
patient care and strengthen Ontario’s health care system. One of the driving principles behind the platform is the belief that all Ontarians deserve timely access to a family physician, regardless of where t hey l i ve . Phys i c i ans a l so wan t increased long-term care capacity and home support services. Other recommendations include: F i gh t i ng ch i l dhood obe s i t y by requiring fast food chains to list calo- rie contents on menu boards, and by mandating physical activity in our high schools; Ensuring every person in Ontario has an electronic medical record by 2015 and expanding EMRs to 5,000 more physicians; Expanding the number of Family Health Teams; Imp l emen t i ng a men t a l hea l t h strategy with a focus on our young people whose parents continue to find significant gaps in resources and care options. “Local doctors have solutions to lo- cal health care challenges and should be included in health care discussions. We hope that political parties and lo- cal candidates commit to work with Ontario’s doctors to improve patient care,” says OMA president Stewart Kennedy. It is difficult to contest what the doctors have ordered. Between now and October 6, we can expect to be immersed in partisan politics, posturing and a mix of posi- tive and negative ingredients. When it comes to consuming canned ideas or preserved food, it is always best to remember that every commodity has a shelf life, and some are best sampled with a grain of salt. holding an art auction as part of a fund- raising drive aimed at acquiring St. Paul’s Chapel as its new home. Bids on works by Michael Cartwright, Maggie Dean Tillett and Susan Jephcott can be made until November 5 at Brunch In Pointe-au-Chêne Le Centre Communautaire Camp- bell, the former Pointe-au-Chêne church, hosts a community brunch the fourth Sunday of every month. Break- fast is served by volunteers for $7 per adult and $4 for children under 12. Focus On Fitness The Canadian Mental Health Association’s Oasis centre at 21 Nel- son St., Hawkesbury, offers Focus on Fitness programs, including visits to the gym at Club 352, Nintendo Wii, a walking club, presentations and healthy lunches. For information, call Danika at 613-632-4924, extension 407.

Votre Super Centre de l’auto, du camion, des VUS et des mini-fourgonnettes d’occasion! 2011 Infiniti M37X , 7432 km, blanche, 49,995$ 2011 Ford Edge, 25,752 km, brune, 32,995$ 2011 Nissan Maxima, 23,784 km, bleu, 31,995$ 2011 Nissan Maxima, 27,412 km, noire, 31,995$ 2011 Nissan Maxima, 32,715 km, argent, 31,995$ 2011 Buick Lucerne, 37,516 km, grise, 21,995$ 2011 Ford Fusion, 34,314 km, noire, 17,995$ 2011 Chevy Cruze, 7,234km, argent, 17,995$ 2011 Ford Focus, 34,521 km, grise, 16,995$ 2011 Ford Fiesta, 20,228 km, noire, 14,995$ 2010NissanMurano,60,991km,noire,35,995$ 2010 Infiniti G37X, 17,892 km, grise, 31,995$ 2010NissanAltimaCoupe,27,292,blanche,27,995$ 2010 Toyota Tacoma, 57,296 km, argent, 26,995$ 2010HyundaiGenesis,36,298km,noire,20,995$ 2010 Nissan Rogue, 9,598 km, bleu, 18,995$ 2010DodgeGr.Caravan,44,124km,argent,17,995$ 2010 Mazda 6, 58,593 km, grise, 17,995$ 2009 Nissan Murano, 72,198 km, grise, 25,995$ 2009 NissanMaxima, 32,298km, blanche, 24,995$ 2009 Nissan Maxima, 94,562 km, grise, 23,995$ 2009 Nissan Rogue, 81,115 km, grise, 16,995$ 2009 Chevrolet Cobalt, 73,691 km, rouge, 9,995$ 2008 Infiniti G35X, 95,298 km, grise, 22,995$ 2008 Nissan Rogue, 75,146 km, noire, 19,995$ 2008 Pontiac Torent, 87,298 km, rouge, 12,995$ 2008 Nissan Altima, 148,954 km, grise, 9,995$ 2007LincolnNavigator,135,865km,noire,23,995$ 2007 Nissan Sentra, 66,298 km, grise, 13,995$ 2007 Nissan Versa, 64,298 km, rouge, 9,995$ 2007 Nissan Versa, 95,883 km, grise, 9,999$ 2007 Dodge Caravan, 59,838 km, bleu, 9,995$ 2007 Hyundai Elantra, 42,719 km, silver, 9,995$ 2006 Nissan Titan, 73,134 km, grise, 19,995$ 2006 Nissan Murano, 107,498 km, grise, 18,995$ 2006 Nissan Xtrail, 55,199 km, argent, 14,995$ 2006 Nissan Xtrail, 70,177 km, noire, 13,995$ 2006 GMC Canyon, 110,873 km, verte, 13,995$ 2006 Nissan Xtrail, 117,230 km, noire, 11,995$ 2006 Honda Civic, 82,750 km, beige, 9,995$ 2005 Nissan Xtrail, 105,326km, beige, 9,995$ 2005PontiacMontana,105,634km,argent,8,995$ 2003 Nissan Frontier, 122,572 km, argent, 7,995$ 2003 Nissan Altima, 89,203 km, rouge, 6,995$ 2002 Nissan Frontier, 101,512 km, rouge, 6,995$

