King's Business - 1921-02

THE K I NG ' S BUS I NES S believe in Him in our hearts we will be ready to meet Him when He comes, but if we do not truly love Him in our hearts, and are just saying or pretend­ ing we belong to Jesus, we will not be ready to meet Him when He comes, and the door will be shut and we will not be able to go into the marriage feast. This is just the place to learn our mem­ ory verse. Be ye therefore ready also; for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. (Teach only first clause to tiny tots.) If we truly love Jesus in our hearts we will do the things He wants us to do, and we will be ready whether He comes at midnight or early morning, or day time. FEED UP “I am the Bread of Life.” Jesus is not only a food, a necessary food, but a necessary daily food. Do we ever spend a day without Christ? Do not let us de­ lude ourselves with fancy that we can take liberties with our soul which we dare not take with our flesh. Do not let us be deceived into thinking that it takes more attention to keep up the health of the body than it takes to keep up the health of the soul. You give your body daily bread; don’t think your soul requires less. Why, there are some of my hearers who, if they had given as much thought and pains to the adorning of their spirit as they have done to the adorning of their bories, would have made the angels of God rejoice long ago, in their beauti­ ful garments of salvation. And for all of us, if we gave as much consideration to the necessity of feeding our souls as we do to the necessity of feeding our bod­ ies, we should long ago have risen into a spiritual power which would have ren­ dered us invincible, and made us heroes and heroines in every cause that is good and true. «JOWETT.

168 had to go back home with his lunch, for he did not know the way to the place ot the picnic. Prayer. Lesson Story.—Jesus has always told us to be ready for His coming because we do not know at what time He may come. Jesus told the people a story about ten young women. At the time of our story in that country when a man was married, he brought his bride home to his .house in the night, and some of his friends, each one carrying a lamp, or torch, used to go out to meet him. These ten young women in the story, had made ready to go out and meet the bridegroom. They had lighted their lamps, but because the bridegroom stayed longer than they expected, they sat down to wait until he should come. And they all fell asleep. Now five of them were wise- and “brought some ex­ tra oil, besides the oil that was in their lamps, so that if their lamps should go out, they would have enough to fill them again. But five were foolish and brought no oil except what was in their lamps. At midnight the people who were watching, called out, “The bride­ groom is coming, igo ye out to meet him.” Then all the young women rose up in haste and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, “Give us some of your oil for our lamps have gone out.” But the wise answered say­ ing, “We have not enough for us and for you; go therefore to those that sell, and buy more for yourselves.” While they were gone the bridegroom came, and those that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Afterward the other five came and begged to get in, but the door was shut and they were too late. In this story the bridegroom means Jesus coming back. The young women means those ,of us who say we are Christians and belong to Jesus, and who expect to be ready to meet Him. The oil in the lamp means God’s Holy Spirit in our hearts. If we really love Jesus and

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