King's Business - 1921-02

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The Chosen People,The Land and 4 ie Book | 1§)1 Notes Concerning tke JevJs and Propkecj)

Sir Samuel) should come to Jerusalem to restore the kingdom to the Jews. The power that England has given him is much more important and greater than that which Artaxerxes, the Persian, gave to the first Nehemiah. King George is not like Artaxerxes. When he will re­ ceive protests from any Arabian Gesh- ems or Sanballats he will not answer as the Persian did, but he will say, ‘We have selected Herbert Samuel as the au­ tomatic ruler of Palestine and he must remain in his power.’ ” Jews and The League , J.ewish delegations are zealously working for the admission of Jews to membership in the League of Nations. It is thought by the Ziopist leaders that such a league can be of great benefit to the Jews. When Jews are persecuted in one of the European countries they have nowhere else to appeal for protection than to the local government; but if an appeal is made to the Council of the League of Nations, it must have some effect. Anti-Jewish Propaganda “This year, for the first time for cen­ turies,” says D. M. Panton, “an organi­ zation has been launched in England, that conducts an intense propaganda for the persecution of the Jews. Here are some of its fierce anti-Semitic utter­ ances: ‘A Jew is like the chameleon, which can take the color of its environ­ ment at will. But for all its changing hues the chameleon remains a reptile.” “Who trampled women and children in air-raid shelters? Who spied for Ger­ many during the war? Who made rot­ ten machines for our airmen? Who is stirring up labor trouble? Who is try­ ing to keep the country weak and dis­ contented? Who dictates the policy of the Government? Who ought to be sent to Palestine, and never allowed back?’ The climax is reached in the demand that England should ‘expel all Jews from positions where they are a menace to the Gentile community, and re-enact the laws of Edward P; The laws in which Jew-baiting in England, ,and Jew- murder, .found their crowning expres­ sion, and under which sixteen thousand Jews were exiled, most of whom never survived the Channel.”

Popery vs. Jews Catholic papers have been much exer­ cised because the Jews are buying land in Palestine and afraid they will buy up and control the Holy Land to the danger of the Roman church. Late Catholic papers relate that a wealthy Jew of Bag­ dad had given $50,000 to buy land in Palestine for Jewish settlers. Palestine and Perfumery Among trade openings recently an­ nounced from Palestine, "'s one which is eloquent of peaoeful conditions—the production of perfumes. The sugges­ tion recalls many a passage in the Old Testament, and now and then one in the New, e. g. Psa. 45:8; Prov. 27:9; Song of Sol. 1:3; 3:6; 4:11; John 12:3. In ancient times the perfumer was a {familiar functionary in the business world of Palestine. Jews as Scientists A writer in the Menorab Monthly speaks of the contributions which mod­ em Judaism has made to the advance­ ment of scientific knowledge. Hertz proved the existence of electro-magnetic waves, and by so doing cut a path for Marconi. Moissan discovered fluorine, and first made diamonds from carbon. Michelson has taught scientific men new methods of measuring light. Lippman is the pioneer in color photography. Rubens has made epoch-making discov­ eries in spectrum investigation, especi­ ally in infra-red. Victor Meyer was the great pioneer in carbon compound study. J. F. Cohn was a leader with Pasteur in the investigation of micro-organisms. 'The Herschels were astronomers of note. Jacques Loeb is the discoverer of arti­ ficial parthenogenesis. Willstaeter has blazed the way in the chemistry of chlor- ophyl. Ehrlich was a blood investigator, and the discoverer of the remedy 606. Lafayette Mendel is distinguished for his investigation in the Vital needs of the body. Casimir Fun, is the discoverer of vitamines. Einstein of a revolution­ ary theory in physics, and so on. The Arab Attitude In an Arab paper an article was re­ cently published agitating against the great condescension of Great Britain. It says in part, “It was determined that the second Jewish Nehemiah (meaning

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