King's Business - 1930-02


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

February 1930

From North Dakota fM -; ‘I have been helped greatly by your correspondence. It has led me to greater facts of the Bible. I have been a Christian for about three years. My work for the Master is to lead others to Him.” Boys’ Work H OW little did I dream,” said one of the students, “ in the late fall of 1922 when I pulled my saddle from the back of my favorite bronco, petted its nose with a few strokes of my hand, took off the bridle, and watched it join its mates, that I would wind up in the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles. My plans at that time were to give up being an ordinary cowboy and come to Hollywood to become a rider of great distinction on the ‘silver screen.’ But here I am, assistant foreman to Mr. MacArthur, rounding up boys for Jesus Christ. It is a great work. Although I enjoyed riding the range and looking after cattle, I never had so much real joy as I have had since riding the range for my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. “ This past year I had the joy of seeing more than fifty boys accept Christ as their personal Saviour. This num­ ber came from only half a dozen groups of which I have charge. Next to winning the boys for Christ, the biggest thing is to establish habits of prayer and Bible reading. According to our records, about eighty per cent of the boys are already doing this. This habit, more than any­ thing else, will keep them in the path of righteousness and near to/the heart of God.” — o — Jewish Department T HE fall work at the Berean Community Center was concluded with the Christmas exercises, which were attended by approximately one hundred and twenty-five children and mothers, and at which the Christmas Story was given in a very efficient manner by Mrs. Dennis. Some very encouraging reports have been heard from the radio messages delivered on Monday evening from nine to ten o’clock. Recently two Jewish men accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour at the office after long interviews, in which the Scriptures were explained from; the stand­ point of the Hebrew. One of these said that he was going to trust the Lord regardless of consequences and that he was going to depend upon Jesus to enable him to get a job. Since then he has procured a very good position and is doing well. __Q__ Glee Clubs D URING the holidays, the two Glee Clubs, under the direction of Professor J. B. Trowbridge, filled en­ gagements in various cities in Southern California. Every­ where they received a hearty welcome. Before Christmas, the Men’s Glee Club went as far south as San Diego, where they had the privilege of singing over a powerful radio in Balboa Park. The Women’s Glee Club spent the five days following Christmas on a trip which took them as far north as Paso Robles. On these trips there were two points of contact: First, the homes where the young men and women were enter­ tained ; second, the personal testimonies of the students given at the conclusion of the service of song. At San Luis Obispo, ten or twelve o f the young ladies gave un­ usually fine testimonies. A retired minister in the audience later remarked, “ I have been in many revival meetings and have heard many testimonies, but these are as sweet and intelligent as any I have ever heard.”

Field Representative

Mr. Louis H. Grif­ fin h a s recently become a F i e l d Representative o f the Bible Institute o f L o s Angeles. For the past five years he has been connected with the Moody Bible In­ stitute of Chicago in a similar posi­ tion. Before that time he was for several years In­ ternational F ield Secretary of th e Gideons. He comes to th e Institute with a wide expe­ rience in the busi­ ness world as well as in various lines o f C h r i s t i a n service.

hidden because he was ashamed. He poured out a story of backsliding and defeat. His condition was such that all we could do was to pray. “ Recently his ship was again in the harbor. We visited him and again went over the plan of salvation, prayed with him, and made an engagement for him to visit in our home. The following Sunday evening he came. That was the first day that he had been off duty in six months. Teaching on deeper Christian, life and victory was wel­ comed and a blessed prayer meeting was held. “ He is only one sailpr out of many hundreds. Please pray for these men. Some have .never heard the Gospel; some have heard it only once.” Correspondence Department M ANY messages of appreciation are received by the Secretary of the Correspondence School Depart­ ment of the Bible Institute. These testimonies encourage and assure us that this work “ is not in vain in the Lord,” and that as a result of such diligent study of God’s Word on the part of this great body of students, many will be “ built up in the most holy faith,” and sinners will be turned unto God. The following extracts from letters re­ ceived from various parts of the world tell their own story. From one in E g y p t 1“ The study of the Bible with this manner was the first time in my life, there is 7 years that I am converted, but this pleasure in the Bible study I had never found. Now the Bible is to me the fondment of my spiritual life, it keeps me fraish with prayerful study; praise the Lord that the Author and the great Teacher of the God’s Word opened my eyes as never so. I have recommend that study to my friends and I shall recommend it yet.” From South India ifcpy I thank the Lord that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles could reach me, too, with a cake baken on the coals and a cruse of water.” From Texas :*L-“ I never had anything that suited me better than your No. 10 Studies in the Acts.”

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