King's Business - 1921-02



for us, and if you can, send me some­ one who is on fire for souls.” Help us, dear friends, by your prayers to respond to these urgent calls. A missionary, for whose student we managed to make room after the session had begun, wrote us: “I cannot tell you how thankful 1 am both to Mrs. Keller and yourself for taking this young man in. May God bless you for it . . . May God bless your work, the school and all, as He has already done, and make it all a blessing to this people.” Most Truly Yours in Christ, FRANK A. KELLER, i * Harbor Work Oscar Zimmermann, Supt. Four and one-half years ago the work began in San Francisco Harbor. Closed doors and hostile authorities were en­ countered, but under God’s leading doors were opened wonderfully, hostility ceased and souls were won. During the war a wide open door was ours, although access was denied to practically all others. The Word of God was preached and prayers marvellously answered. The last work He undertook for us was to raise up a man of His own choice to continue the work in San Francisco Harbor and en­ able the writer to go once more to San Pedro to continue the work there and work out a plan whereby students will be trained to do effective soul-saving work in other ports in this and foreign countries. So once more these two harbors are oc­ cupied and it is expected that He will enable us to take another step forward blessed with His favor. Will you not pray that out of this effort, may grow work in other places through capable stu­ dents who may here catch the vision, see the need, and prepare to follow where He leads? A humble beginning and foundation will be laid while we will look to Him for every blessing, v French Ships Get the Gospel Regarding the labor in San Fran­ cisco: We had a good month and God used the Word. A number of French sailing vessels arrived and the men coming in after a very long passage at sea were found to be very receptive and glad for our visits. An interesting and blessed service was held one Sunday afternoon. Three ships alongside of one wharf were boarded and with prayer in our hearts the first man was approached as we endeavored to arrange for a service. This man, evidently led of

fund 3 were provided for its support. I replied that it would be possible, and that it would be a great advantage if a cable giving the decision could reach us at Nanyoh. The letter just caught a fast mail steamer and a month later the cable was in our hands. The matter had been laid upon the hearts of the visitors at Nanyoh and a great volume of prayer was going up daily, and great was the joy on those more than two hundred faces when, on the last day of the conference, I held up the cable that had just come to hand, not a moment too soon, notifying us of the provision of the necessary funds for Band No. 9. The plan was for Band No. 9 to work in another part of the large field under the supervision of Mr. Porteous in Kiangsi, Band No. 6 being already at work in one part of that field, so I thought: “In case we are able to start Band No, 9, how help­ ful it would be to have a personal con­ ference with Mr. Porteous.” But that seemed impossible; I could not take the time to go several days’ journey to Mr. Porteous’ station, and I could not ask him to come to Changsha, but .“Nothing is impossible with God.” »He knew all about it and He was guiding all con­ cerned, and so in the midst of the con­ ference^ alonif came Mr. Porteous, sent to us to take the place of another speak­ er who, had been prevented from com­ ing, just in time to rejoice with us.when the cable came, and to join in the plans for the new band. The leader of the new band is Mr. Tan Yoh-Cheng. (Pro­ nounce Tan with “a” as in father) a real­ ly remarkable man; I want you to know his name and to pray for him; in a later letter I hope to tell you more about him. A Pull Bible School The Bible school at Changsha is full to the very limit, and in fact even fuller than that, and applications'are already coming in for next year. We have fifty- two men and twenty-four women students, a total of seventy-six. We have been compelled to refuse a number of students for lack of room, a most painful thing to do when there is such a pressing de­ mand on all sides for- trained helpers. One missionary writes: “I have just re­ turned from furlough and I am writing to ask when you can. let us have one of your evangelistic bands. I am very much in need of workers, and ‘The field is ripe unto the harvest,’ come over and help us. Have you any men that will be ready in the near future who will be suitable to place in new fields? Pray

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