King's Business - 1921-02

161 get started in the new home. Then these Pilgrims se.t aside a day in which they gathered together to give thanks to God for bringing them to America and giving them good crops. They were glad to give God thanks for giving them such - a good land. As they thanked God they told Him the words of our memory verse. Let us say it over together. It is a good land which the Lord our God doth give us. We must remember that every good gift comes from God, and to thank Him for them. The one great lesson God would have us to learn from this story is not only to thank Him for all the good things He gives us every day, but not to forget Him who is the giver of these good things. Ypu know sometimes people get so happy with the good things and good times God sends them, they forget Him. We should love our land, and do all in our power to make it the best land In the world, and one of the best ways to do that is to love and obey Jesus and get as many, other boys and girls to love and obey Him as we can. Closing Prayer.—Dear Lord Jesus we thank thee for our land, and help us to remember all the good things we have are a gift from thee. jMfc Aife. det m “WATCH”—WHAT? Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Col/ 4:2. Have you ever noticed that the word “watch” in the New Testament has no object attached to it? We are never told what we are to watch. Watch your own heart? God forbid; you will only get into bondage and trouble. Watch the devil? No; he will keep you occupied with that only, if you do. Watch those around you? No, they have their own troubles and so have you. What, then, are we to watch? Watch the Lord Jesus Christ, “Looking unto Jesus.” Be occupied with Christ; and as you pray, watch, looking unto Him.—W. H. Grif­ fith Thomas.

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NES S land does this beautiful flag stand? United States of America, the land we love. Let us sing BEGINNERS America. Who gave AND PRIMARY us this beautiful Mabel L. Merrill country to live in? God. Do you think we should he thankful to God for giving us such a good land in which to live? Prayer. Eesson Story.—A long, long time ago when God gave His people Israel the wonderful land of Palestine to live in after He had brought them up out of Egypt where they had been slaves, He told them how He loved them and wanted them to obey all His words and to trust Him. Just before He led them over into the land, He told them it was a good land of brooks of water, and fountains of water in the valleys and ' hills; a land of wheat and barley, and vines and fig trees, and pomegranates, and olives and honey. God told them they would have •plenty to eat. God -told His people Israel when they came into this wonderful land and had eaten of the fruits and other good things of the land, that they should thank Him for the good land which He had given them. Then He told them how careful they must be when they were enjoying all these good things, lest they should forget Him who was the One who had given them the land and all the good things in the land. God wanted them to obey all the words He had spoken to them. Now you know, boys and girls, as we have been hearing this story of God and His people, a long time ago, and the wonderful land He gave them, I have been thinking of the wonderful land He has given us here in America, with its brooks and fountains of waters, and grains and fruits of all kinds, and O so many good things that we can not name them all. We remember how the Pilgrim fathers came over to this land and how they prayed to God, and how He helped them to plant their crops and

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