King's Business - 1921-02


Clearance Sale

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ers' Our Price Price

ers' Our Price Price

Effective Workers in Needy FieldS __ __________---------- McDowell, Oldham, Mackay, D avis The Labor M ovem en t____ ;____ Harry F. Ward Daybreak In Turkey ___ _____ Jas. L. Barton L etters From Armenia ...I_____ J. R. Harris & H. B. D avis (2) In the Heart of Savagedom___ Mrs. Stuart W att The M ission o f Our Nation___1.00 Jas. F. Love, D.D. The Present World Situation^. John R. M ott (2) Present Forces in N egro Prog­

The The Answer Came ___ jJ J. Kennedy McLean Conquering Prayer Or Power Of P e r so n a lity ______ L. Swetenham The Christian Start ___■' Wm. Lefroy The Christian P r iv ile g e _______ Rev. W. J. Deane (4) If I Could Begin A g a in ____ ........ Shepherd The Weapons Of Our Warfare.. Hutton (2) My Father's B usiness and Mine J. Frank Smith Underneath Are The Everlast­ ing Arms _______________... - , Albert J. Lyman The Christianity of Jesus Christ Mark G. Pearse Backsliding And Restoration.... W. T. P. Wolston (3) The Christian's Influence_____ W. M. Sinclair R a b b o n i............_______________ _ G. H. C. Macgregor The Silent Power ______ _____ . A Deciple of the Master (2) If I Should Meet the Master....k Geo. F. Smart (2) Supremacy of The Heart ....___ 1.25 Moore (2) The Sword of The Lord A. C. Hilt (2) The Fighting Saint ___ Stifler .75 1.00 .50 .75 .40 1.00 .50 1.25 .75 1.00 .50 1.25 50 1.50




.60 .30

1.25 .75 1.50 1.00 1.25 .85

3 0

.75 .50

3.75 2.00

.65 .65 .30 .66 •35 .35



.( 2 ) ress ________________ p W. D. Weatherford W ireless M essa g e s__ _________ C. N. Broadhurst Religion and H ealth __________ Broughton The Law of P ra y er_____ Henry Ostrom (2) Prayer and The Human Prob­ lem ___— ......____________ - Cornaby The Golden Censer.—__________ Florence L. Barclay (2) How God Answ ers Prayer -m,.-,- Charlotte Mason ( 2 ) Just A M in u te _________ . Goss (2) W ay To L it e _______________ __ Thos. Guthrie Beyond The Natural Order____ B est The W ay of Prayer ________..... John E. McFadyen (2) Prayer In War Time _____ W. Robertson ( 2 ) The Secret of Prayer __;_____ ... Enoch E. Byrum (2). The Gates of Dawn ___ W. L. W atkinson W hile W e're Y o u n g __________ Geo. E. Morgan Abide W ith Me __ ___ Constance Coote ( 2 ) Other Peoples Children ________ .75 Margaret R. Seebach Prayer Made E a s y _____ E. B. W ilson Womanhood —. __ __:~.r Rev. J. H. W orcester (2) Pilgrim Songs ____________ Henry W . Frost Biola Book Room, .75 .50 .45 JÙ .50 .35 1.00 1.00 1.00 .45 .40 3 5 .35 .20 1.25 .75 .50 1.00 .50 .50 1.50 .95

3 5

.50 .30 .85



i o The Second Things Of Life .50 Old Testam ent Introduction. Raven# .50 .25 The Angel in the Sun _ J. B. Shaw 1.25 .75 Social Evangelism ................... Ward 1.00 ' .65 Relics of Prim eval Life ....... Sir J. W illiam Dawson .65 .40 Christ and H is Cross -...... ^Samuel Rutherford 1.25 .75 The Problem of Sin in the Old T estam ent -------------- Jas. Moffatt J. B. Shaw .60 V ision and Service ____




.50 .75

.95 .65




Prof. James Orr Help and Good Cheer ................v 1.00 Theodore L. Cuyler, D.D, L oyalty __ .. __ ___ 1.00 James G. K. McClure The True E stim ate «f L ife ...... 1.00 G. C. Morgan In the Secret of H is Presence.. 1.00 G. H. Knight

.60 .60


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