King's Business - 1921-02



ful in our work here, and hear Him tell us that our work has been well done, and receive our reward. Closing Prayer.—Dear Lord Jesus we thank thee for letting us have a part in thy great work, and help us to be faithful each day. TINKERING AT MACHINERY Dr. J. Stuart Holden, commenting in the “London Christian” on the empti­ ness of the promises made by statesmen during the war and the utter failure of the big prophecies of a converted world, concludes as follows: “We confess to a feeling of tiredness in regard to the endless Conferences and elaborate Resolutions which consume so much of the vitality of the Churches to­ day, while its main work cries in vain for attention. It seems as though re­ ligious men must be for ever tinkering at the machinery, without ever getting- up steam and getting down to the busi­ ness which alone will save men -and na­ tions from the certain Nemesis of neg­ lecting the purpose of God. We all pro­ fess to believe that Christ is the wisdom • of God. Can we refuse the challenge to demonstrate this truth which the pres­ ent state of our land offers? We are, for the most part, agreed that nothing but a Revival of faith in Him— the faith that worketh by love—will check the ex­ cessive devotion to destructive worth­ lessness which visibly threatens the con­ tinuance of our Nation in its thrice-au­ thenticated mission to the world. We are in no doubt but that the tides of His grace, if once they set in toward our shores, will overcome the winds of worldliness which at present are driving religion before them. But what are we doing to bring about the Revival? What are we doing in the way of fulfilling the conditions necessary to secure an out­ pouring of the Spirit from on High? What are we doing to make our Nation worthier of the lives laid down for her

freedom? What are we doing to give to Christ His rightful place in the Na­ tion’s life?”

JESUS NOT A “MEDIUM” A writer in the Los Angeles Times gives a warning against Spiritism, that is right to the point. “I have been urged, by one who has been on the verge of insanity and mur­ der, as a result of spiritualism, to write a short warning to the citizens of Los Angeles. ‘No God—no sin—no future life’ is the daring advertisement of a current play in its ‘powerful story of life after death.’ Beware— insanity alone says ‘there is no God,’ God’s book and the human conscience do not lie when they say 'all have sinned’; a promise that no power can shake says, ‘I go to pre­ pare a place for you.’ ‘Spiritualism is not all fake. Yet there are many supernatural voices which are not the voices of loved ones, neithei are they the voice ofi God. Sometimes the medium does offer words of com­ fort. Times out of number they lead to divorce, insanity and despair. Why need we trust the dark-room revelation or the occult games of ouija or table tipping w^.en we may trust the Son of God, who says, ‘Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest’? “Jesus Christ was not the master medium in the spiritualistic sense be­ tween living men and departed souls, but He is the mediator through whom sad and sinning lives may come to the Father, who alone can comfort and for­ give.” 84» §4» THREE REQUISITES Luther used to say the three requis­ ites to make a good minister are prayer, meditation and temptation.

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