King's Business - 1938-02

A whisper falls from every weighted limb: “Whiter than snow, the heart that trusts in Him.

T H E K ING ’ S BUS INESS 9 The Bible Family Magazine OFF ICIAL , ORGAN oi the BIBLE IN S T I T U T E o f L O S A N G E L E S , In c .

An International , Interdenominational Monthly Magazine Specializing in:


A World-Wide Circulation GOES INTO EVERY STATE — ALL OF THE UNITED STATES’ TERRITORIES — AND MORE THAN 40 FOREIGN LANDS. A MISSIONARY VISION; Prints its Sunday-School Lessons a month in advance in order to be up-to-date in remote mission fields. A LEADER IN CHILD EVANGELISM: Specializes in the teaching of youth— in the home, the Sunday-School, the mission field. WE BELIEVE )t king’s Jlustnesisi TO BE “ THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IN EVANGELICAL LITERATURE”

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Helps for King's Business Organizers NO. 1 “ The K in g ’s B u s in e ss” Means Just What Its Name Implies Concerned with the work of the King, it is America’s leading Bible Family Magazine. Serving Five Purposes Analyzed, TH E KING’S BUSINESS is seen to serve the following purposes and groups: 1 Sunday-School W orkers, including Christian Endeavorers and youth evangelists; for this group 613 of its 1,758 features (more than 3 4 % ) were specifically devoted during 1937. Students of the Bible. For these readers in 1937 we offered 38 Spe­ cial Articles by leading Biblical scholars; 33 Editorials from the pen of President Paul W . Rood; 5 Articles on Prophecy, each de­ fining some arresting and useful interpretation of Scripture; and 119 Book Reviews— a total of 195 interesting features. ■ ■ ■ 3 For Family Circle Reading. To a interest both young and old, we presented 5 Missionary Articles; 7 Stories for the Family Circle; 7 Items Featuring Gospel M usic; 96 Pieces of Art W ork ; and have arranged 7 Special Issues during the year, covering Child Evan­ gelism, Books, Christian Educa­ tion, etc. ■ ■ ■ 4 For the Further Development of the Devotional Life. W e supplied 365 Devotional Readings, with 84 Quotable Poems, and 4 Prayer Circle Articles. ■ ■ ■ OfSpecial News Value were 35 a Evangelistic Notices, 55 Items Concerning the W orld’s Christian Fundamentals Association, 218 Bible Institute of Los Angeles News Items, and 15 SchoolItems. ■ ■ ■ In 1937, a total of 512 pages were printed (including advertisements), nearly 3^2 pages for each cent of sub­ scription cost at our regular rate of $1.50 per year. The object of THE KING’S BUSINESS is to exalt the cross of Christ, to lead souls to the Saviour, and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life.

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once that it is intended for display ad­ vertising. As a matter of fact, in word­ ing it is identical with our CLUB OR­ GANIZERS’ CHURCH BULLETIN POSTER. Now here is the way to make it valu­ able to you. First, make up your mind to become a KING’S BUSINESS CLUB ORGAN­ IZER in your church, or in several churches in your community. Your part is very simple. If your friends know that you will accept and forward their subscriptions to THE KING’S BUSINESS, they will be happy to hand them to you, and we gladly will fur­ nish you with application blanks, re­ ceipt books, and sample copies. If you take advantage of this offer, you will be doing a real piece of HOME MISSIONARY WORK, by supplying a splendid BIBLE FAMILY MAGAZINE to your immediate circle, at a very low price. Your Part— What to Do After you have made up your mind, ACT AT ONCE. Cut off the page opposite, write in your name, address, and telephone number at the point indicated “ For In­ formation” ; and POST IT PERMA­ NENTLY ON THE BULLETIN BOARD OF YOUR CHURCH, of course securing your pastor’s permission. Then fill in the coupon below in full, and send it to us today. Immediately we will begin mailing you the free subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS offered above. If you are already a subscriber, we will add the additional three months to your present subscription. If you are already a CLUB ORGANIZER but have not posted this offer, do so at once, and we will send you the FREE SUBSCRIP­ TION. If you are an organizer and HAVE ALREADY displayed our poster on your church bulletin board, just

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938


u I Wantto Say ♦

THE KING’S BUSINESS sent an invitation to its readers to express themselves concerning the magazine, in any way they desired. The fo l­ lowing excerpts are from letters re­ ceived largely in response to that re-

quest. From any reader, constructive criticisms or suggestions will be wel­ comed— any time. Address com­ munications to Editorial Department, THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California.

