King's Business - 1930-02


February 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

worshipped him” ? What was her prayer ? V. 26. What did the Lord reply ? What additional word does Mark (7:27) give? Why should “the children first be filled” ? What is meant by “the children’s bread” (cf. Rom. 9 :4, 5) ? Did the word “dogs” seem as harsh to the woman as it sounds to us? V. 27. What did the woman reply? Does her language imply that she ex­ pected Israel’s Messiah to have also some blessing for the Gentiles? V. 28. What commendation did she re­ ceive? Was her request granted? When was her daughter healed? Vs. 29-31. To what place did Jesus go? What had happened in that vicinity on a former visit (cf. Mark 5 :l-20) ? Who came to Jesus? How many kinds of dis­ eases were healed? What was the ef­ fect of the miracles upon the multitudes? Were these people Jews or, Gentiles? What is the force of the expression “they glorified the God o f Israel” ? * * * P ractical P oints 1. Jesus “withdrew” from danger until Plis hour was come; then He gladly ac­ cepted the cross (cf. John 12:23, 24). 2. How often Jesus entered into the trials of the home! Here it was a mother’s plea for a daughter. Remember, also, the plea o f a nobleman for his son, of Jairus for his daughter—and many other similar cases. What would we do if we could not invite Jesus to share the trials of the family circle? 3. A heathen woman recognized Jesus as Israel’s Messiah; the Jewish teachers called Him a blasphemer. She was “poor in spirit” and prepared to enter the king­ dom (cf. Matt. 5:3) ; they refused to be­ lieve (cf. John 5:40). 4. It is better to have great faith than to possess great wealth or to be endowed with great natural talents. 5. True faith is never discouraged; trials only strengthen it (cf. Rom. 4:19- 21 ). 6. The exclusiveness and jealousy of the Jews sought to shut out Gentiles from all o f Messiah’s blessings. Likewise, pride, no doubt, hindered many Gentiles from receiving blessing through Israel. Both Jews and Gentiles needed to learn humility (cf. Luke 18:16, 17). 7. The prayer, “Lord, help me,” is a model for brevity, definiteness and earn­ estness. ■ 8. The plea, “Have mercy on me,” is never unheeded by Christ. 9. This woman faced a real mountain of difficulty, but faith removes mountains, 10. Jesus did not heal all o f the sick in the land. His blessings were given only to those who showed desire and faith. The same rule holds good today. * * G olden T ext I llustration A little boy heard his father pray that God would feed the poor; and when the prayer was over, he said, “Father, if you will give me the key to the granary door, I will answer your prayer myself.” Frederick Douglass tells that when he was a slave he prayed seven years for liberty, but received no answer; at length it occurred to him that he must answer his own prayer; and when, with his ¿yes fixed on the north star, he prayed with his legs, his prayer was answered. If we

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SK e PR A Y E R P H A L L o f N a v e tK< I J ICK, Jamess.

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'NtflLL REMOVE-MOUNTAINS' posing what He had said (as the Author­ ized Version rendering seems to inti­ mate), she assumed the lowly place and claimed the humble portion of a Gentile. She acknowledged the special mission and unique privilege of Israel. V. 28. Great is thy faith. How striking­ ly this contrasts with the unbelief of Is­ rael’s leaders at this time! On another occasion, also, Jesus marveled at the faith o f a Gentile (Matt. 8:10). As thou wilt. Faith is footed in the will. She knew Jesus’ power to deliver and persisted in pleading until she had her request. Healed from that hour. Mark ( 7 :29, 30) explains that Jesus told her that her daughter was healed and that when she arrived at home she found it even so. II. Sick Healed (29-31). V. 29. Jesus departed. He left Tyre and Sidon and went back to the vicinity of the Sea of Galilee, not far from the place where He had healed the man with the legion. Perhaps this man’s testimony prepared the way for the remarkable min­ istry of Jesus on this occasion (cf. Mark 5:19, 20). Up into a mountain. A moun­ tain range on the eastern side o f the lake. Sat down. An expression which indicates that He began to teach. V. 30. He healed. Another account of general miracles. The kinds o f diseases healed were so numerous that they could not all be named. Undoubtedly many, if not most of the sufferers, were Gentiles. V. 31. Glorified the God o f Israel. In Jewish territory, the healing of a para­ lytic had caused the multitude to glorify God ( 8 :9) ; Matthew significantly changes the expression used to describe the praise o f the multitudes in this heathen country. It Was fitting that Gentiles should glorify “the God o f Israel,” It was also pro­ phetic o f greater blessings to come to the Gentiles through Israel’s Messiah. * * * L esson Q uestions ■ V. 21. Where are Tyre and Sidon lo­ cated? Why did Jesus go there (cf. 12: 15; 14:3; 15:12)?« Did He desire His presence there to be unknown (cf. Mark 7:24)? V. 22. Who came to Jesus? How did she come to think He could help her ? What showed her earnestness? How did she address Him? What did the title “ Son o f David” mean? Did she have a right to address Him in this way? Why did she plead, “ Have mercy on me” ? What was her daughter’s affliction? V. 23. Why was Jesus silent? What did the disciples ask of Him? Were they indifferent to her need (cf. Matt. 19:13)? If not, what was their meaning? V. 24. What did Jesus answer? Did He mean to imply that He had blessing for none but Israel (cf. John 10:16; Eph. 2:11-16)? V, 25. How did the woman show her faith ? What is meant by the words “she

IN THE Correspondence Course STUDIES IN THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Just what every teacher of the International Lessons needs in preparing their lessons which are in this gospel for the next six months. Each verse treated in the ques­ tion method involving comparisons with other Scriptures. Space pro­ vided opposite each question for the student to record his answer. DEFINITE THOROUGH INSTRUCTIVE No examinations— Lesson work and neatness determining grade certificate upon completion. Fee Including rt*o oo all Costs . . !


Correspondence School Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: Enclosed please find $2.00 for which 1 desire enrollment in the course, “ Studies in the Gospel of Matthew.“

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