King's Business - 1921-02

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S son. There are forms of the spirit of antichrist working themselves out in different organizations, in theosophy, spiritism, and Eddyism. This philosophy and things like that are the direct re­ sult and work of antichrist, but the literal, visible, tangible antichrist will come during this one covenant week. In the seventieth week of Daniel, and in the middle of the term set at three and one-half years, he will come into possession of the superhuman power of Satan, the power to make, not to in­ flict; the power to compel, not to per­ suader; the power to punish, not to pre­ vent; the power to destroy. He will come into possession of the superhuman power of Satan and will destroy all those who refuse to worship the beast or the antichrist. JOyOUS CHRISTIANS God intended that there , should be joy in religion. A hint of this is to be discovered by searching the Bible for the passages that speak of joy. The words “joy,” ;“joys,” “joyful,” “joyful­ ness,V occur nearly two hundred times, while “rejoice” and “rejoicing” are found nearly three hundred times. Then what folly to think God intends the Christian to repress every smile, be­ cause joy is shut out of life when we yield to Him! There is the greatest of all reasons for joy—our sins are for­ given.—John T. Faris. gBimnnm—aawuiiiiHHBmiiiiniiimnuimiiiniiiiiunniHniminMiBiui[MinniiinHimnnnnniiiiin£ 1 SILVER | | and GOLD ■ are not ours to gave, but any of I j our publications you may have ab- j i solutely free, simply for the asking, j | Be sure to write for a free copy g I of McConkey’s little devotional § i booklet, "T h e Sure Shepherd.” It | | will help strengthen your faith. | Address S il v e r P u b l is h in g C o ., | Dept. F, Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.


PREPARED OBJECT LESSONS DO YOU PREACH TO CHILDREN? If you do, try the “Seeing T ruth” object packets, Ob­ jects and directions in each' packet. Send 10c for a sample packet and the tract called “How to Preach to Children.” -Address Rev. C. H. Woolston, D.D., 1242 Marlboro St., Philadelphia, Pa, Ï MODERN DUPLICATING DEVICES ? "Modern Duplicators—Business Getters. $2.25 to $9. 5ato 75 copies fromeach pen. pencilor typewritten letter. No glue¿r gela- tine. .40,000 users. YOU need one. 10 days trial. Booklet Free. B .V . DURKIN, REEVES & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. “OBJECTALKS” — FOR CHILDREN“ SHORT talks to Junior congregations; Sunday schools; Junior or Interm ediate Societies; Illustrated by familiar objects. Bright. Spicey. Fifteen “Ob- jectalks” $1.00. Songalogue Company, Dept. E., lay Shore, N. Y., SPEAKERS, LECTURERS-W e prepare material Tor lectures, sermons, addresses, special arti­ cles. Author’s Research Bureau, 508 Fifth Avenue, N ew York._________ • Dietz Two-Pocket Envelopes Ready printed for all denominations. Sundays are numbered and not dated. NO LOSS—E n­ velopes good till used. Packed in cartons with pledge card, including a calendar chart. , A new Treasurer’s Loose Leaf Record Book. Samples and literature free. Ask for new cata­ log of S. S. and Church supplies. WM. H. DIETZ, 20 E ..Randolph St., Chicago A CHEERFUL HOME A man’s house should be on the hill­ top of cheerfulness and serenity, so high that no shadows rest upon it, and where the morning comes so early and the evening tarries so late, that the day has twice as many golden hours as those of other men. He is to be pitied whose home is in some valley of grief between the hills, with the longest night and the shortest day. Home should be the cen­ tre of Christian joy, equatorial and-trop- ical.-—Beecher. HERE’S A SAMPLE “Mother, Jasper told me that she heard Grate /Wood’s wife say that John Hardstone’s aunt mentioned to her that Mrs. Trusty was present when the Widow Barnam said that Capt. Hartall’s cou­ sin thought Ensign Doolittle/s sister be­ lieved that old Mrs. Oxby reckoned that Sam Trifle’s better half had told Mrs. Spaulding that her mother told her that Mrs. Bagatelle had two husbands." I


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