It Helped

For Family Worship

One Lack— Supplied

Dear Editor: The article, “Following H is Steps,” by Herbert Lockyer, of Liverpool, England, in the September issue of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS was a great blessing to me because it helped me to understand many experi­ ences of the past year that otherwise I might not have been able to understand as fully. M AR Y L. ENSLIN, Hillsboro, Ore. Dear Friends: I wish to commend you people of THE KING’S BUSINESS upon the wonderful O c­ tober number. I am especially thankful for the article by Dr. W alter L. W ilson and the studies in the Messianic Psalms by Brother Pettingill. . . I am praying that Dr. W ilson m ay soon have his article published in tract form. I should like to give one to every unsaved doctor and to every unsaved per­ son in m y city. C. C. REAVEL, Marion, Ind. Dear Friends: I have just read over again the “ Doctor” article in the October KING’S BUSINESS. That surely is a masterpiece. Please send me ten copies, for I know I’ll need them and wish I had them. Could not the article be put up in tract form just as it is, pictures and all? This message is the first thing I have seen or read that has been written in the interests of doctors’ spiritual welfare. It ought to be in the hands of every mem ­ ber of the medical profession. If you would find out what the cost of 5,000 copies would be, printed on good paper, I think I might be able to enlist the help of doc­ tors whom I know, in getting the message widely distributed. C. A. COOK, Toledo, Ohio. Dear Friends: Please find inclosed $1.00 to pay for as many copies of the October issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS as you can send me for this sum. I want to use this particular copy for personal distribution with a personal letter in view of the first three articles, which are so fine for the questioning mind. W hat would it cost for a reprint issue of 2,000 copies including the first three or four articles at least? I wonder whether these fine articles could not be made avail­ able in pamphlet form for college distribu­ tion, edited and arranged for such use. . . . In regard to a reprint of the article, “ An Interview with the Doctor,” we might use 100 to 200 in our Y.M .C .A. committee work. I wish I could say 1,000 to 2,000, but . . . the cost will limit us. JOHN W . W OOLLE TT, Sacramento, Calif. “ Reprint It, Please”

Dear Friends: I have read Mrs. Turner’s page, entitled “ A Mother’s Soliloquy at Christmastide” in the December issue of THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS, and I’m hoping and praying that the n?w department, “ The Christian Parents* Fellowship,” shall soon be started. W e have a little boy just going on three years of age, and even now I feel we need to be better prepared to lead him in the right way. One of m y desires has been to have a daily worship period in our home, one to which all of us shall look forward. I should like to have the questions an­ swered: “W hen will our boy be old enough to understand Bible truth?” and “ Shall we just ‘tell him Bible stories,’ or is there something else we must d o ?” MRS. LEONARD ARNOLD, Scio, Ore. Dear Sirs: Since you have suggested that readers of THE KING’S BUSINESS shall make sugges­ tions as to how the “K. B .” might be made more useful, I will suggest the following: I believe it would be of great joy and benefit if you would have more articles on actual cases of souls won to Christ, and of how they were won by students and other Chris­ tian workers. I think those who help to sup­ port the Institute would appreciate more material along this line. Another m atter: One of the first things I like to see in -----------------—r (magazine) is the group of re­ ports covering the evangelistic field, and I think it would help to encourage Christian workers if more were given in the “ K. B.*’ ' concerning this. R. H. STOVEL, Bowman, Placer Co., Calif. Items about several evangelists are given this month on pages 82 and 83. W ill other evangelists send in news about their w ork? Testimonies Wanted Dear Friends: May I ask why there are so few articles in THE KING’S BUSINESS lately? A s 1 re­ member, there used to be five or six articles monthly, and in this January issue there are only three. W e enjoy the Sunday-school lessons, and also the young people’s pages, and are look­ ing forward to many good things in the magazine this year. MRS. EDGAR SANDERS, Auburn, New York. Readers will note that there are eight more pages in this February issue* than were in the January number. Every effort will be made to publish more articles— and of the kind that subscribers desire. (Inci­ dentally, there were four major articles in the January, 1938, issue, some of them longer than the usual contributions). More Articles!

Dear Brother Rood: I have been a reader of THE KING’S BUSINESS for the past several years, and think it is a wonderful magazine. For the past two or three years I have been send­ ing to your magazine ten to twenty names as club subscribers, and I am getting up another club this year. I do not know yet just how many I shall be able to get this time. There is just one thing that I find our folks don’t like about your magazine, and that is this: Your magazine does not carry the Devotional Reading for the Sunday- school lesson. If you will permit me, 1 should like to suggest that you add the Devotional Reading to your magazine this next year (1938). M. A . GRAY, House of Representatives, State of Arizona, Douglas, Ariz. Beginning with the January, 1938, issue, reference to each lesson’s Devotional Read­ ing and the entire text of the lesson, taken from the Authorized Version of the Bible, are printed in connection with the Interna­ tional Lesson Commentary in TH E KING’S BUSINESS. Now the magazine m ay be used as a quarterly, with Scripture portions and lesson helps all conveniently arranged. Dear Dr. Rood: I became acquainted with your paper, THE KING’S BUSINESS, in 1936, receiving m y first copy in January of that year. A friend of mine sent in m y subscription as a surprise for me, and since that time she has passed on to her reward. I have each of the twelve copies I re­ ceived and cherish them very highly. I have them on m y table in front of me each day; so when I sit down to rest I pick one up and always find something helpful. W e are just mountain folk, working on a farm for support. However, we are very happy— happy in the service of the Master, as I am conducting a little Bible school each Sunday at two o’clock at our school- ■house. I want to work for THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS in getting a club of ten members be­ ginning January 1, 1938. I know I have missed a great deal by not getting the paper for 1937. I have the picture of the group of Biola students which you sent in one of my issues last year. It is framed and hung in m y room. I cherish it very highly. MRS. HERBERT BOWLING, McWhorter, Ky. Every year hundreds of gift subscriptions are ordered by Christian friends for per­ sons in whom they are interested. W ill not our readers pray— as the editorial staff of THE KING’S BUSINESS continually is pray­ ing— that the pages of this magazine may ever be, in the Lord’s hands, an effective means for meeting needs of heart and home? Appreciative


