King's Business - 1921-02

133 incident. A young lady said to me, "I can take Christ anywhere, to the danc­ ing hall and worldly amusements.” I replied, “Will Christ take you to these places?” “No,” she exclaimed, “I wouldn’t think much of Him if He did.” She thought on her ways, and was led to see she. was crucified with Christ, not only judicially, but practically, and she said, “I have no feet with which to walk to these places now, for they are crucified with Christ.” May I also say there is yet another thing to recognize, that is, the positive side of the Christian life. Crucifixion with Christ is the negative side of the Christ-life, but the positive side is “Christ liveth in me.”—F. E. Marsh. “If Christians who know the power of the cross should go and challenge the mediums, or rather the powers speak­ ing through the mediums, commanding them in the name of the Lord to declare themselves, they would confess, though much against their will, that they are demons.” She gives a typical case from her own experience: “We have recently been helping a young woman who for many years has been tormented by demons, to fight through to freedom. When it began speaking through her, attempting to de­ ceive us into thinking it was the young woman herself speaking, we demanded of it an answer to the question, Who are you? “It tried evasion, but held to it re­ plied, ‘I am, I am,’ several times, and then changed to, ‘We are, we are,’ and finally ‘We are demons.’ Asked, How many? evasion was again tried, but the Lord has given to His servants authority over these spirits, so they have to obey, and we got the answer, ‘Five.’ “The woman is now better.” THE SPIRIT MEDIUMS Miss Harrison, working under the China Inland Mission, says:

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S SEI j F cruc if ix ion A Boston preacher once announced as his subject, “Self-crucifixion the secret of the Christian life.” Let anyone try to crucify himself, and see how far ht will get! The Ritualist and the Roman­ ist try to crucify self by penance, tor­ ture, and almsgiving, and when they get through they take satisfaction to them­ selves in what they have done, and are thus guilty of self-righteousness. It is not denying certain things to-self, like the boy who was asked what he would give up during self-denial week, and. re­ plied: “Bacon for breakfast; I never liked it.” The crucifixion of self means another has crucified self, as Paul puts it, when he says, “I have been crucified with Christ”—co-crucified as the word means—that is, two persons impaled on one cross. The only way to get rid of self is to die, and the only way to die is to see we are dead, dead in the death of Christ. God in Christ has placed us on the Cross with Christ, and the Holy Spirit has come to make true in our experience what is true in Him, and we “reckon” by faith it is so. This is not sentiment nor mysticism, but making God’s facts in Christ for us, living factors in our experience. Two practical incidents will illustrate. A lady in New York, who was too free with her tongue, entered into the ex­ perience of crucifixion with Christ, and gave her testimony as to what a dif­ ference it had made in her life, and ended by saying, “I have no tongue now" to gossip with, for it is crucified with Christ.” At a Keswick Convention in Preston, conducted by Captain Totten­ ham, Mi1. E. L. Hamilton, and myself, some years ago, a young Christian in business, who had been selling one article at two prices sold under the same conditions, entered into the ex­ perience of Galatians 2:20, and wit­ nessed by saying, “I have no hands to do 'this thing any longer, for they are crucified with Christ.” Yet one othei

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