King's Business - 1921-02


Clearance Sale

- Good Books You will find many new titles in this list,—-books not ad ­ vertised last month. Look these pages over carefully and order all you can use a t once.



e r s ’ Our Price Price

ers’ Our Price Price

The Crisis of the Church-------- - 1:00 W. B. Riley The Junior Worker and H is Work ______ ___ ___ _________.... .75 Robinson The M issionary Prospect...................40 C. H. Robinson The Hidden Life........................... 1.00 Adolph Shaffer Our Life Day.___ _______ ._.___ 1.00 Adolph Shaffer The Sinner and the Saviour___ 1.00 Adolph Shaffer Talks W ith the Training Class .50 M argaret Slattery Guide for Teachers of Training Classes __________.____ ______ _ .50 M argaret Slattery Facts About the Bible for Sun­ day School Scholars____ __ .75 Wm. Smith The U nity of the Americas..... .35 Robert E. Speer In H is Name, Cloth ___^...._____ .40 Ch'as. Wm. Thirtle Expositor’s Bible-A cts, 2 Vols. 2.50 1.00 Stokes South American Neighbors, P a­ per .....i................... i__ W-4i _____ .50 .30 Stuntz The Slavery of Today..........___ - .75 .45 Swan .65 .45 .25 .69 .65 .65 .35 .35 .45 .25 .35 Plain Papers on Prophetic Sub­ jects _______________________ £Trotter. Primarjr Lesson Detail_______ _ Marion Thomas Primary Program __________ Marion'Thomas Frugality; in the Spiritual Life W atkinson The Supreme Conuest....¿....._....... W atkinson The Blind Spot_____ .__ ....____ ... W atkinson ^ Around the World w ith Jack and Janet __________________ W aterbury Expert Endeavor .......................... .50 Three Years w ith the Children 1.25 The Vulture’s Claw.___....____ [_ 1.00 Wimberly Mexico Today, Cloth...... ____ .75 The Moslem World, Paper..............50 Zwemer 1.00 1.00 1.25 .85 .75 .45 .60 .60 .60 .60 .75 1.00

A Year’s Addresses to Young .....____....------------- Howatt The World Conflict—........... Jennings The Elementary Worker H is Work Lincoln-Jacobs Indian and Spanish hors, Paper Julia H. Johnston The Future of Africa, Cloth— Donald Fraser M issionary Crusaders ------------- Field' Expositor’s E pistle to the Ephesians ______ L.«... —.—.... Findlay The Land of the Golden Man, Cloth ____...__ p ----------------- Anita B. Ferris The Land of the Golden Man, Paper Anita B. Ferris The Owl’s N est—The Story of the “Ism s” —:...!— .—.—------ - .75 Anne Gilbert L ittle Talks on Temperance........... 35 Gillie Sunday School Teacher Train­ ing, Cloth ------— l ----- ------ .... .50 H. M. Hamill The South Today, Cloth... ..........75 Moore The South Today, Paper--------- .50 Moore The Spirit of. God, Cloth-------- 1.25 G. Campbell Morgan The M inistry of the Word, Cloth — .......... 1.50 G. Campbell Morgan Spiritual Culture, Cloth— ............ 1.25 Noble Daybreak in the Dark Conti­ nent. Paper .... .—.......------ — .50 W ilson S. Naylor Birthpangs of the World’s B est Age, Boards .... ....— -------- ......... .75 Sam Jones’ Revival Sermons— 1.25 A. J. Gyron The K night and the Dragon..... 1.00 Will Reason . The Finality of H igher Criti­ cism , Paper ........................ — .40 W. B. Riley the ___... 1.00 and N eigh- .75 .30 .75 1.00 1.25 .50 .75




.20 .45




.45 .20 .30 .45 .30 .75



.45 .75 .35 .35 .85 .60 .40 .35 Biola Book Room, BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LO S ANGELES

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