TCD School of Nursing & Midwifery Postgraduate Prospectus 2…

Nursing – Specialist Nursing

Master’s/Postgraduate Diploma Part-time, 2 Years Master’s/Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate Part-time, 3 Years

Brief Overview This course will provide you with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to provide evidence-based care to patients in one of the following speciality areas of nursing, while acknowledging the individuality of the patient experience. • Cancer Care and Haematology Nursing • Cardiovascular Nursing • Emergency Department Nursing

• Intensive Care Nursing • Perioperative Nursing • Renal Nursing Structure (Timeline/Days in Class)

Career Opportunities This course will prepare you to work as a competent, effective and caring specialist nurse. Many graduates go on to become Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), complete further study to become an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) or pursue leadership roles within their speciality.

Year One: Commences with a full week of classes in September and thereafter one day per week for the remainder of the academic year.

Year Two: Attendance at workshops throughout the academic year. If completing the Master’s, you will also carry out research and the writing of a dissertation.


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