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938

PA U L W. ROOD, Editor M ildred M . C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R isley , Circulation Manager

Official Organ of The Bible Institute of Lot Angeles, incorporated

They that did the King’ s business HELPED THE JEWS! “ A n d all the princes o f the prov­ inces, and the satraps, and the gov­ ernors, and they that did the king's business, helped the Jews!“ — Esther 9:3 (R . V .) If ever in their history the Jews needed you r help, they need it now. A Hitler in Germany, a Stalin in Russia, persecution in Poland, bloodshed in Roumania— the age- old cry o f the Jew pierces the heart o f every true child o f God— W ohin sol Ich gehen? W here shall I go? Can you afford, as a born-again follow er o f the Lord Jesus Christ, to shut up you r bowels of m ercy to that haunting wail? The old time heathen o f Hainan's day, in the hour o f Israel's distress, helped the Jews! Can you do less than those Godless heathen did? A n d do you know a truly better way to help the Jews n ow than to point them to the only cure for their troubles, the Lord Jesus Christ? Think it over; then write us. Some day you 'll be glad you did. The promise o f God is still valid, “ I will bless them that bless thee.*' Gen. 12:3. Our world-w ide testimony to Israel is worthy o f you r faithful prayers and sympathy. Y our help is always needed and appreciated. “ THE CHOSEN PEOPLE,** beloved by Bible students for its helpful in­ formation on p roph ecy and the Jews, is sent to all contributors. May we hear from you ? AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO TH E JEW S, INC. 31 Throop Avenue Brooklyn, N . Y . I do want to help the Jews. Here is $ ............................. Use it as God directs, to make known the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ to Israel.

©he tBIble Tantily O tton ine M otto: "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood .’’— R ev . 1 :5.

Number 2

February, 1938

Volume XX IX




Around the King’s Table— Paul W . Rood

Deadly Poison Gas in Tax-Supported Schools— Dan Gilbert . . 46 The Four Great Powers of the End-Tim t-^-Alva J. McClain . . 48 The Peril o f “ Adjusting” the Scriptures— Vance Havner . 50 Pride of the Carringtons— Elise Fraser . . 52 Junior King’s ^Business —Martha S. Hooker . . 53 International Lesson Commentary . . . . . . 55 T o the Ends of the Earth with the Gospel! . . . 63 Giving to Biola Means Giving to Missions . . 64 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Mary G. Goodner . 70 Daily Devotional R e a d in g s ........................................ . 75 Girls’ Query Corner —Myrtle E. Scott . . 82 Evangelistic N o tic e s ............................................... . : 82 The Bible Institute Family Circle . . 84 W o rld ’s Christian Fundamentals Association . . 86 Our Literature Table . ........................................ . 86




T E R M S: Single Coplen.— _ - .- l - M M jfi______ 15c Annual Subscription-------------------------— —{-------—$1.50 Two-year subscriptions or two annual subscriptions 2.50 Five annual subscriptions-------------------------------------5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions..-------LSi B -----------10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. R E M IT T A N C E : Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press or P. O. Money Order, payable to "The King's Business." Receipts will not be sent forregular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CH ANG E OF A D D R E S S : Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date of desired change.

A D V E R T IS IN G : For informat'ion with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER. 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF., or our eastern representative. Religious Press Association, 1108-10 Colonial Bldg., 13th and Market Streets, Philadel­ phia, Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. M A N U SC R IPT S: THE KING’S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

POLICY (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) to act as the official organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work, and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the gréât foundations of Christian faith.

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558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938

Around the King's By PAUL W. ROOD


Only One Cure in a recent issue of a leading secular magazine appeared an article by a min­ ister who was a radio counselor and had received thousands of letters from listen­ ers who wrere in trouble. He had dis­ covered that many troubled souls leap at an opportunity to unburden themselves to a stranger. In the article referred to, he was analyzing the letters received, and he expressed his conclusion that there were four great maladies that troubled people: fear, anxiety, loneliness, and unkindness. There were two glaring weaknesses in the article. First of all, the minister did not recognize that the fundamental prob­ lem of man is the sin problem. The basic reason for fear, anxiety, loneliness, and unkindness is that man is not in right re­ lationship to God. Man has been alienated from God. Sin has separated man from the Lord. “ But your iniquities have sepa­ rated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear” (Isa. 59:2). In the sec­ ond place, the writer of the article did not present an adequate remedy. Naturally, when the diagnosis did not go to the root of the matter, the remedy prescribed was inadequate. There is no solution of the sin problem apart from the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. “Without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9:22). “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). The moment we come to Christ as poor, lost, undone, hell­ deserving sinners, saying: “Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidd’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come! I come,” we find that Christ receives, forgives, and saves us. He Himself has said: “ Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Christ is able also to cure the four mala­ dies to which the preacher referred. Fear is indeed a common oppression. Christ can drive away fear, as millions who have known Him as Lord can testify. When Christ fills the heart, fear departs. Some one has counted 365 occurrences of “fear not” in the Bible. That would mean that there is a “ fear not” for every day in the year. The Christian who has learned to know Christ as Lord knows the perfect love that “ casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18).

