King's Business - 1938-02

February, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


world? From the great prophetic portions of the W ord of God, we learn that He has a far larger future purpose than we now see manifested. He is now setting up His kingdom of love in the hearts of men, and at a future moment— perhaps very soon— He will intervene, inaugurating a series of events that will change the physical order o f this- sin-blighted creation. He will trans­ form it in the new millennial kingdom where His will shall be done, not only in the hearts of a few believers, but also in the whole execution of government and in­ dividual conduct (cf. Isa. 11:1-10). Only those who suffer with Him now will have the right to reign with Him (2 Tim. 2:12). Those who scoff today, saying that Christ is insufficient for the things of this world, shall have no enjoyment in that perfectly ordered kingdom. In the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, God shall reign, and God is love. Love that forgives sins— that is true love. Senti­ mental lust and love that is merely human have distorted our conception of the divine love of which God is the essence. True love, demonstrated by the death of our Lord on Calvary’s cross, is the standard by which we must judge God’s meeting of this world’s needs. Has the Lord Jesus met your personal needs? Have you accepted Him as the One who can cancel the awful debt of sin? When we are “ in Christ,” we see God’s plan for our lives as individuals and for this earth, His footstool, in the glorious fu­ ture. He can supply our physical and tem­ poral needs, but more than that, He can fill the crying need of every human heart fo r love and for the peace that the world in its careless coldness cannot give. Praise His wonderful name, He does meet the world’s need— the need for a loving, living Saviour! I was in Alaska when the S. S. Islander went down off Douglas Island. Mr. Simp­ son, the chief steward, said he had floated about on a piece of broken spar for hours until he was so chilled and benumbed that he lost all hope and saw his doom sealed— death in that icy water, away from home and loved ones. When he was just at this moment o f awful agony of heart, a light pierced the darkness, and the splash of oars was heard. A voice cried out: “There is Simpson; we must save him. Brace up, old man; we’ll save you.” Mr. Simpson said that shout sent fire and energy to his farthest extremities, and soon a friendly hand reached out and he was safe in the lifeboat . . . Tell the man in despair that there is hope in Christ. The arm of the Lord Jesus is mighty to save.8§Adapted from F rench O liver . II. S eeing D ouble Be not like the foolish drunkard, who, staggering home one night, saw his candle lighted for him. “ Tw o candles!” said he, for his drunkenness made him see double. “ I will blow out one.” And as he blew it out, in a moment he was in the dark. Helps for the Leader I. H ope in C hrist

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