King's Business - 1938-02



February, 1938

MARCH 23 “ Revelation, Response, Reproduction“ “ And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT 1 AM ” (Ex. 3:14). W e want to learn afresh the old gram­ mar lesson, which we thought we had learned long ago, and perhaps have not until this week. It is the spiritual verb “to be”— “ I am, Thou art, He is.” The Lord is speaking to every one of us . . . and says, “ I am.” W e can use it as a sort of blank check, and put at the end of it any­ thing and everything we need. “ I am.” And He is looking, in response to that revelation, for our “ Thou art.” Whenever He says “ I am,” you and I must respond: “ Thou art.” Then we must go forth . . . and say to others, “ He is.” —W . H. G riffith T homas . A vision of the “ I AM ” fills the soul with enduring grace (Heb. 11:27). —T . B aird . MARCH 24 For Us “ Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows” (Isa. 53:4). He is a hiding place from the storm, a shelter from the tempest, a shadow from the heat, a river of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a huge rock in a weary land. At the sight of the cross you will no longer think of complaining of the greatness of your sufferings, for here you behold sufferings, in comparison with which yours are light; here the Righteous One suffers for you, the just for the unjust. In the view of the cross you will soon forget your distresses, for the love of God in Christ Jesus to you, a poor sinner, will absorb all your mind.—K rummacher . MARCH 25 Obeying Step by Step “ The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way” (Psa. 37:23). W e often make a great mistake, think­ ing that God is nbt guiding us at all, be­ cause we cannot see far ahead. But this is not His method. He only undertakes that the steps of a good man should be ordered by the Lord. Not next year, but tomorrow. Not the next mile, but the next yard. Not the whole pattern, but the next stitch in the canvas. If you expect more than this, you will be disappointed, and get . . . into the dark. But this will secure to you lead­ ing in the right way, as you will acknowl­ edge when you review it from the hilltops of glory . . . Let us seek to be of quick understanding, that we may be apt to see the least sign of His will. Let us stand with girded loins and lighted lamps, that we may be prompt to obey.— F. B. M eyer . MARCH 26 The Higher Calling “But like as he who called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living” (1 Pet. 1:15, R. V .). W e may not work a miracle In any given place, But we can be a miracle O f God’s redeeming grace. The call to work a miracle May be for one short day;

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