King's Business - 1938-02


February, 1938

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

“ Intellectual honesty” and “ the unhampered quest for truth” are popular slogans o f agnostic professors and teachers. Is there true religious freedom in America when tax-supported educational institutions forhid teach­ ing o f the Bible or Christian faith, yet freely permit atheism, free love, and Communism to be taught to youth ?

printed in The Slaughter of Innocence — that immoral books and teachings were imposed upon the school children of the nation’s cap­ ital. Unfortunately, only a few Congress­ men lined up uncompromisingly with Mr. Blanton. He himself was the spearhead of the drive in defense of youth. Consequent­ ly, he sorely antagonized the organized forces of Communism and of atheism. Radical orators from New York City and other hotbeds of subversivism went down to Mr. Blanton’s Congressional district and stirred prejudice against him in the 1936 election. Radical organizations solicited funds from all over the nation and poured them into Mr. Blanton’s home district. A poisonous propaganda machine—with ah enormous slush fund— prosecuted a cam­ paign of defamation and of character assassination against him. As a result, he was defeated for reelection. It is clear that we cannot permit our­ selves to play into the enemy’s hands. W e cannot confine our campaign to one state— thus giving the enemy a chance to concen­ trate its poison-gas barrage on one “ front.” W e must fight, simultaneously, throughout the nation. National Christian public opin­ ion must mobilize. W e must battle on all fronts, thus dividing and devastating the organized forces of youth subversion. It is hoped that readers of this announce­ ment throughout the nation will heed the call. W e should 'p rePare to place on the ballot, simultaneously in a number of states, the measure for the welfare of youth out­ lined above. The campaign must spring from the aroused Christian masses. It must be a movement of their own creation. It must be carried forward by leaders of their own choosing. The present writer has one pur­ pose— and one purpose only: that is to stir the Christian citizenry to action, to an ap­ preciation of conditions, and to a correction of them. There has been thorough consulta­ tion with legal minds as to the best method of procedure. Out of this consultation and in answer to prayer, the above plan of cam­ paign developed. It is earnestly hoped that Christian pa­ rents throughout the nation will see the need and the duty to take united action in defense of the faith and morals of stu­ dents. When sufficient interest is mani­ fested to give an initiative measure a fair chance of qualifying for the ballot, peti­ tions will be printed and their circulation started. If 5,000 Christian parents would volunteer to secure forty signers each, the initiative petition could be brought to a vote by being placed on the ballot in California. What Christians Can Do

into ways of immorality by teaching them free-love doctrines. In America, 36,000 university and college girls forsake the way of virtue, and plunge into immorality, each year. They are led cunningly into immoral ways by free-love teachings. These girls, for the most part, are minors—under twenty- one years of age. The adult teacher who influences them by immoral instruction should be deemed guilty of “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.” Announcing an Aggressive Campaign Before publicizing this plan to save the nation’s youth, I imparted it to President Paul W . Rood of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for his consideration. He has en­ dorsed it whole-heartedly, and he commends it to all loyal Americans and all believing Christians who are interested in the moral and spiritual welfare of youth. T o qualify the initiative petition on the ballot in the state o f California requires ap­ proximately 190,000 signatures. This is an enormous number, but a number which is insignificant compared to the full power of Christian public opinion to be marshaled in the entire Golden State.

Outlawing Classroom Propagation of Atheism, Free Love, Communism Happily, many states have provided an effective weapon which the Christian citi­ zenry may use in their drive to prevent professors from corrupting the morals and souls of students. This weapon is the ini­ tiative petition, whereby measures may be placed jon the ballot. The Christian people themselves may place on the ballot a propo­ sition outlawing antimoral, antichristian teaching in our schools. And the Christian people themselves may enact their will into law— throwing a shield of legal protection about the school children of their state. The law should contain two main points: First, it should han the teaching in tax- supported schools of atheism, free love, and Communism. The law now bans the teach­ ing of the Bible and of Christianity in public schools. Why, then, should not the law also ban the teaching of antichris- tianity in tax-supported educational insti­ tutions? Christians may not teach their religion in the public schools. But atheists are free to teach their irreligion at tax­ payers’ expense! The law must be made fair. It must be made fair to Christians;

the law now is unjust. An initiative measure should correct the in­ justice of the law. If the schoolroom is to be barred against Christ, then it, at least, should be b a r r e d e q u a lly against His enemies. "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor" In t h e second in­ stance, t h e initiative measure should make it a crime for any school teacher to poi­ son the minds of stu­ dents viith atheist and Communist propagan­

Needful Strategy— A Far-Flung Battle Line I have discussed the plan with legal experts and w i t h Christian statesmen v e r s e d in political strategy. It is their opinion that it would be a mistake to fight this holy battle on a single “ front”— in a single state. The rea son is that the forces upholding god­ less education are well organized. They are possessed of an enor­ mous propaganda ma­ chine and have unlim­

R. D. Marvin.

ited funds at their disposal. Were the bat­ tle confined to this one state, radicals all over the nation would pour money and propaganda into California, defeating at the polls those who truly see the danger. This conclusion was demonstrated as a result of the battle in Congress to stop the spreading o f subversive education in the schools of the nation’s capital. The schools of Washington, D. C., are controlled and largely financed by the Federal government. On the floor of the 1936 Congress, Repre­ sentative Thomas Blanton of Texas put up a brave fight for the moral and spiritual welfare of Washington school children. Mr. Blanton presented proof—which I have re­

da. Our state law now makes it an offense, punishable with a jail sentence, for an adult to give alcohol to a minor. The law is right ; but it does not go far enough. Atheism and immorality are more poison­ ous than alcohol. It should be an offense, punishable with a jail sentence, for any adult in the teaching profession to defile the intellects and consciences of students with thè poisons o f anti-Christ. The law now makes it an offense for any adult to lure a minor into leading an immoral life, or into committing an act of immorality. The law is right; but it does not go far enough. The law should have teeth in it which will catch professors who turn youth

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