King's Business - 1938-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

February, 1938

Deadly Poison Gas in Tax-Supported Schools


San Diego California

Photographs courtesy of the Los Angeles Examiner W HILE C h ris tia n s in America mourn the fact that the youth of Spain and of China and of Japan are be­ ing maimed and massacred on the battlefield, many of them ignore the fact that the minds and souls o f thou­ sands of American youths are being corrupted and killed by p o is o n ga s spread in the tax-supported schools and colleges of our nation. In answer to a crusade to save our youth from industrial exploitation, most of our American states have outlawed child labor. But there is a worse form of child exploita­ tion than that associated with sweatshops; this is the exploitation of youth in the in­ terests of Communism and antichristianity. Unscrupulous professors are using tax-sup­ ported schools as agencies through which young students are recruited to Satan’s army of godlessness and infidelity. Students are poisoned with free-love propaganda and directed into ways of immorality which end in prostitution, crime, disease, and even suicide. W e have pure food laws which prevent ungodly men from poisoning the stomachs of children; but we do not have laws of common decency which prevent antichristian teachers from poisoning the hearts, minds, and souls of students. There are reliable statistics which show the appalling toll that godless education is taking among our youth. A scientific sur­ vey by James H. Leuba revealed that more than one-half of the students who enter leading universities as professing Christians are converted into agnostics and atheists [Dr. Gilbert has made a special study of the appalling conditions in American high schools, colleges, and universities. Persons interested in placing on the ballot an ini­ tiative measure such as is described on these pages are urged by Dr. Gilbert to corre­ spond with him at 5472 Gilbert Drive, San Diego, Calif. — E ditor .]

Christian citizens go about the task of cleaning the Augean cess­ pools of immorality and atheism which defile students in our edu| cational institutions? How can antimoral, antichristian, anti-God p r o fe s s o r s be ousted from tax- supported universities? How may this slaughter of innocence, of Chris­ tian faith, of moral virtue, be stopped? How may the crucifying of Christ in our colleges be ended? How may the youth of the land be saved from destruc­ tion at the hands of educational pied pipers and poison peddlers? Truly, the task before us is an enormous one. But, with the help of God it CAN be done— the youth of the nation CAN be saved and safeguarded from anti-Christ educational forces and influences. The time has arrived that we must map out and carry through to completion a defi­ nite campaign to throw the mantle of pro­ tection about students now being debauched and defiled by antichristian teachers. W e may not succeed wholly, but we must save as many youths as we can from the anti- Christ terror in our schools. Had William Jennings Bryan lived, the battle might already have been won. Bryan was in reality martyred by the arch-atheist of the present day, Clarence Darrow. Bryan defended unto death the right of Christian childhood to be safeguarded from faith- destroyers preying under the sheepskin of scholarship. Had Bryan lived, it is entirely possible that the Twenty-First Amendment to our Constitution— instead of repealing prohibition—would have outlawed the de­ bauchery of youth with the doctrines of anti-Christ, of immorality, of atheism. Bryan has gone Home; but he has left us with some inspiring instructions. Bryan often declared that all great* reforms, all great movements of moral uplift, have their inception in aroused Christian public opin­ ion. The Christian masses of plain peo­ ple are the source from which spring all campaigns for the moral and spirit­ ual protection and salvation of youth.

• While European nations hastily provide gas masks for their civilian populations, American school children and university students are left defenseless before the encroachment of a still more deadly poison in the classroom. before they are graduated. Statistics show what happens to one out of every four students who enter leading universities as good Americans— one out of every four is a Communist or a Socialist at graduation. Figures regarding the degradation of the moral ideals of students are no less appal­ ling. From the investigation of research experts, it is concluded that every year more than 36,000 girls lose their virginity while attending American colleges and universi­ ties. More than 2,000 abortions are per­ formed yearly on American university girls. The facts regarding the teaching of im­ morality, atheism, and Communism in some of our leading universities have been set forth in the writer’s books, Crucifying Christ in Our Colleges; The Vanishing Virgin; Evolution: The Root of All Isms, and The Slaughter of Innocence. What Can Aroused Parents Do? As a result of these exposés, Christian parents all ovèr the nation have been aroused. Hundreds of letters have come to me asking suggestions as to how this men­ ace to youth may be combatted. How may

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