King's Business - 1938-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938


He wants us to understand that, too. He wants us to understand, too, that if we obey a law, we must obey it from the heart— because we believe that it is good and not because of what others might think of us. If we believe that all of God’s “ command­ ments are truth,” we will obey them in this way.


Golden Text Illustration M ark 7:6

J. A. Burkhead gives this personal inci­ dent. He says: “When I was a small boy, I secured a young fox, which I kept for a pet. I knew that the fox was an in­ veterate enemy of dogs and chickens, but by training I could get the dog and my pet hen to eat from the same dish with the fox. The three seemed to be the greatest friends and would tussel and roll over one another in their play, but the fox was always chained. By education I thought I had eradicated the fox nature, for he was now a daily companion of the pet hen. One morning I went out as usual to feed them, and lo ! the chain was broken, the fox gone, and fifteen of the finest chickens in the neighborhood were killed and their blood sucked by my domesticated fox.” So a sinner may come into the church; he may be trained; he may even eat at the Lord’s table, but the first good chance he gets, he will show the “ fox heart,” unless he has been born again. Regeneration is the only thing that counts .— The Bottles of Heaven, by Revilo. Memory Verse: “ Thou art near, O L ord; and all thy commandments are truth” (Psa. 119:151). Approach: If we want to obey God, we must know what His commandments— His rules and laws— are, mustn’t we? And the way to know what these laws are is to read what God says to us in the Bible, His Holy Book. You re­ member that th ere were some of the Jewish people who were always trying to find fault with what the Lord Jesus said and did. One thing that they kept telling Him was that He did not make His disciples obey the Jewish rules. Lesson Story: Now the Jews had many, many laws. They not only kept the laws which God had given to them, but they had added ever so many more of their own to them. And it was these extra laws which they complained to Jesus that His disciples did not keep. They said that Jesus’ disciples didn’t wrash their hands before they ate. Now it is a good thing to wash your hands before you eat if the reason you wash them is to make them clean so that the food will be clean and your body kept pure. But if you make a religious ceremony of washing your hands just to show what a fine, clean person you are, and if, in your heart, you don’t care one bit whether your food is clean or not, then washing your hands isn’t a good thing. Jesus knew the hearts of the people, and He knew that the scribes and Pharisees did things just for show. Jesus didn’t want His disciples ever to do that. Jesus taught that if man-made laws set aside God’s laws, they were bad. Jesus wanted the people to understand that. At Dinner Time M ark 7:1-13

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DO YOU REALIZE That over 2,000,000 Jews are gathered in. New York? That this much neglected field is a chal­ lenge to Christian missions? That the New York Jewish Mission, founded in 1908 by the saintly Dr. Thos. M . Chalmers, is striving zealously to reach them ? That this faith work is depen­ dent upon your cooperation by gift and prayer? Subscribe for our monthly “JEW ISH MISSION­ A R Y M AGA ZIN E ,” $1.00 per annum. Sample free. Write R ev . F rederick A . A ston New York Jewish Evangelization Society P. 0. Box 19, Hamilton Grange Sta., New York, N. Y. s-> FOR EVERY LluAhjcIiSlhAncje,

Object Lesson T rue a n d F alse

Objects: A white envelope, a red enve­ lope, a white paper heart small enough to fit inside the envelope, and a strong elec­ tric light bulb or a kerosene lamp. (Dis­ solve a piece of starch the size of a bean in four tablespoonfuls of water. Boil until clear. Cool and add four drops of iodine. The substance should be a light blue. Add cold water to make thin enough to write. Print with a sharp stick on the outside of the envelope the words “ honest,” “ kind,” “trustworthy,” “ reliable,” “ wise,” “ clean,” and “patient.” Print on the heart with lemon juice, or with ten drops of sulphuric acid diluted with twenty-five drops of water, “ hatred,” “jealousy,” “theft,” “ lying,” and “ unclean thoughts.” ) Lesson: This envelope is like many indi­ viduals— it is clean in its appearance, has a good reputation, and has a heart. A per­ son’s reputation may differ very greatly from his real character. Reputation is what people say about some one. Character is what he really is. On the outside of this envelope are some very fine-sounding words. They have to do with this person’s reputation, and they show what people say about him. There seems to be nothing that we can see written on the heart, but it is very difficult to tell what is in the heart. Often the difference between reputation and character is not re­ vealed until the life is tested by God. W e will let this strong light remind us of God’s testing. (W rap the envelope around the light bulb, allowing it to become hot.) The words which have to do with reputa­ tion fall away. W e will look to see whether the heart is changed. .See, it has these words on it now: “hatred,” “ jealousy,” “theft,” “ lying,” and “ unclean thoughts.” Some of the people in Jesus’ day had the reputation of being very religious, but He knew their hearts and tested them and said: “ This people honoreth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me” (Mk. 7:6), T o show what needs to be done for a sinful heart, we will place the heart in this red envelope which reminds us of Christ and His power to cleanse from sin. If we wish to have our hearts made truly clean, we must receive the Lord Jesus as our own Saviour.

This superb collection of gospel songs and hymns meets the musical needs of all departments in the Church. 312 musical numbers— 23 responsive readings. “ Devotion and Praise” by Haldor LiMenas is filled with material suitable for Juniorandyouth groupsin the Church School.

Bound in water-proof blue cloth, re­ inforced for hard usage. Also in rope bristo1. Prices : Single copies 55c and 40c; per 100.not prepaid, $40 and $25. Returnable copy on request. Complete orchestration In , preparation. Ask for F R E E music catalog. LILLENAS PUBLISHING CO. 2923 Troost Avenue, Dept. KD, Kansas City, Mo.

Troublous Times Ahead

“Distress of nations, with perplexity,” and “Men’s hearts failing them for fear,” be­ come increasingly characteristic of the pres­ ent century. Investors find it difficult to meet rapidly changing conditions and_ are confused. The future is clouded by infla­ tion, labor disputes and wars abroad, all of which threaten loss in some types of invest­ ments. How will your investments weather such conditions? A statistical study of investment experi­ ence during the past thirty-five years is available to investors upon request. This comparative study shows clearly the advan­ tages of Fire Insurance Stocks during the troublous times of the present century. Send for your copy today. W e maintain a complete analytical and research department, and will gladly furnish the latest information on your present in­ vestments. Hopkins, Hughey & Anderson Roland Yoder, Resident Manager 383 E. Green Street Pasadena, Calif.

Hopkins, Hughey & Anderson, Roland Yoder, Resident Manager,

383 E. Green Street, Pasadena, California.

Please send me without obligation on my part a copy of your circular, “ A History of Fire Insurance Stocks.” Name................................................................................... Address.................................................................................

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