Mathematica 2014


An Introduction to Modular Arithmetic and its Applications By Leslie Leung Modular arithmetic can be defined as a system of arithmetic for integers. 4 It is a mathematical tool that is widely used in daily life as well as solving mathematical problems.

Explanation of notation: a ؠ b ሺmod nሻ

ሺread as ′

a is congruent to b modulo n ′ ሻ

ܽ and

ܾ is a multiple of

݊ , or in other

It means that the difference between

ܽ and

ܾ give the same remainder when divided by ݊ .

words, when both

The most common use of modular arithmetic is perhaps the 12-hour clock. A day has 24 hours but a cycle of the clock lasts only 12 hours. Therefore, when the 21 ؠ 9 ሺmod 12ሻ . ࡿ࢚ࢇ࢚࢘ࢋ࢘ ࡽ࢛ࢋ࢙࢚࢏࢕࢔: ࢃࢎࢇ࢚ ࢚࢏࢓ࢋ ࢊ࢕ࢋ࢙ ࢚ࢎࢋ ૚૛ ࢎ࢕࢛࢘ ࢉ࢒࢕ࢉ࢑ ࢙ࢎ࢕࢝ ૚૙૙ ࢎ࢕࢛࢙࢘ ࢇࢌ࢚ࢋ࢘ ࢔࢕࢕࢔? Answer: 100 ؠ 4 ሺmod 12ሻ , so the clock shows 4 o'clock. Before moving on to explore how modular arithmetic can be used to solve other problems, a few 'laws of modular arithmetic' has to be explained. 1) Addition/Subtraction time is 21:00, the clock shows 9 o'clock because

If a ؠ c ሺmod nሻ, b ؠ d ሺmod nሻ , then ሺa െ bሻ ؠ ሺc െ dሻ ሺmod nሻ 2) Multiplication Also,

ሺa ൅ bሻ ؠ ሺc ൅ dሻ ሺmod nሻ

If a ؠ c ሺmod nሻ, b ؠ d ሺmod nሻ, then ab ؠ cd ሺmod nሻ Proof:

c ൌ a ൅ pn, d ൌ b ൅ qn , where

p is an integer. cd ൌ ሺa ൅ pnሻሺb ൅ qnሻ ൌ ܉܊ ൅ aqn ൅ bpn ൅ pqn ଶ



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