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Suggestive Bible Readings
3. Their Exercise 7-10.
UNAFFECTED BY TIME The following are unaffected by time: 1. God Himself. Hebrews 1:12— “Thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.” 2. God’s Love. Jeremiah 31:3— “I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” 3. God’s Word. 1 Peter 1:23— “The Word of God which liveth and abideth forever.” 4. Salvation. Isaiah 51:6—^“My sal vation shall be forever.” 5. God’s People. 1 John 2:17—“He that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.’’—R. Wright Hay. FOUR GOSPEL S’s 1. The Simplicity of the Gospel. (He that calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved). Acts 2:21. 2. The Solemnity of the Gospel. (He that believeth not is condemned already). Jno. 3:18. Z. The Stability of the Gospel. (Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not). Mark 13:31. 4. The Satisfactioh of the Gospel. (Neither height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God). Rom. 8:39. —A. J. Coffey. A FLOURISHING CHURCH (I Thess. 1) 1. Their Example 1-3.
(1 ) To sound the Word. (2) To serve God. (3) To expect Christ.—A. E.
THE SALVATION (John 3:16) 1. The Motive: “God so loved the world” 2. Thp Means: “That He gave His only begotten Son” 3. The Magnitude: “That whoso ever believeth in Him” 4. The Mercy: “Should not perish,” 5. The Maturity: “But have ever lasting life.” Note: The measure of God’s love is “the world” ; the measure of God’s be loved sons (1 Jno. 3:1, 2) is “Whoso ever believeth.” This is Christ’s doc trine of “the Fatherhood of God.”— L. L. Aber. THE GOSPEL IN JONAH Service of sin. Jonah 1:2. Sorrow for sin. Jonah 3:5. Repenting of sin. Jonah 3:8. Revoking penalty of sin. Jonah 3:10. —Fred S. Shepard. FIRST JOHN 3:2 1. A present realization—“Now are we the sons of God?” 2. A divine reservation—“Know not what we shall be.” 3. A future manifestation—"When He shall appear we shall be like Him.” —Tucker. PARDON OF SIN (Ps. 130:4) 1. There is the pardon of sin; pro vided and promised, Dan. 9:9; Heb. 8: 12; Rom. 3:25; published in the Gos pel, Acts 13:38.
(1) In work of faith. (2) In labor of love. (3) In patience of hope.
2. Their Election 4-6. (1) Of God. (2) Of the Gospel.
(3) Of the Holy Spirit. (4) Of “Us.” -
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