King's Business - 1921-02

T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S MOTTO: “I,the Lord, do keep it, / will water it every moment, lest any hurt it, / will keep it night and day. «■■ '■■■■■i.Bsai ....... .. '*r i- Isa. 27:3 ■ ir-g-g,1.»..". .......... t v ........'^.la-s P U B L IS H E D M O N T H L Y BY T H E BIBLE I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S $36-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET. LOS ANGELES. CAL. Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17» 1910. at the Post Office at Los Angeles» California under the Act of March 3» 1879 Acceptance formailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103» Act of October 3» 1917 authorised October 1. 1918. Volume XII February, 1921 . Number 2

Rev. T . C . H O R TO N » Editor in Chief

Rev. KEITH L. BROOK S. Managing Editor

A L A N S. PEARCE, A d*. Manager Contributing Editors

D R . F. W . FARR



D R . A . C . D IX O N

Furnish us names and addresses of worthy missionaries or Christian- workers who would enjoy The King’s Business, and we will send the maga­ zine to them free. CONTENTS Editorials: Wanted—More Mothers (107), From Home to Hell (108), Just Waking Up (109), The Battle of the Clouds (111), The Forces of Faith (111), World Vision in Prayer (112), Subtle Ser­ mons (113). 'Sentence Sermons (114) Song—“Not I, But Christ“—-Catherine E. Grill (1 i 5) Right Home ¿ife—By Dr. John R. Stratton (116) Building On “Other Foundations”—By Rev. C. H. Fountain (120) The Problem of Perfection-—By Rev. Geo. Goodman (124) He Being.Dead Yet Speaketh—By K. L. B. (127) Modem Science and Christianity—By, Arthur Mercer (129) Bible Institute Happenings— (131) Evangelistic Stories—By Institute Workers (134) Homiletical Helps (141) Notes On Jews and Prophecy (144) Thoughts For Unsaved People (146) Helps For Young Students (147) International Sunday School Bessons (148) . Daily Devotional Readings—By Dr. F. W. Farr (176) ^Terrible Conditions in China—By Rev. Reuben Torrey, Jr. (183) ^Editorial Afterthoughts (186) Book Review (188) Does the Bible Mean What It Says?—By Dr. I. M. Haldeman (189) The Anti-Christ Systems—By Dr. Mark A. Matthews (190) PLEASE When sending subscriptions, address correspondence to OSes of The King's Business, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, BSt-BBS South Hope Street Checks may be made payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Do not moke checks or money orders ,to individuals connected with the Bible Institute. Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, INCLUD ING C A N A D A $1.24 - SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A

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