King's Business - 1938-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938

’Tis looking unto Jesus,

REVIVAL. IN ROMANCE AND REALISM By the founder of The World Wide Revival Prayer Movement, Mrs. Henry M . Woods “ A recital of the adventures and achievements of faith, a demonstration of ‘Signs following/ inspired by the Holy Spirit; a challenge to enlist in the urgent business of working for a much needed Revival in all the churches."—BAPTIST STANDARD. "The book is a personal witness of the power of prayer and of the leading of the Holy Spirit in local and world wide revivals. It should have a wide reading by Christians of all denominations and shades of theological belief. It points the way to a great essential to revival at home and abroad, i.e., humble, fervent, persistent prayer of faith, preceded by confession and repentance and followed by Spirit-guided action."—CHRISTIAN OBSERVER, SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN. "It warmed my heart, renewed my grip on God and revived my faith in the potency of prayer. You have helped to make a better Christian and a "more efficient minister of me."—D.D. U. S. A. "I have just finished reading ‘Revival in Romance and Realism.’ That book has been a revelation to me."—BRITISH CLERGYMAN. FLEMING II. REVELE COMPANY 158 Fifth Avenue New York. N. Y.

The Holy One and Just; ’Tis His great work that saves us— It is not “ try,” but “ trust.” — S elected . III. N e w B irth E ssential I was staying one day at an inn in one of the valleys of northern Italy, where the floor was dreadfully dirty. I had it in my mind to advise the landlady to scrub it, but when I perceived it was made of mud, I reflected that the more she scrubbed, the worse it would be. The man who knows his own heart soon perceives that his cor­ rupt nature admits of no improvement; there must be a new nature implanted, or the man will be only “washed to deeper stains.” “ Ye must be born again.” Ours is not a case for mending, but for making new.— C harles H addon S purgeon . Does Christ actually meet and adequate­ ly supply the world’s needs? Perhaps there, are those who, because of the state of affairs in a world like ours today, sincerely question His ability to accomplish what He has claimed He would do. Let us think clearly while we consider the relation of Christ'Jesus to mankind as a whole. In the first place, the people, of this world are continually objects of deception by Satan, the god of this world who is set against the plan and program of the Lord for His children. This fact is illustrated, on a small scale, by the sorcery of Simon whose wicked work is exposed in Acts 8. He posed as a great person, and was so adroit that he completely bewitched the people of Samaria, and had them all at his feet. They were drawn in by his lofty and popular statements, and mistook his power for that of God. Then Philip, the true servant of Christ, came preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God. The Samaritans’ eyes were opened by the power o f the Lord, and they saw the difference between the real and the counterfeit. When they realized that they had been following the doctrines of men rather than the mes­ sage of salvation through Christ, they im­ mediately turned about, were baptized, and believed on Him for the forgiveness of their sins. Only Christ could meet their need for heart rest and satisfaction. From our passage in 1 John 4:7-21, we observe that the love of God was consum­ mated in the Lord Jesus Christ who came into this world of sin to die in proof of God’s righteousness and His love for His creatures. That was His only motive, His one aim in life and death. He who loved us provided for the Substitute to bear our sins: “ Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). What is the work of the Saviour? Does He come to mend only broken hearts and homes, or does He seek to lay a deeper foundation of righteousness for the entire MARCH 20, 1938 CHR IST MEETING THE W O R L D ’ S NEEDS A cts 8:9-13; 1 J o h n 4:7-21 Meditation on the Lesson

Our Music, Also . . . IS T R U E T O T H E B I B L E • “Favorite Hymns” is indeed the “favorite” among songbooks— now in 10th edition; al­ most 350,000 copies sold. • For both church and Sunday-school use. • Over 300 gospel songs and hymns for all occasions. • 16 pages topically arranged Scripture readings. • Low in price. Beautiful cloth binding; 40c. each in quantities. • Investigate today. SEND FOR A RETURN­ ABLE INSPECTION COPY OF “FAVOR ITE H YM N S.” Also ask for free music catalog. THE STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY Dept. KB, Eighth and Cutter S ts., Cincinnati* O.

the end of themselves and need a Strong One to take their case in hand. The Sa­ viour has declared that not one who comes to Him in such a condition will ever be cast out (John 6:37). He gently deals with us as if our problems were the only ones which were brought to Him for solution. We can say with confidence, “ He came into the world to save sinners generally, and me specifically.” Salvation is personal. Has each member of our Christian Endeav­ or society come to the Lord Jesus for an individual cleansing? Are we pointing others, one by one, to the crucified One, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world? How G od M eets S in Man covers sin in a way quite different from God’s methods of covering sin. Many papers commented on the fact that when the elder Rockefeller died, the publicity agents had so definitely performed their task that he was looked upon as a benevo­ lent old philanthropist. They had covered up the fact that, as one o f these papers expressed it, “ within ten or fifteen years, by means never excelled for their ruthlessness or ingenuity, he brought under his control the bulk of the American supply of refined petroleum, crushing and absorbing competi­ tors . . When God covered sin, He did it by putting it upon the Lord Jesus Christ and nailing Him to His cross. It was fully acknowledged and punished. There is no other true method for dealing with sin. Men may fight it for a while, but the blood alone can cleanse from its stain. — Revelation. II. How W e A re S aved Not saved are we by trying; From self can come no aid; ’Tis on the blood relying, Once for our ranson paid. Helps for the Leader i

Money Earning Opportunity for clubs, organizations, societies, etc. Handy Wacks, waxed paper and other popular paper products are reasonably priced, sell quickly, make good profits and repeat. Free samples. Handy Wacks Corporation, Sparta, Mich.

INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO. Room 356. 1701-1703 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia,!^

REMEMBER R U S S I A A great white nation is perishing. The sufferings of Christians in Soviet Russia are indescribable. And yet— they are members of the same body of Christ to wnich we belong. Do their sufferings mean nothing to us? Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? The Russian Missionary Society is doing its ut­ most for those who sit in the shadow of death. Many thousands of dollars for support of mis­ sionaries and for relief and for orphans have been sent by us into Soviet Russia and its border states. No time must be lost, if we really have at heart the Lord’s cause on the far-flung Russian Mission Field. Please pray earnestly, and then— Whatsoever He tells you to do, do it with all your might. Gifts for relief, or missionaries, or orphans can be addressed to RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Inc. M . N. Fetler, Secretary 1844 W . Monroe Street Chicago, 111. FALSE TEETH Can Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth have suffered real embarrassment because their teeth dropped or slipped at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH , the alkaline powder, on your plates. Makes false teeth stay in place and feel comfortable all day long. Sweetens breath. Get FASTEETH at any drug store. Accept no substitute.

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