Formedffusor ™ T Barrel
PRODUCT OVERVIEW The Formedffusor TM T Barrel is a high-impact, thermoformed unit in a basic shape. It is an economical solution in architectural acoustics used in band and choral rooms to blend the direct and reflected sound to increase intelligibility and enhance musical clarity and intimacy. Low-frequency absorption is also achieved. Units can be manufactured with internal stiffeners for increased rigidity and a liner for decreased bass absorption. SIZING Standard Panels:
• 2' x 2', 2' x 4', 4' x 4', 4' x 6' & 4' x 8' x 7" D • Each panel weighs approx. 2.00 lbs/ft 2 FIRE RATING Class A (per ASTM E-84) FINISH
Blue = Absorption - Standard Unit w/ 1-1/2", 1.5pcf FBG Backing Green = Absorption - Standard unit w/ stiffener Red = Absorption - Standard Unit Note: The dashed portion of the red line that dramatically jumps above the 1.0 absorption coefficient below 250Hz, is due in part to the nature of octave band data and in a larger part due to limitations in the ASTM 423 standard's ability to measure a large 3D curvilinear surface that resonates. We suggest using an absorption coefficient of 1.00 for the 125Hz octave band for calculating RT and computer modeling.
The Formedffusor TM T Barrel comes in a standard natural white finish and can either be painted on-site or factory color-matched to any paint color specification. See RPG's Tech Brief "Painting Thermoformed Plastic Sheet Products" for field painting recommendations. Units can also be wrapped with RPG-reviewed industry standard and custom fabrics. Fabrics with acoustical performance data are preferred. INSTALLATION Overhead mounting of the Formedffusor TM T Barrel is achieved by suspending units from integrated hairpin loops using RPG-supplied engineered cables and hardware. Panels can also be mounted directly onto walls and ceilings using RPG-supplied hardware.
Additional test data is available – please see the Supplementary Acoustical Data Charts online or contact your local RPG Sales Representative.
Standard Unit - Absorption
Frequency (Hz)
125 250 500
1.62 0.46 0.19 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.20
1000 2000 4000 NRC
Note: Previously Formedffusor Barrel
RPG Acoustical Systems, LLC. | 99 South St | Passaic, NJ 07055 | | 973-916-1166
Formedffusor TM T Barrel 01/2024
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