The cure for worry likewise is found in Christ. He has assured us of the Father’s love and care: “ Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” God will take care of His own. Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, instructs all who are Christ’s to be “ Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). No one needs to be lonely. Christ is the “ friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24). T o those who are His own He has declared: “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the consummation of the age” (Matt. 28:20, R. V. margin). And what wonderful assurance we have in Hebrews 13:5, 6! “ He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” Men may be unkind in their words and attitude toward fellow men, but the sting caused by their carelessness is removed for the Christian who dwells upon the cer­ tainty of Christ’s love and compassion. Our Lord deals with us in mercy, and as we “consider him” we are made strong to withstand all the thrusts of unmerciful men. Christ lifts the fallen, comforts the sorrowing and heals the broken-hearted! He is the answer to every question and the solution to every problem. He is God who is enough. Vision, Faith, and Courage Not long ago, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce offered a prize of five hun­ dred dollars for the best slogan submitted. “ Vision to see, faith to believe , and courage to do” was the prize-winning slogan sub­ mitted by Mrs. Harry C. Malry, a mother of three children.' This slogan is appropriate not only for a civic organization but also for a church or an individual. Every Christian and every church needs a vision. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18). How much of the unrest of our own nation is attributable to the fact that we have lost our vision of God— only He knows! Speaking broadly of the United States as a whole, the Bible has been spurned, God has been forgotten, and Christ has been rejected! As a people we need a vision of our crucified and risen Lord that will bring

us to the place of repentance and confession and will cause us to cry out to God for a spiritual awakening. Paul had a vision of Christ, and after a lifetime of suffering and service for Christ he was able to tes­ tify: “ I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19). As a result of Paul’s God-given vision, his life was revolutionized, ànd he became a world missionary. A vision of Christ produces a vision of a lost world and of the neces­ sity for bringing the gospel to every crea­ ture. The Christian who desires to live and serve for Christ must have faith in the living God. God uses, only men and women of faith: “Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a re­ warder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb. 11:6). Faith is taking God at His Word. When wre go to God in prayer, we should align our wills with His promises; when these promises are conditional, we of course must meet the conditions before we can claim the fulfillment. Faith is absolutely essential in the prayer life. T o him who would obtain answers to his petitions, God’s stated requirements are plain: “ Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering: for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord” (Jas. 1:6, 7). Let us believe God and appropriate His promises! “ Courage to do,” the climax of the three­ fold slogan, suggests to the. Christian the boldness that will lead to confession of Christ before unbelievers. W e need cour­ age to stand up for Christ in these days of apostasy. Many professing disciples of Christ are giving in to the spirit of the age and are accepting the philosophy and the program of the world. Men are dominated by atmosphere rather than by conviction. God give us men with rock-ribbed convic­ tions and with concrete in their backbones to stand boldly for those convictions ! We are* either for Christ or against Him. It is impossible to be neutral as far as Christ is concerned. He has warned us: “ He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scat­ tered abroad” (Matt. 12:30). W e are either confessing Christ or we are denying Him. Our daily choices in this matter are of eternal significance, for He has said : “Whosoever therefore shall confess me be-

0 Will you pray that results o f the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference (Jan. 23 to 30, 0 1938, at the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles) will bring great glory to the Lord Jesus Christ through a quickening o f love fo r Him and His Word?