Yes, we can: Pickles and politics

Yes, we can. While that line is often used for political purposes, it also speaks of the passion of those who crave the chance to stir things up, who love to steam up the kitchen, who like to get into pickles and jams and preserves. Fall has many rites and smells. For many, the changing season is marked by the scents of mixes of sugar, vinegar and spices that are used but once a yea r . Hour s a r e happ i l y spen t searching for jars and sealers, and chopping, dicing and jarring fruits and vegetables. One of the many benefits of this autumnal tradition is that it helps peo- ple to adhere to the 100-mile diet. In this region, we have many sour- ces of fresh food. If we cannot grow it ourselves, we can purchase it from lo- cal producers. We can buy locally-grown food directly from the source and preserve it. On a cold winter day, you can crack open a jar of jam and remember the days when the temperature was over plus 30 and the humidity hung in the air. While the snow flies, you can dip into a jar of pickles, and be warmed by the memories of giant and rapidly spreading cucumbers and zucchini. Alas, while it is tempting to hole up in a warm, aromatic spot and can the fall away, we cannot ignore the outside world. Whether we like it or not, another political campaign is on, and various parties, not just the ones seeking votes, are vying for our attention. For example, the Ontario branch of the Canadian Federation of Students, has organized a “Take It Over” drive in an effort to encourage more young voters to cast ballots in the October 6 Ontario election. A student at George Brown College has developed a video game where the player must dodge obstacles like tuition fees, debt and apathy to tackle a ballot box. “Drawing on the skills of our members, this game was designed to be a fun way to engage Ontarians about voting on October 6,” said Cindy Brownlee, Director of Education and Equity for the Student Association of George Brown College. Che ck out That is the site for Elections Ontario, t he gove rnmen t agency t ha t has launched several new initiatives. “It’s now easier than ever to vote in a provincial general election,” said Chief Electoral Officer Greg Essensa. Unde r t he Mo r e Day s Mo r e Way s program, voters have more flexibility than ever before to choose how, when and where to vote. New for this election, Ontarians who are eligible to vote will be able to do so by mail using a special ballot. Voters can also cast their special ballot at their returning office or satellite office. E l ec t i ons On t a r i o i s mak i ng ava i l ab l e new as s i s t i ve vo t i ng technology (AVT). This includes the AVT’s audio tactile interface, paddles and sip and puff devices that allow voters who had previously needed as- sistance to cast their ballot to vote

secretly and independently. The AVT will be available in returning offices and satellite offices from September 21 to October 5. “The assistive voting t echno l ogy i s a key pa r t o f our commitment to offer more choice to Ontario voters and just one of the ways we’re making it easy to vote in the 2011 general election,” said Essensa. One issue on voters’ minds is health. In fact, municipal leaders from across Ontario chose health care as the number one issue that political parties should focus on in the upcoming pro- vincial election. In a survey conducted by the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) at the recent Municipalities of Ontario annual meeting, When asked to identify what health care issues were most pressing and would have the most impact on patient care municipal leaders chose access to a physician and more long-term care beds. Ontario’s doctors are prescribing a set of recommendations — “Better care. Healthier patients. A stronger Onta- r i o . ” The p l a t f orm i nc l ude s 41 recommendations designed to improve Basketball Titans Minor Basketball Association will be holding it’s registration, on Wednesday, September 28, for one night only, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:p.m. in the gymnasium of École Paul VI, 500 Main St. East, Hawkesbury. There are three divisions for both boys and girls: Peewee (8-9 year old), Mini-Bantam (10- 11year old) & Bantam (12-13 year old). For info call Marcel @613-632-8006 or Lucie @ 613-632-1943. We can be reached via email: Military Whist A military whist is being organized by a group of parishioners in aid of the St-Paul Plantagenet parish, November 20 at 1:30 p.m. at the community hall. Door prizes. RSVP before November 13. Call Marie Paule Viau (613-673-1986) or Françoise Vincent (613-673-2669). Art Auction The Dalkeith Historical Society is

Community events

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