Always endeavoring to bring to the hearts and homes of listeners the finest obtainable speakers and chal– lenges for daily living, the Bible Institute Hour has invited seven lead– ing pastors here in the West to speak on each- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday broadcast from April 2nd to the 16th on the "Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross."
Dr. J. Lester Harnish
Here you see pictured several of those who will be heard, in addition to special testimonies, musical selec– tions, and other f•atures which will be heard over the network release during the first part of April. The radio audience is invited to send for this month's free booklet
Dr. Albert J, Lindsey entitled, "Christ Lives, 11 by Dr. Louis T. Tolbot. It is written so that oil moy clearly see the redemptive power of our Lord Jesus Christ, which wos wrought through the perfect work which He accomplished on Calvary's Cross. The cover is in lovely color, and if extra copies can be used, you may request them just as long as the supply lasts. Use the convenient cou– pon in the lower right hand column.
Rev. Ellis R. Show
Each month in this portion of your BIOLA BROAD– CASTER we will print several important prayer requests and items of praise, trusting that you will remember them during your times of private or family devotions. We are remembering them daily also and will be happy to uphold any of your needs as well. Be sure to use the BIOLA Calendar with the special petition which is pre– sented each Monday. Pray, . ·•• For Dr. Louis T. Talbot and the members of his missionary expedition In Africa. Praise ••• For the way in which many hove responded to the urgent need of our Morch Letter Month. The next few weeks will hove much to do with future plans In continuing these radio ministries. Pray ••• For the members of the BIOLA Field Deportment as they go from city to city and home to home on behalf of the need of training young people. Praise ••• For the many who hove recently found Christ and those making definite decisions for service through the testimony of the broadcasts. Pray,••• For those in the radio audience who hove special burdens– spirituol, physical, and mental. Also the many domestic diffi· culties which hove arisen because of sin and unbelief. Remember, God Is still on the Throne. May we keep looking UPI
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