Waveform ® Biradial G
PRODUCT OVERVIEW The Waveform ® Biradial G Panel was created to offer a simple canopy element that can provide omnidirectional spatial scattering for uniform coverage. Constructed of non-combustible glass fiber reinforced gypsum (GFRG), the Waveform ® Biradial G Panel represents elegance and purpose in action. SIZING • Standard Panel: 4' W x 4' L x 8" D (Additional standard depths are available) • Standard Return Depth: 2" (Additional edge return depths may be available)
• Material Thickness: 1/8” nominal GFRG • Each panel weighs approx. 3.00 lbs/ft 2
Blue = Diffusion Coefficient Green = Scattering Coefficient Red = Absorption Coefficient - NRC = 0.15, SAA = 0.12
The Waveform ® Biradial G Panel comes in a natural/ raw GFRG finish required to be painted on-site or factory color-matched to any paint color specification. INSTALLATION Overhead mounting of the Waveform ® Biradial G Panel is achieved by suspending units from integrated hairpin loops using RPG-supplied engineered cables and hardware. Each panel can be hung as a "cloud" or screwed together to create a canopy. Units can also be mounted directly onto walls using RPG-provided integrated cleats.
Additional test data is available – please see the Supplementary Acoustical Data Charts online or contact your local RPG Sales Representative.
Diffusion Coefficient
Frequency Frequency
250 315 400 500 630 800
0.01 0.06 0.09 0.14 0.19 0.28 0.31 0.33 0.28 0.34 0.36 0.33 0.31
1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000
Note: Previously Waveform ® Biradial G
Waveform ® Biradial G 05/2023
RPG Acoustical Systems, LLC. | 99 South St | Passaic, NJ 07055 rpgacoustic.com | info@rpgacoustic.com | 973-916-1166 RPG Acoustical Systems, LLC. | 99 South St | Passaic, NJ 07055 rpgacoustic.com | info@rpgacoustic.com | 973-916-1166
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