King's Business - 1921-02



found are described at length in the ar­ ticle and authorities given. The condi­ tion of the fossils is wholly against the old theory as well as their location; compared with living creatures today like these fossils, the fossils are larger, finer, more developed; old notion that the bed of the ocean was a great series of deposits is wholly exploded. And much more evidence of the same crush­ ing sort disproving Evolution. Where now shall the. theory find a footing?— Eastern Methodist. "PUT YOUR NAME THERE” During a devotional meeting in con­ nection with the Northern Baptist Con­ vention, Dr. W. H. Geistweit, of Mis­ souri, expounded three passages of Scripture:—“There was a man sent from God whose name was”—put your name there. "A burning and shining light”—put your name there. “That the world (through us) might believe” —put your name there. The Christian should so conduct himself that the un­ converted man will say, “I believe in your Christ because I believe in you." LAZY LOBSTERS The lobster, when left high and dry among the rocks, has not. sense and energy enough to work his way back to sea but waits for the sea to come to him. If it does not come, he remains where he is, and dies, although the slightest exertion would enable him to reach the waves, which are perhaps tossing and tumbling within a yard of him. There is a tide in human affairs that casts men into “tight places,” and leaves them there, like stranded lob­ sters. If they choose to lie where the breakers have flung them, expecting some grand billow to take them on its big shoulders, and carry them to smooth water, the chances are, that their hopes will never be realized.—Beecher.

to serve and to wait. This applies to all believers in the present age. We are to serve and to wait at the same time. Bach is best done in the light of the other.


MORE PROPS PAULING OUT . And now falls the geological strata, sure foundation for Evolution as it was long regarded. Prof. George McCreadj Price, of the chair of Geology and Min­ eralogy in Pacific Union College, St. Helena, California, an author of several books already famous on these subjects, has an article in the Sunday School Times, which discusses the latest dis­ coveries in geology on the succession of strata containing remains of life. It ought to be read by every scholar. It was long believed and universally taught that geology showed that life be­ gan on the earth millions of years ago. Low rudimentary forms found in the ocean were said to be the first forms of life. These were followed by higher forms of sea animals, then reptiles, birds, mammals and, finally man. The strata of rocks in the earth were al­ ways found containing life fossils in this very order. Hock upon rock thus formed a wonderful exhibit of the pro­ gress of evolution and seemed abso­ lutely to prove it. | But now Prof. Edward Suess, of Vi­ enna, "the greatest of living geologists,” as Geike had done before him, and Mc­ Connell, another eminent authority con­ firms it, finds that all over the world these rocks are seen skipping some of the strata, 'the lowest often appearing on top, and all mixed up beyond explan­ ation on the old theory. "Examples are so numerous,” says Suess, “as to cause astonishment;” “not merely local but over wide areas,” says Geike; ‘all the* strata so much alike that they seem the same,” says McConnell. The widely scat­ tered regions where this confusion is

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