Omniffusor ® U84
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Omniffusor ® U84 is a highly durable, utility-grade polymer diffuser with lighter-weight model options in white or black. White can be used for high ceilings, such as band and choral rooms, while black can be used anywhere units are intended to be heard more than seen, such as black box theaters and behind stretch fabric installations. The U model is intended to fill both the price and performance gap between less expensive molded diffuser options and the more expensive wood options, providing a unique solution that matches the higher performance (more diffusion, less absorption) of the more aesthetically pleasing wood models at a lower price point due to the utility nature of the finish. U models use a proprietary fire-rated core with no required edge banding or finishing for cost savings. U models are available for all Omniffusor designs. SIZING • Standard Unit: 23-5/8" W x 23-5/8" L x 4" T • Each panel weighs approx. 2.50 lbs/sf
Blue = Diffusion Coefficient Green = Scattering Coefficient Red = Absorption Coefficient
Additional test data is available – please see the Supplementary Acoustical Data Charts online or contact your local RPG Sales Representative.
Diffusion Coefficient
Frequency (Hz)
400 500 630 800
0.01 0.02 0.02 0.08 0.41 0.30 0.49 0.43 0.43 0.68 0.54
Omniffusor ® U84 is for use in applications where performance is critical, but the finish/color is less so. Units are available standard in white or black. INSTALLATION As a utility-grade unit, the Omniffusor ® U84 can be surface-mounted to a wall or ceiling with factory- integrated blocking or dropped into a standard 15/16" HD T-grid supplied by others. Consider integrating this panel with Omniffusor ® U58, Omniffusor ® U76 and Omniffusor ® U113 units for comprehensive, broadband diffusion performance.
1000 1300 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000
RPG Acoustical Systems, LLC. | 99 South St | Passaic, NJ 07055 | | 973-916-1168
Omniffusor ® U84 04/2024
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