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938

the Jews, the Gentiles, and the church of God. While no section of the Bible is for the exclusive use of any one group, some portions have primary reference to the Jews, other portions to the Gentiles, and still others to the church of God. T o be able rightly to interpret and to apply the teachings of passages of Scripture, we must ask ourselves to whom the passages were first addressed. W e must always differen­ tiate between interpretation and applica­ tion. A real Bible teacher will first seek to ascertain the meaning of the passage under discussion that he may give the right inter­ pretation, and after he has interpreted the portion, he is prepared to go on to make the application. In the fifth place, we should study the biographies of the Bible. This is one of the fnost interesting and fascinating methods of Bible study. Children especially find this method helpful. When God wants to im­ plant a virtue, He paints a picture of a per­ sonality characterized by that virtue. When God wants to warn us against sin and its consequences, He describes a person that was sinful and shows the consequences of his sin. God teaches us through object les­ sons. These object lessons are the biog­ raphies of the Bible. In the sixth place, every Christian should be familiar with the great doctrines of the Bible. W e should study the doctrine of the Triune God, the doctrine of God the Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, of sin and sal­ vation, and of heaven and hell. Every child of God should have such a grasp of these truths that he will be able to teach others and to substantiate his statements with quotations from Holy Writ. In the seventh place, we should be famil­ iar with the types and symbols which abound in the Word of God and in which are hidden the riches of much spiritual truth. Christ is the subject of the whole Word of God. In the Old Testament He is seen in figure; in the New Testament, in fulfillment. I n the eighth place, we should study prophecy. It has been said that two-thirds of the Bible is prophecy. Many Christians are ignorant of the prophetic teachings of the Scriptures. As an excuse for their ignorance, they say that it is impossible to understand prophecy; but God would not have given us a revelation, the larger part of which was incomprehensible and conse-? quently valueless. Satan tries to make the Christian believe that he cannot understand prophecy. Satan is a liar from the begin­ ning, and we should not allow ourselves to be hoodwinked by him. God the Holy Spirit is able to guide those who with open minds and hearts come to the prophetic por­ tions of His Word. He is able to shed light upon these passages as truly as He illumines the great messages concerning salvation and victorious Christian living. # * if # A member of the House of Lords was accustomed to pass through an art gallery on his way to work. One day his son asked him why he visited this art gallery daily. The father asked his son to accom­ pany him. When they reached the paint- 1 Continued on page 51]

wasted that could be used in Bible study if we would only “ buy up” our opportuni­ ties. Billy Sunday used to say that every Christian should spend at least fifteen min­ utes a day in Bible study, fifteen minutes a day in prayer and fifteen minutes a day in witnessing for Christ. Certainly this is a minimum time for any child of God to set apart for these spiritual exercises. In the third place, it is necessary to study the Bible systematically. Many persons use the grasshopper method. While any meth­ od is better than none at all, the reader who fails to study consecutively will never be a real Bible student. In the use of any other book— unless it is a dictionary or an encyclopedia— usually we start in the be­ ginning and read on to the end. Why should we not use similar intelligence in dealing with the books of the Bible? Read a book at a time, and read the book from beginning to end. W e advise new con­ verts first of all to read the First Epistle of John, which is the Epistle of assurance. We then urge them to read through the Gospel of John. When they finish this book they are asked to start the New Testament and read through it. After the New Testament has been completed, they may with profit commence at the beginning of the Old Testament and read the whole Bible through. It is very important to consider every truth that is revealed in the Word of God in the light of its context. By means of isolated passages, divorced from their setting, one may prove almost any proposition to be true— although the con­ clusions may not be at all in line with the complete revelation of God. In the fourth place, it is important that we rightly divide the word of truth. W e find, according to 1 Corinthians 10:32, that God divides humanity into three groups:

fore men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But who­ soever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 10:32, 33). In the light of this solemn truth, who would not with boldness become a witness to Christ’s saving power? May God give us courage to stand true for the Lord in the home, school, office, or wherever we may find ourselves! How We Should Study the Bible There are many Christians who would like to become Bible students, but they do not know how to begin or what method to pursue. For the benefit of believers who face this problem, we point out a few simple facts that should be helpful. First of all, one should secure a good Bible with fairly large type printed on good paper. Do not be afraid to underscore par­ ticular verses and to write comments in the margin. The underscoring of a verse will make it easy to find the verse when you need it, and the writing of outlines and comments in the margin will make previous studies easily available for use in time of need. ' “What version should I use?” is a ques­ tion often asked. It is our opinion that the Authorized Version of the English Bible should be the basis of our Bible study. This translation was produced in the Shakespearean era when English had reached its climax as far as development and perfection is concerned. Many au­ thors and speakers declare their indebted­ ness to this version as far as their diction is concerned. Furthermore, this is the ver­ sion that is most commonly used and with which most people are familiar. It is true that some words used in this version are now obsolete. Usually the correction will be found in the margin. There are many good reference Bibles. Your second Bible should be the Ameri­ can Revised Version. Like the Authorized Version, this translation is the work of a large committee of scholarly men. One should be very cautious about relying upon any translation that is the work of only one man. It stands to reason that many com­ petent scholars working together will pro­ duce a better translation than will any one individual. The difficulty with many of the individual translations is that the trans­ lator becomes an interpreter, and thus steps outside the translator’s province. Regarded as somewhat in the nature of commentaries, however, the translations of devout individual scholars do have a value. Probably the best individual translation of the Pauline Epistles is the Arthur S. Way version which is very illuminating to Bible students and teachers. In the second place, it is important to have a regular time for Bible study. Do not wait until the end of the day when your mind is not functioning normally. Use some period during the day when the mind is alert. For reading at other times aside from this regular devotional period, every Christian should carry a pocket Testament and use the moments spent on street cars and in waiting rooms in study of the Word of God. It is surprising how much time is


A little inlet off the shore, I lie, and in G od's face I look: No rushing tide nor boisterous wind Besets me in this sheltered nook. It was His hand that made this place; It was His love that put me where I wait in peace beneath the sun O f His own comfort, and His care. For this I pray, that I may show His wondrous radiance day by day; That Christ upon my life may shine, And I reflect His blessed ray.


