King's Business - 1930-02



K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

February 1930

ist church in Los Angeles, and had spent hundreds of dollars. After about an hour and a half spent with God’s Word, showing them what He had'to say about this par­ ticular false shepherd, both said they would never again enter such places. Please pray for these two women and for many others who are similarly being ensnared by the false shepherd- spiritism. — -o — Extension Department A FEW weeks ago we were asked to give a missionary address to a young people’s society in one of the churches of the city. We were especially impressed by the large number of young men* who outnumbered the women in the audience. Immediately after the “ Mizpah” benediction, an earnest-looking young man stepped up and asked, “What can I do for the young men of China now?” He said he had decided to prepare to be a medical mission­ ary, feeling that in that way he could be of the largest service to his Master. We called on his mother in the home and found her rejoicing that her eldest child had heard and answered the call, “ Go ye.” We are grateful to report that while calling on friends He goes before, not only to open the doors of homes but also the doors of hearts. While calling- on a sick friend in a neighboring city, we had the privilege of praying with her. Joy and calm­ ness came ipto her heart. She told her nearest friend about this experience, with the result that these women decided to serve the Lord in a definite way. They were guided to open their home for a weekly class, where their neighbors and friends might come to meditate on His Holy Word and find food for their souls. Many requests for prayer are brought to these meetings for friends who are interested in “ isms/’ for those who are attracted by worldly pleasures, and for others who need comfort, peace and restoration. Avenues of service are open for us through prayer, and we are more than ever convinced “ that prayer is work, prayer works, and prayer leads to work.” ^-rO — Seamen’ s Work P ART of the yrork at the harbor,” said Mr. Pearson, “ consists of an endeavor to entertain the men in our home. Five years ago,we invited a Japanese officer. He was our first guest, and this was his first visit to an American home. Naturally, both we and our guest were somewhat embarrassed, but the Christian motive and sym­ pathy overcame the small differences and difficulties dpe to race and customs. After supper we led him to Christ. “ Three years passed before we again saw this man. Sometimes there are so many ships in the harbor that jye cannot visit all the rooms. One day we were ready to leave a ship when we decided to go to one more ropm. There we found a Japanese. We asked him if he would receive some Gospels and Christian literature. We did not recognize him, but he knew us and confessed he had

The first Report Meeting of the new year was a time o f fellowship and rejoicing at the Bible Institute. The following items o f special interest are gleaned from the reports from various departments. — o—- t Eteri Clubs VRRI KOR I means “ The Other Girl.” Our club is organized for the other girl, whom we endeavor to reach for Christ. The Long Beach Club meets every Monday night for dinner. This is followed by prayer circles and Bible study. One night a lonely girl came into our meeting. She knew no one, as she had only recently come to Long Beach. She was a nominal church member, but one night, when the invitation was given, she surren­ dered herself to God. She went home and told her mother she had gone over the top. “What do you mean ?” asked her mother. “ I mean I have surrendered all.% Not my plan, but His for my life ; and tonight,- mother, there came to me a very definite call to go to Egypt as a missionary.” They prayed together, and the mother thanked God that she had such a precious -gift for Him. Today Margaret is in Egypt, taking care of scores of little motherless boys and girls. At the close of another Bible lesson, about seventy- five young people responded to the call for full-time ser­ vice for the Lord. This was an open meeting, and young men were present. One young man heard the Christian service. He spent the night in prayer, and in the morning was ready to prepare for the work to which he was called. He plans to enter the Bible Institute for training. In this club, approximately one hundred people have surrendered their lives, and many of them are now pre­ paring for Christian service. Praise God for His won­ derful work among the girls! ■' - -o—- Adult Work A WEEK before Christmas, at the regular Bible study hour, the "story of the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night was very simply told to a large group of young business women. The story in Luke was linked to the tenth chapter of John which gives a beautiful pic­ ture of the true Shepherd: “H e goeth before them, and the sheep fdllow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger voill they not follow .” The worker then spoke of false shepherds, and said that many who professed the name of Christ were in reality following strangers. At the close of the class, two young women came for­ ward and said they wanted to have a talk with the worker. They waited until the others had gone; then one of them very quietly, but earnestly, asked, “Would you consider spiritism a false shepherd ?” . The only answer that could be given was, “ Yes, one of the worst.” The young woman then introduced her friend, whom, she said, she had led astray. She said they had visited every spiritual­

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