King's Business - 1921-02


Clearance Sale

- Good Books B o o k s fo r y o u r s e lf— b o o k s fo r y o u r fr ie n d s. B o o k s th a t a r e .esp e cia lly g o o d fo r m a k in g a g ift to y o u r p a sto r , S u n d a y ool te a c h e r o r frien d . Publish- Publish­ ers’ Our era' Our Price Price Price Price Speakers For God 1___________ 1.50 .75 A sia A t The Door - 1.50.95 T: McW illiams Kaukami The V ision of a Frophet----------- .50 .50 gun Y at Sen ___ f _______ ____ 1.25 .75 Marcus Dodds Cantile & Jones New M inted Gold i------------•—- 75 50 The Daybreak Call .50 .30 Present Truth For Present J. Coslain Tim es ............................. .50.30Ancient Peoples A t N ew .T asks.75 .45 A Prison Epistle-__!___________ .50 .30 Willard Price C. A. Phibbs & C. O. French A Revelation of The Chinese The E pistle To The G alatians. 1.25 .75 R ev o lu tio n -------------------------- ... .75 JO - Curil W . Emmet M. A. » Mullowney . __ L iving M essages of The Books All About Japan —--------—------- 1.00 .65 of The Bible—1st T hess. to I Brain ^ Revelation - , 2.00 1.00 Jaya —— — —-—~— —- 2.00 1.00 MacKenzie Beatrice M. Harband The Mind of a M asterBuilder- .75 .40Sunrise in The Sunrise King- Rev. H.B. Durrant, M. A. d o m ---------- ——---- — .75 .45 The Mind of St. P a u l------------- 1.00 .65 m John De Forest Canon Lange * The Lord’s Of The Devil’s The Letters of St. P a u l_______ 2.00 1.25 P a r a d ise ...- 1.751.00 Arthur S. W ay _ G. Sydney PatS inol t,er, ' - The Parables —____- .75.40 The Bible Among The Nations.. 1.00 .65 George Swann * __Beardslee ' The Model P r a y e r ______ -_____ 1.00 .65 M issionary Travels In Central T. D. Jones America .-------------------------------1.00 .65 Cyrus The M a g icia n ------------— .75 .40 F . S . Arnot _ Beaton P ast Experiences Present Con- Christ Is A l l ___________ ' 1.00 .65 ditions—Hope for The Future 1.00 .65 Moule M. A. Gerber (5) . Short Studies of Christ The The Cross in J a p a n ---------------2.00 1.00 Ideal H e r o ----- _---------- —-— .75 .45 H agin | Robinson The M issionary Manifesto------- .75 .50 The Testim ony of St. Paul T o Morgan (2) ^ C h r is t________________________ 2.50 1.50 The Pastor and M odem M is- R. J. Rnowling s io n s ---------------— i --------------- ~ , >75 .50 The Mind of Christ in St. Paul 1.00 .65 Mott rir Greenbough The Renaissance In In d ia ------- .85 .50 Our Great H igh P r ie s t -----------.50 .30 C. F. Andrews Wm. Lincoln (2) Tell Me a Story I N ever Heard Shall W e Do W ithout Jesus 1.50 .95 B e f o r e ......... .....- — --------------1.75 1.00 Broughton Stewart The Life S u p rem e_____________ 1.00 .60 Tell Me a Hero Story — *--- 1.75 1.00 T. H. Koepsel (2) % Stewart (2) , • „ Table Talks of J e s u s ---------------- .50 .35 _ T a p s — ------------1*25.75 Broughton Mantle (2) The Im p erial_____...._______ .50 .35 The Angel In The Sun ----------- 1.00 .65 McCartney (2) Shaw The W estm inster N ew Testa- Germany And The N ext W ar.-. 1.00 .50 m ent _______________________ 1.00 .50 F. Von Berhordi M itchell, The Great Acceptance —----------- 1.00 .65 The W estm inster New T esta- Guy Thorne . . . . -- men t _____________________ 1.00.50 A Miracle of African M issions- .75 .45 Strachan _ BeH (2) _ . , The Unique M essage and The The D ecisive Hour of Christian Universal M essage of Chris- M issions ----------------------.— .75 .45 tianity - - ..............— --_______ 1.25 «75 John R. M ott (2) Love B oys Congress of M issions_____ .75 .45 The Jew ish Temple and Chris- Emma E. Koehler tian C h u rch __________________ 1.00 .65 The Challenge of St. Louis -.— .75 .45 Dale Geo. B. Mangold Biola Book Room, “ “ KK 2 1

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