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938

Deadly Poison Gas in Tax-Supported Schools


San Diego California

Photographs courtesy of the Los Angeles Examiner W HILE C h ris tia n s in America mourn the fact that the youth of Spain and of China and of Japan are be­ ing maimed and massacred on the battlefield, many of them ignore the fact that the minds and souls o f thou­ sands of American youths are being corrupted and killed by p o is o n ga s spread in the tax-supported schools and colleges of our nation. In answer to a crusade to save our youth from industrial exploitation, most of our American states have outlawed child labor. But there is a worse form of child exploita­ tion than that associated with sweatshops; this is the exploitation of youth in the in­ terests of Communism and antichristianity. Unscrupulous professors are using tax-sup­ ported schools as agencies through which young students are recruited to Satan’s army of godlessness and infidelity. Students are poisoned with free-love propaganda and directed into ways of immorality which end in prostitution, crime, disease, and even suicide. W e have pure food laws which prevent ungodly men from poisoning the stomachs of children; but we do not have laws of common decency which prevent antichristian teachers from poisoning the hearts, minds, and souls of students. There are reliable statistics which show the appalling toll that godless education is taking among our youth. A scientific sur­ vey by James H. Leuba revealed that more than one-half of the students who enter leading universities as professing Christians are converted into agnostics and atheists [Dr. Gilbert has made a special study of the appalling conditions in American high schools, colleges, and universities. Persons interested in placing on the ballot an ini­ tiative measure such as is described on these pages are urged by Dr. Gilbert to corre­ spond with him at 5472 Gilbert Drive, San Diego, Calif. — E ditor .]

Christian citizens go about the task of cleaning the Augean cess­ pools of immorality and atheism which defile students in our edu| cational institutions? How can antimoral, antichristian, anti-God p r o fe s s o r s be ousted from tax- supported universities? How may this slaughter of innocence, of Chris­ tian faith, of moral virtue, be stopped? How may the crucifying of Christ in our colleges be ended? How may the youth of the land be saved from destruc­ tion at the hands of educational pied pipers and poison peddlers? Truly, the task before us is an enormous one. But, with the help of God it CAN be done— the youth of the nation CAN be saved and safeguarded from anti-Christ educational forces and influences. The time has arrived that we must map out and carry through to completion a defi­ nite campaign to throw the mantle of pro­ tection about students now being debauched and defiled by antichristian teachers. W e may not succeed wholly, but we must save as many youths as we can from the anti- Christ terror in our schools. Had William Jennings Bryan lived, the battle might already have been won. Bryan was in reality martyred by the arch-atheist of the present day, Clarence Darrow. Bryan defended unto death the right of Christian childhood to be safeguarded from faith- destroyers preying under the sheepskin of scholarship. Had Bryan lived, it is entirely possible that the Twenty-First Amendment to our Constitution— instead of repealing prohibition—would have outlawed the de­ bauchery of youth with the doctrines of anti-Christ, of immorality, of atheism. Bryan has gone Home; but he has left us with some inspiring instructions. Bryan often declared that all great* reforms, all great movements of moral uplift, have their inception in aroused Christian public opin­ ion. The Christian masses of plain peo­ ple are the source from which spring all campaigns for the moral and spirit­ ual protection and salvation of youth.

• While European nations hastily provide gas masks for their civilian populations, American school children and university students are left defenseless before the encroachment of a still more deadly poison in the classroom. before they are graduated. Statistics show what happens to one out of every four students who enter leading universities as good Americans— one out of every four is a Communist or a Socialist at graduation. Figures regarding the degradation of the moral ideals of students are no less appal­ ling. From the investigation of research experts, it is concluded that every year more than 36,000 girls lose their virginity while attending American colleges and universi­ ties. More than 2,000 abortions are per­ formed yearly on American university girls. The facts regarding the teaching of im­ morality, atheism, and Communism in some of our leading universities have been set forth in the writer’s books, Crucifying Christ in Our Colleges; The Vanishing Virgin; Evolution: The Root of All Isms, and The Slaughter of Innocence. What Can Aroused Parents Do? As a result of these exposés, Christian parents all ovèr the nation have been aroused. Hundreds of letters have come to me asking suggestions as to how this men­ ace to youth may be combatted. How may


February, 1938

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

“ Intellectual honesty” and “ the unhampered quest for truth” are popular slogans o f agnostic professors and teachers. Is there true religious freedom in America when tax-supported educational institutions forhid teach­ ing o f the Bible or Christian faith, yet freely permit atheism, free love, and Communism to be taught to youth ?

