King's Business - 1921-02


Clearance Sale

- Good Books Please read this list of books very carefully. Note the titles and authors. You are sure to find some books here you have been w anting for a long time. Notice the publisher's price and then look at the price at which we are offering these books to you now— prepaid.


Publish« ers’ Our Price Price .50 1.00 .25

ers’ Our Price Price

Ourselves and Others------------- .50 H. Clay Trumbull Duty-Knowing and D uty-D o­ ing ____________ t _____ _____50 H. Clay Trumbull Efficiency P o in ts -------------------- .35 W . E. Doughty (2) M issions From the Modern View ____________ ..__________ 1.20 Robert A. Hume The Callenge of the City.----- i — .75 Josiah Strong The Challenge of Pittsburgh— .75 Daniel L. Marsh World M issions and th e Home B ase ......_____ .____ _______ _____ 75 Jos. E. McAfee Horizon of American M issions.. 1.00 I. N. McCash The Social A spects of Foreign M issio n » ________ .75 Wm. H. P. Faunce Four Princes _______________ ....-1.00 Jos. A. B. Seho Heroes of the Early Church............... 50 .30 Emma A. Robinson (4) The Apostolic A ge------------- ........ 1.00 .65 Purves The Faith of Mankind—____—... .75 .45 Soper R ising Churches in Non-Chris­ tian L a n d s __ ______ .75 .40 Arthur J. Brown (2) When the Book Speaks______ 1.25 .75 Archibald McLean South A m e r ic a -----...........— L ------ .75 .45 Thos. B. Neeley Pioneeir M issionaries of the Church ______ 5____...____ Rev. Chas. E. Creegan, D.D. The Immigrant ___________ ..... Frederic J. Hasken The Romance of Protestantism D. Alcock (2) .75 .45 1.25 . 8 * 1.25 .85 .30 .20 .85 .40 .35 .45 .60 .40 .60 .30

M istaken S ig n s ---- W atkinson Life Worth While... Atkins H eart Purity

Iva Durham Vennard Out of the A byss—™— ------...— 1.25 Three W h y s ----------- ----------------------35 Maltbie D. Babcock God M anifest .__________ Frank Orton Smith (2) The Times of Retirem ent— .... 1.00 Matheson (2) Life On God’s Plan-----------........... 1.50 H. R. Mackintosh Breakers; Methodism Adrift..... 1.00 L. W. Munhall, M.A., D.D. God’s Fellow Workers......... .75 Rev. C. B. Keenleyside, B.A., B.D. Heroes of the Cross in America Don O. Shelton The Clerical Life___ ____ ........----- Jno. Watson^ Dods, Ed­ wards. Denney, etc. The Religion of Power........—.— 1.50 H arris and Kirk, D.D. The Preacher's Ideals and In­ spirations ____ ______— .......... 1.00 Wm.^ J. Hutchins E vangelistic Sermons 1.00 B. H. Carroll, D.D. (2) M essages for the Metropolis 1.00 Wm. B. Ripley The Angel In the Sun... John B. Shaw (2) Gospel M essages for the Peo­ ple F. E. Marsh (2) The Master Preacher.......... ....... 1.00 Albert R. Bond,. A.M., D.D. World Power ......____..______ ...... 1.00 Rev. John MacNeill Paths to Power........... ......... 1.25 Frank W. Gunsaulus Seeing and Being_______ .50 H. Clay Trumbull Practical Paradoxes. ..............!.....:.: .50 H. Clay Trumbull The Seven Deadly Sins....................... 35 Rev. Jas. Stalker, D.D. Not W ithout Hope_____...______ .50 C. Maude Battersby Christian Living ______ ....... .50 Rev. F. B. Meyer, B.A. .50 1.00 1.00 .35 .75

.75 .20 .25

.85 .65 .40 .45 .60


.60 .65

.65 .80 .30

The City Institute for Religi­ ous Teachers — —...-------- Walter S. Athearn A Big Brother Investm ent------ F. H. Cheley # Evangelism for Bible Study..... Goodman Men and M issions____________ Wm. T. Ellis Thoughts on Christianity and Judaism . — ----------—.................. W illiam Jeffrey

.50 .75 .35

.20 .60



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