King's Business - 1921-02


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T he battle Pf the Clouds Years ago a party of us were climbing Mount Mitchell, one of the highest peaks east of the Rocky Mountains, and saw what one of the party called “ the battle of the clouds.” It was a scene never to be for­ gotten. We ascended gradually along the crest of the mountain nearly nine miles. On the west to our left the sun was shining) in all its glory, but there had been a conflict of clouds on that side for a while, cloud meet­ ing cloud as they were brought together by contrary winds. The wind blew .from the east toward the sun. . White soldiers of light stood on the crest and met the black soldiers of cloud as they marched to the' attack. The conflict raged for half an hour. It was a scene that thrilled. By and by we saw the clouds begin to waver. They parted, opened, fell back, seemed to stagger, while the sunlight followed up the victory, pursuing the clouds as they fled, and vanquished them until every valley was filled with the glory of the sunlight. In all . conflicts between clouds and light the clouds must sooner or later be defeated, for clouds are temporary and transient, while the sun­ light is permanent. When clouds seem to triumph, it is only a temporary victory. And in the conflict of the ages between the clouds of unbelief and the sunlight of faith in the Eternal Word of God victory for faith is certain. He who believes shall not be confounded. By faith in God and His truth we are on the side of light. We have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness., We “ walk in the light.” We “ put on the afmour of light” and the God of light will give the victory. —A. C. D. T he forces of Faith Note the roll-call of unbelief—learning, society, prejudice, self-interest, religion, and authority. Over against the learning of the schools is the wisdom and revelation of God. Over against the aristocracy of position is the aristocracy of character. Over against prejudice is truth; and in the battle between truth and prejudice, truth sooner or later will be vic­ tor. Over against religion degenerate is religion regenerate; over against the religion that debases is the religion that exalts, the religion of the heart, the religion of God with its holiness! and power. Over against all human authority is the authority of Christ. In a word, over against all the fallacies of the times are the facts of Christianity.. Facts are mighty forces; they are the foundation of the church, the Christian Gibraltar against which all waves of opposition dash themselves to pieces. Facts dispel fancies and destroy fallacies. Facts are immortal. You may obscure them but you cannot destroy them. They never sleep, but are always on guard or on the firing line. Facts are the fires on God’s altar of truth that bum continually. They are the stars in every night, the sun that rules every day. And Christianity, bless God' is a religion of facts...

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