbur M. Smith J. Palmer Muntz Albert J. Johnson

• Heart searching messages • Thrilling testimonies • Outstanding features • Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FREE STATION LOG WRITE TO . BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR LOS ANGELES 17. CALIF.

Herman B. Centz

The American Association for Jewish Evangelism is spearheading this movement for the study and proclamation of the sure word of prophecy, that the saints may be confirmed in “ the faith once for all de­ livered,” and that Israel and all men may be warned to “ flee from the wrath to come.”

For a free copy of the Manifesto write to-.

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR JEWISH EVANGELISM, INC. Dr. A. B. Machlin, Executive Director Dept. K, Winona Lake, Indiana

Send to Prayer Time, The King’ s Business maga zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.



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