King's Business - 1921-02


190 narians Bay, who quote what the New Testament says, is of no value. But if the New Testament does not mean what it says in one direction, why should it mean what it says in anotherT —Haldeman. PRAY ER QUESTIONS Can I hope to have my prayers an­ swered if I do not allow God to use me as He wishes in answering my prayers? Have I realized that to pray in Christ’s name involves asking for what He has authorized, that it may be used in His interests? Can I point to a single definite in­ stance where I know God answered my prayer? Have I allowed God time to speak to me, or have I consumed all the time in speaking to Him? Have I ever sought earnestly to know why I have not more power in prayer? When praying in public, am I more conscious of the presence of God, than of the presence of the audience? Do. I know what it is to ask in faith, nothing doubting? (Jas. 1:5, 6). Is prayer with me. a refuge in an emergency, a habit, or a state? Have' I yielded my will so entirely to God that I will to ask only that which He wishes? Do I love to pray or is prayer re­ garded by me as a duty? Do I present my requests earnestly or feebly? Do I ask God to teach me by His Holy Spirit what things I should pray for? (Rom. 8:26, 27.) Do I base my requests on definite promises? Do I ever stop before replying to a question to hear God suggest an an­ swer? m The degree of S. S. (Sinner Saved), is more needful for a soul-winning preacher than M. A. or D. D..




R. MARK MATTHEWS made the following observations con­ cerning Anti-Christ, in a re­ cent sermon: Do not think for a moment the antichrist has come yet. He will not come .in person

until the beginning of the seventieth week, namely, this period of tribulation. But the spirit of antichrist is here now. What is the difference? The spirit of antichrist makes men deny the Deity of Christ. The antichrist himself, when he comes, will make men deny both the Deity of Christ and the existence and Deity of His Father. The spirit of anti­ christ is, abroad in the land today. There is not a single association, nor is there a cult, nor a vagary, nor a philosophy that denies that Jesus Christ is Very God, which does not get its denial from the devil who is the author of the spirit of antichrist. No man has ever denied the Deity of Christ by his own intellectual evolutions. No man has ever, unaided and uninfluenced, ar­ rived at the conclusion that Christ is not Christ, but every man, and every cult, and every society that denies Jesus Christ is God, does so at the dictation of Satan, and under the control of the spirit of antichrist. Any man who says he denies the Deity of Christ, from a cold-blooded, intellectual process of reasoning, is a liar, be he in some pulpit, or be he a nonentity in some pew. No man has ever made that assertion who did not make it at the dictation of hell and under the control of the spirit of anti­ christ. The antichrist is not yet here in per-

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