King's Business - 1930-02


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

February 1930

costliest possession, was the key to the treasures of the kingdom—yes, to the very recognition of Joseph, for these brothers and Jacob. The surrender of the costliest possession of my life is the key to the treasures of the kingdom for me—yes, even to the recognition and-full appropriation of Christ as my whole and only life. Oh, Lord Jesus, show me more that I may give up, that I may have more of Thee!— Messages for the Morning Watch. It is better to follow Christ, And yield Him your hand and heart, Than to try what a middle course is like By letting the world have part; For nothing can satisfy The yearnings of heart and soul, But a full salvation, a living Christ, And He claims'not half—but the whole. February 18— “ The same day were all the fountains o f the great deep broken up, and the zthndows o f heaven were opened. /Ind the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights” (Genesis 7:11-12). When God cleanses from sin, He does it thoroughly and completely. His cleans­ ing of sin out o f the life of any man who will let Him, is done in this same thor­ ough way. He opens the flood of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ upon him, and on the same day He breaks up the fountains o f the deep within that man’s heart; and so from without and from within the sin is flooded out o f his life. Until that is done Christ can get no fair chance at a life. We must let Him cleanse us completely from our sin before He can keep us from continued sinning. Some who are trying to serve Christ have never yet let God in Christ purge the sin wholly out of their lives. Father, show me this morning the meaning of sin in all its blackness and horror and death, that I may let Thee cleanse me from it as Thou didst cleanse Thy world with the waters of the flood. “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow” (Psa. 51 :7).^-Mes­ sages for the Morning Watch. —o— February 19— “Now Jesus loved Mar­ tha, and her sister, and Lazarus” (John 11:5). Then He loved three souls o f very dif­ ferent temperaments. Here is the love of the Master lavishing itself upon these very different souls, and in each o f these finding joy and satisfaction. Jesus does not want all His loved ones to be of one mold and color. He loves us for our own individuality. He seeks to glorify it. “Jesus loved Martha.” “Martha served.” In that phrase is enshrined her charac­ ter. Martha was ever eager, for practical deeds, and her interpretation of “prac­ tical” was a ready ministering to the needs of the flesh. It is to .Martha’s gen­ tle, practical hands that we must all come at last, and I am glad that she stands en­ rolled among the loved ones, as the chosen companions of the Lord. “Jesus loved Martha.” “And her sister.” Mary was contemplative, spending long hours in deep communion with the unseen. Her heart was capacious, full of feeling. We need the souls who sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His Word, and theii interpret the sweet Gospels to a tired and weary world. “ And Lazarus.” What do we know about

lie down., and give up. We see two things very clearly, and indeed, three. The first is that faith is our only standing ground. When we are off this, the ground under our feet goes inch by inch. When the dry bones in Ezekiel’s vision were in the val­ ley they were all lying down. There was nothing in them nor on them. It was only when the breath of the Spirit came upon them that “they stood up an exceeding great army.” Secondly, to stand by faith we have to withstand— that means to say, we must never loose our armor off for one moment. We have an active force of the enemy against us and we must stand our ground, or we shall certainly be de­ feated. The fight may be long or short, but faith will enable us to triumph. Let us remember “there are more with us than they that are against us.” Thirdly, “God is able to make us to stand.” This is our strength and this our authority, for God and God only can make us strong in faith, giving glory to His name. His power alone can give and make us, back­ bone servants and soldiers. “ Standing on the promises that cannot fail, When the howling storms o f doubt and fear assail; By the living Word o f God I shall pre­ vail, Standing on the promises o f God.” — Faith. —o— February 16— “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for zve know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us zshth groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8 :26). There are times in this human life in which we have no language but a cry, a wail that can find no words, a groaning that cannot be uttered. Only from the in­ most recesses of the soul there rise up unspoken cries which are eloquent in their very speechlessness. But Paul says that to every one of these cries there is imputed the value of a prayer; each of them is counted an intercession of the Spirit. The Father translates the lisp- ings o f His child into His own language; He interprets the groans of the heart, not by its feeble capacity for expression, but by the largeness of His own love. The prayers of the Spirit are the unuttered voices o f the soul .—George Matheson. February 17—" And when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, . he said to the stezmrd o f his house, Bring the men into the house, and slay, and make ready; for the men shall dine zvith me at noon” (Genesis 43:16). When their brother, who was to be their saviour, saw that they had brought with them the dearest possession of their family, then went forth the instant word for a king’s feast to be prepared for them. That is all that my Saviour is waiting for to lavish the fulness of His bounty upon me : my bringing to Him the dearest possession of my life—myself, in unconditional, seemingly costly, and eter­ nal surrender, in confessed helplessness and awful need, to His mastery. Then He gives the word to come into His own house, and eat at the table o f the palace i —the best food that He Himself partakes of. The surrender of Benjamin, their

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A New Year in the Will o f God rT’HE Christian and Missionary Al- ■I liance wish for all God’s people a happy and prosperous New Year through the Grace of God. How manifold are His blessings; how- marvelous His love toward us in Christ Jesus. PRESSING ONWARD Let us all, by His grace, determine to have a larger share in the Great Commission ministries, and do our utmost by His enabling to send the Gospel to tribes and peoples who have never heard. PRAY that many may be saved—“ mul­ titudes both of men and women.” Pray that converts may grow and be faithful in Christ. GIVE for the support of missionaries and mission work in all scriptural activities unto soul-winning and the building of the church of Christ. GO near and far as He leads, to wit­ ness faithfully for Christ. We purpose through God’s won­ derful grace and enabling to enter new areas this year with the Gospel, and proclaim Christ where He is not now known. The Christian and Missionary Alliance 260West44thStreet NewYork, N. Y.


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