printed in The Slaughter of Innocence — that immoral books and teachings were imposed upon the school children of the nation’s cap­ ital. Unfortunately, only a few Congress­ men lined up uncompromisingly with Mr. Blanton. He himself was the spearhead of the drive in defense of youth. Consequent­ ly, he sorely antagonized the organized forces of Communism and of atheism. Radical orators from New York City and other hotbeds of subversivism went down to Mr. Blanton’s Congressional district and stirred prejudice against him in the 1936 election. Radical organizations solicited funds from all over the nation and poured them into Mr. Blanton’s home district. A poisonous propaganda machine—with ah enormous slush fund— prosecuted a cam­ paign of defamation and of character assassination against him. As a result, he was defeated for reelection. It is clear that we cannot permit our­ selves to play into the enemy’s hands. W e cannot confine our campaign to one state— thus giving the enemy a chance to concen­ trate its poison-gas barrage on one “ front.” W e must fight, simultaneously, throughout the nation. National Christian public opin­ ion must mobilize. W e must battle on all fronts, thus dividing and devastating the organized forces of youth subversion. It is hoped that readers of this announce­ ment throughout the nation will heed the call. W e should 'p rePare to place on the ballot, simultaneously in a number of states, the measure for the welfare of youth out­ lined above. The campaign must spring from the aroused Christian masses. It must be a movement of their own creation. It must be carried forward by leaders of their own choosing. The present writer has one pur­ pose— and one purpose only: that is to stir the Christian citizenry to action, to an ap­ preciation of conditions, and to a correction of them. There has been thorough consulta­ tion with legal minds as to the best method of procedure. Out of this consultation and in answer to prayer, the above plan of cam­ paign developed. It is earnestly hoped that Christian pa­ rents throughout the nation will see the need and the duty to take united action in defense of the faith and morals of stu­ dents. When sufficient interest is mani­ fested to give an initiative measure a fair chance of qualifying for the ballot, peti­ tions will be printed and their circulation started. If 5,000 Christian parents would volunteer to secure forty signers each, the initiative petition could be brought to a vote by being placed on the ballot in California. What Christians Can Do

into ways of immorality by teaching them free-love doctrines. In America, 36,000 university and college girls forsake the way of virtue, and plunge into immorality, each year. They are led cunningly into immoral ways by free-love teachings. These girls, for the most part, are minors—under twenty- one years of age. The adult teacher who influences them by immoral instruction should be deemed guilty of “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.” Announcing an Aggressive Campaign Before publicizing this plan to save the nation’s youth, I imparted it to President Paul W . Rood of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for his consideration. He has en­ dorsed it whole-heartedly, and he commends it to all loyal Americans and all believing Christians who are interested in the moral and spiritual welfare of youth. T o qualify the initiative petition on the ballot in the state o f California requires ap­ proximately 190,000 signatures. This is an enormous number, but a number which is insignificant compared to the full power of Christian public opinion to be marshaled in the entire Golden State.

Outlawing Classroom Propagation of Atheism, Free Love, Communism Happily, many states have provided an effective weapon which the Christian citi­ zenry may use in their drive to prevent professors from corrupting the morals and souls of students. This weapon is the ini­ tiative petition, whereby measures may be placed jon the ballot. The Christian people themselves may place on the ballot a propo­ sition outlawing antimoral, antichristian teaching in our schools. And the Christian people themselves may enact their will into law— throwing a shield of legal protection about the school children of their state. The law should contain two main points: First, it should han the teaching in tax- supported schools of atheism, free love, and Communism. The law now bans the teach­ ing of the Bible and of Christianity in public schools. Why, then, should not the law also ban the teaching of antichris- tianity in tax-supported educational insti­ tutions? Christians may not teach their religion in the public schools. But atheists are free to teach their irreligion at tax­ payers’ expense! The law must be made fair. It must be made fair to Christians;

the law now is unjust. An initiative measure should correct the in­ justice of the law. If the schoolroom is to be barred against Christ, then it, at least, should be b a r r e d e q u a lly against His enemies. "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor" In t h e second in­ stance, t h e initiative measure should make it a crime for any school teacher to poi­ son the minds of stu­ dents viith atheist and Communist propagan­

Needful Strategy— A Far-Flung Battle Line I have discussed the plan with legal experts and w i t h Christian statesmen v e r s e d in political strategy. It is their opinion that it would be a mistake to fight this holy battle on a single “ front”— in a single state. The rea son is that the forces upholding god­ less education are well organized. They are possessed of an enor­ mous propaganda ma­ chine and have unlim­

R. D. Marvin.

ited funds at their disposal. Were the bat­ tle confined to this one state, radicals all over the nation would pour money and propaganda into California, defeating at the polls those who truly see the danger. This conclusion was demonstrated as a result of the battle in Congress to stop the spreading o f subversive education in the schools of the nation’s capital. The schools of Washington, D. C., are controlled and largely financed by the Federal government. On the floor of the 1936 Congress, Repre­ sentative Thomas Blanton of Texas put up a brave fight for the moral and spiritual welfare of Washington school children. Mr. Blanton presented proof—which I have re­

da. Our state law now makes it an offense, punishable with a jail sentence, for an adult to give alcohol to a minor. The law is right ; but it does not go far enough. Atheism and immorality are more poison­ ous than alcohol. It should be an offense, punishable with a jail sentence, for any adult in the teaching profession to defile the intellects and consciences of students with thè poisons o f anti-Christ. The law now makes it an offense for any adult to lure a minor into leading an immoral life, or into committing an act of immorality. The law is right; but it does not go far enough. The law should have teeth in it which will catch professors who turn youth


