King's Business - 1921-02




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SEVEN BEAUTIFUL SONG S for church and home, w ith m usic for the piano. “The Mountatin Flower," “The Wonderful River,1" “The Christian Banner," “The Battle of A ges," “The Fading Flower," “The Rosebud You Gave Me” and “The Flower Queen." Standard Sheet M usic size, ordinary voice. All seven for $1.25, postpaid. Order from: OTTO LUNDELL, Room 323—-155 N. Clark St., Chicago. The Time of the End If you a re interested in the Study of Prophecy, send for this book. It brings ou t many new points. H undreds have testified to its helpfulness. Trumbull, Chafer, Scofield among th e num ber. Sent any­ w here postpaid fo r $1.00. I. R. DEAN 449 C linton St., Toronto, Can.

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