King's Business - 1938-02



February, 1938

cared to take upon themselves His easy yoke and His light burden. Rest in soul, the eternal quest of man, is the unabrogated promise of the Lord Jesus Christ for all who come to Him and accept the peace and pardon which it is His sole right to bestow. No less actually He stands today with His nail-scarred hands extended, con­ stantly calling to each of us separately to cast the full weight of our sin and self upon Him. Jesus’ attitude toward the sinful woman who broke at His feet the alabaster box of ointment is a beautiful illustration of His love and care for individuals. She was insignificant and negative in the reckoning of the yvorld and of such Pharisees as Simon. But the Lord’s words to her offer a living hope to all helpless, contrite per­ sons who realize that they have come to From the hearts of untold thousands will swell the joy and gladness of Easter to the tune of Wesley’s great resurrection hymn “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” sung from the pages of TABER­ NACLE HYMNS NUMBER THREE. Does Your Church Need N ew H ym nboo k s? The consecrated labors of pas­ tor and people deserve the sup­ port and encouragement which a fresh supply of TABERNACLE HYMNS NUMBER THREE will provide. This matchless collec­ tion of standard hymns and gos­ pel songs is an unfailing fountain of spiritual power. Unrivalled Low Price It is the conviction of hundreds of churches that this great book has no equal on the market today. It is handsomely and strongly bound in silk cloth over heavy boards. The binding is reinforced. The rich orange tinted edges of the book contrast most attractively with the dark green covers deeply em­ bossed. The title is stamped in gold. S o n g B o o k o f t h e N a t i o n The quickening quality of its stirring words and inspiring music awakens in­ terest and renews courage, increases de­ votion and swells attendance. Meets the needs of every service for Church, Sun­ day School, Evangelistic and Missionary Meetings, Young People’s Rallies, Con­ ferences, etc. M A I L C O U P O N T O D A Y Examine a returnable sample of this great hymn collection—truly the “Song Book of the Nation”.

ness with which it was received, the warmth of His love was not chilled. His “ how often” speaks of a boundless tender­ ness and pity which even the unwillingness of men could not destroy. — J. S t u a r t H olden . IV. P en a lizin g I mpersonators Judge Rooney, of Chicago, fined a man $100 and costs and sentenced him to jail for ninety days for impersonating a doctor and practicing medicine without a license. I wonder how many professing Christians, ministers, and laymen would be “hit” by a law fining those who pretended to be Christians and were not? Are we leading or misleading people by our pretensions? ^:MjA,The Expositor. MARCH 13, 1938 W H A T CHR IST DOES FO R IND IVIDUALS L u k e 19:10; M a t t h e w 11:28-30; L u k e 7:41-48 Meditation on the Lesson Because the Lord Jesus Christ is the eter­ nal Son of the Living God, we consequently ascribe to Him all power in the universe, realizing that He is the Upholder of alt things, the One by whom all things are held together as a unified whole. The scope of His domain is infinitely greater than we can comprehend or imagine; therefore, to some individuals, He seems impersonal and distant, too great to be touched by the feeling of our little infirmities. The Holy Spirit repeatedly emphasizes in the Word that such is not the case. Although our Lord is omnipotent and mighty, yet His chief concern is for individuals. It has been said aptly that had there been only one sinner in the whole world, Christ would have died willingly for the salva­ tion of that one. Because the Lord Jesus Christ is divine, His love for each of us is as strong as it could be unitedly for all the race. How many people had noticed Zaccheus up in the tree as Jesus came into Jericho (Lk. 19 :l-4) ? In the bustle and excitement of the momentous event, he was a non­ entity. It seemed, however, that the Lord Jesus had eyes and heart for him alone; the whole attention of the Saviour was riveted upon that little, despised, sinful man in the sycamore tree. In answering the objections of those who told Him that He would be contaminated by contact with such an unworthy person, Christ said: “ The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Lk. 19:10). His purpose is to seek out the friendless and sinful and to lift them into a place of ex­ alted fellowship with Himself. Just like a master engineer, He holds the great mechanism of the universe in His hand, yet He hears the tick of the tiniest cog, and watches for weaknesses in the finest wires. On earth and in heaven His ministry has ever been that of repairing broken hearts and mending the breaches left by sin. Christ’s lament in last Sunday’s lesson after His rejection by entire cities, was fol­ lowed by His tender invitation to any and all who would yet come to Him (Matt. 11:28-30). He promised rest to those who


SHOULD JOIN WITH US! A Christian Society for Christian People . . . organized not for profit but to assist those who have been bereft of loved ones. Death benefits, according to ages, from $200 to $1000.00. Average cost $8 to $12 per year. Ministers and others write for territory.

New Binding Features Exclusive lacquered binding makes gold title tarnish-proof and covers wear resisting. Preserves original fresh appearance of your new hymnbooks. P R I C E S Lacquered silk cloth binding per 100, not prepaid, only $50.00. Durable paper covers per 100, not prepaid, only$32.50. Orchestrated for 11 instru­ ments in 8 volumes:— Com­ plete set, $16.00 not prepaid; Single volumes, $2.25, postpaid.

TABERNACLE PUBLISHING COMPANY 360-B No. Waller Ave., Chicago Gentlemen: Please send returnable sample copy of TABERNACLE HYMNS NUMBER THREE. Our church needs song books for the following uses. □ Worship Service □ Sunday School □ Young People □ Evang. Meetings Official Name________________________Title--------------------------------- Address------------------------------------------------------------------------- Church & Denom----------------------Membership............. — Pastor__________ ______ _____Address ------— — —

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