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938

The Four Great Powers of the End-Time By A LV A J. M cC LA IN * Akron, Ohio

Drawings by Ransom D. Marvin

B EG INNING with the Old Testament prophets and closing with the final apocalyptic vision of John, every prophetic picture of the end of this present age is characterized by the clash of war­ ring nations. Our Lord Himself made this the outstanding mark of the end-time. Re­ plying to the anxious question of His dis­ ciples asking for some “ sign” of the “ end of the age” (cf. Matt. 24:3, R. V. margin), He said: “ Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. . . . For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against king­ dom” (Matt. 24:6, 7). And, according to Biblical prophecy, this warring movement among the nations will consummate itself at last in the greatest military holocaust of all history, so great that it will involve the world and that it is called in Scripture “the war of the great day of God, the Almighty” (Rev. 16:14, R.V.), Alignment of Powers— A Unique Sign It has been pointed out, however, that human warfare is nothing new under the sun but has always been one chief charac­ teristic of our sinful race. Therefore, it has been argued, the mere existence of a state of war cannot at any particular time be regarded as a certain indication of the near approach of the end. But to argue thus is either to forget or to ignore the fact that prophecy not only predicts a gen­ eral state of warfare in the last days, but also outlines quite as definitely the very political and geographical divisions of the world which will be involved. The main purpose of this paper is to point out these political divisions as indicated in the pro­ phetic Word, and then to ask whether they are now clearly emerging out of the tur­ moil of nations. According to Biblical prophecy, at least four great world powers will exist contem­ poraneously at the end-time, and will some­ how be drawn into the final series of mili­ tary conflicts. First in importance there * President, Grace Theological Seminary.

will be a great Mediterranean power, the Revived Roman Empire. Second, there will be a northern power with vast resources which is called simply “ the king of the norths Third, in an opposite direction an­ other power appears which is named “ the king of the south.3* And finally we discover a fourth political and military aggregation which the Book of Revelation designates by the suggestive title, “ the kings of the east.** In a striking passage, Daniel 11 names the first three of these powers un­ mistakably, and possibly the fourth by im­ plication. Because of its high importance, the passage should be read carefully before the reader proceeds with the following dis­ cussion. It includes verses 36 to 45. Rome's Empire Revived The Willful King of verse 36 is un­ doubtedly the head of the Roman Empire in its final revived form. He is the “ little horn” of chapter 7 who comes up out of the fourth beast-empire. He is also the “ king of fierce countenance” of chapter 8 (v. 23), and the “ prince that shall come,” mentioned briefly in chapter 9 (v. 26). In fact, his identity is so well known in the prophecies of Daniel that when we come to chapter 11, he is referred to simply as “the king** who does “ according to his w ill” (v. 36). For those who have read carefully the preceding chapters, no other designa­ tion would be necessary. Now doubtless it would be misspent labor to attempt any present-day identification of this predicted ruler, but we can, I think, identify his kingdom. It is perfectly clear from chap­ ters 7 and 9 that the realm over which he will hold dominion is the Roman Empire in its last revived stage. That this ancient Iron Empire, long dormant and broken, is once more emerging under the ruthless lead­ ership of II Duce, is now historically be­ yond dispute. Against all the perennial predictions of his failure proclaimed on the part of the political experts, the black- shirted Mussolini has not only announced the restoration of Rome, but also by his accom­

plishments he is giving a concrete reality to his words. There still may be religious leaders who, indifferent or prejudiced to­ ward prophecy, cannot discern what is tak­ ing place. But the statesmen of Europe know. For the sudden emergence of Rome has upset all the well-laid human schemes of international organization, and has set in motion a trend which threatens the de­ struction of the little stability remaining in the modern family of nations. When the late President Wilson, caught in the rather sordid disputations over the spoils of war at Versailles, sided with England and France against the Italian claims, no one dreamed that one of the. results would be Fascism and a revived Roman Empire. But it has become a fait accompli. A Great Power in the North The second of the four great powers is named in Daniel 11:40 as “ the king of the north.** Not much else is said in the pas-, sage by way of description except that this particular power enters the final conflict with “chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships.” However, more than a few careful students of the prophetic Word have seen the same great power pictured in chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel, for the vast military hordes of this Scripture pas­ sage originate in the north (38:6), and move down upon Palestine “ in the latter years” (38:8). Now in the attempted identification of this northern power several things should be kept in mind. First, the term “north” in Daniel’s prophecy invariably means north in relation to the land of Palestine. Second, we should recall that the historical “ kings of the north,” whose conflicts are traced in Daniel 11:5-35, ruled over a vast Syrian Empire which included not only the pres­ ent Syria, but also much of the territory of modern Turkey in Asia Minor, and stretched up far to the north into the Rus­ sian Caucasus. T h ird ,. while it is not yet possible to fix with absolute certainty the precise geographical locations of all those

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