King's Business - 1938-02

February, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


NO T E S on Christian Endeavor By M A R Y 0 . G O O D N ER

ZRAZY CU R E - A L L S READ about this MAN-MADE WORLD of 1938, the work of modem Babel-builders, doomed to crash! Read about the Ballard PSYCHIC NET— the I AM Presence. READ of the Communist “ Social T ax"; “ Has God Quit Answering Prayer?“ ; “ Sodomizing America“ ; “ Welding Islam's Forces"; “ 20,000 Yelling Communists"; McCrossan's New Book— “ Paralyzed Church X-rayed.” This and a lot more in FEB. “ PROPHECY MONTHLY" (ready Jan. 20) 10c; 4 mo. trial 25c; $1 yr. This 40-page handbook of prophetic information has had a phenomenal growth in circulation in recent months and is read by Christian workers in every land. Full of the meat of God's Word. , PROPHECY MONTHLY 2003 Addison Way Los Angeles, Calif. A NEW, INSPIRING BOOK on the SECOND COMING In the Foreword of

The Lord Jesus had preached and taught repeatedly in these cities, and thus they had been thoroughly evangelized. Christ’s coun­ trymen who knew His mission had flatly refused to listen to the words of life. Thus, because of their many opportunities, their condemnation was to be worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Dr. Gaebelein has expressed a present-day warning thus: “ It is so with Christendom today. It shall be more tolerable in that day to the nations of darkest Africa than to the so-called ‘Christian nations,’ with light and privi­ leges offered and willfully rejected.” In spite of the ill treatment He received from the religious leaders and the multi­ tudes of His own people, the compassion and tenderness of the Lord Jesus Christ was never abated. One of the most heart­ breaking pictures in all the Word is that of our Saviour weeping over Jerusalem after that city had refused to receive Him (Matt. 23:37). Even then He longed to gather her children together, “ even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her w'ings” — but they “would not” ! Do we ever cause His loving heart such grief by our cold unresponsiveness today? Oh, that we had His burning, winning love for our God and Father, and for the lost, though “ religious,” souls around us! “The white man is a spy,” cried an African chief, who had been listening to a missionary. “ He has been prying into our secrets, and writing them down in his ter­ rible book!” The missionary merely had been reading aloud the first chapter of Romans!— S elected . II. P rofessing , Y et R ejecting Is the present generation of nominal Christians better than the generation of pro­ fessing Israelites in the day of Christ ? We think not. They are today the same as the Christ-rejecting Jews were then. The Christ of God, God’s way of righteousness and grace, does not suit the natural heart at any time.—A. C. G aebelein . III. U n c h a n g in g L ove “ How often would I have gathered thy children together . . . and ye would not” (Matt. 23:37). What a revelation these words afford of the heart of Christ in its yearning solicitude to bless even the thank­ less and ungracious! It is as though again and again He had looked out upon those who are defenseless and in danger, as chicks from a bird of prey, and had longed to shelter and save them. This is the in­ terpretation of all His loving invitations which had fallen on unheeding ears. And yet, despite the ingratitude and heedless- Helps for the Leader I. T he M essage for E very R ace

MARCH 6, 1938 THE WORLD OF JESUS’ DAY COMPARED WITH OURS M atthew 23:1-7, 23-26, 37; 11:20-24 Meditation on the Lesson How greatly does human nature vary from generation to generation? Can one age be called more righteous or more wicked than another? By factual evidence in the world around us, and by examining the words of the Lord Jesus in our lesson for today, we find further meaning in the dec­ laration of God’s W ord: “ There is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). That “ all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23) is evidenced by the reaction of people in every generation to the message of eternal salvation through^ a Saviour who bore an infinite burden of iniquity for us when He died on the cross of Calvary. W e naturally shrink from the exposure of our sin, and we instinctively dislike coming to the light because our deeds are evil (cf. John 3:19, 20). In our first Scripture passage, Christ pronounced a scathing rebuke upon the reli­ gious leaders of His day. Seeing the sham and pretense with which they executed their sacred duties, He said, as He warned His disciples about them: “ Do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not . . . But all their works they do for to be seen of men” (Matt. 23:3-5). Does this passage have a familiar ring? In our present-day religious set-up do we have any condition comparable to this? Even a casual survey reveals the sad fact that much of the most subtle and abomin­ able sin is robed in the garb of pious ser­ vice in many of our churches today. Eloquence, social prestige, and a lovely show of religiosity can never replace those heart attitudes which the Lord requires of His servants— humility, love, and a hatred of sin. His standards have never changed; He is the same “ yesterday, and today, and for ever” (Heb. 13:8). Dignitaries and respected figures were not the only ones who cleansed “ the out­ side of the cup and of the platter” but left filthiness within! In Matthew 11 we read 6f the wholesale rejection of the^ testimony of the Redeemer. Except for a compara­ tively small number of followers of the Lord Jesus, the cities of Chorazin, Beth- saida, and Capernaum refused to humble themselves in the godly repentance which the Lord requires for entrance into His kingdom. No doubt there were scores of people in those communities, just as there are in our cities today, trying to, earn their way into heaven by their own good works. There were inevitably many places of worship in those flourishing, up-to-date cities, but they were all characterized by false standards of piety which were con­ demned by the Lord Jesus.

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