GNRC Economic Data Highlights - Sept 2021

Source: ACS 5‐year estimates 2015‐2019

Workforce: Demographics

Labor Force by Age Group & Sex

The majority of our workforce is age 25 to 59 (76%). 15% of the workforce are teens and young adults age 16‐24 and 11% of the workforce is made up of older adults or those age 60+. The majority of our workforce is male (53%) across all age groups. This is especially evident at the oldest age bracket, where males are 61% of 75+ year olds that are still working.

39% 2,777

4,329 61%

16‐19 20‐21 22‐24 25‐29 30‐34 35‐44 45‐54 55‐59 60‐61 62‐64 65‐69 70‐74 75+

43% 5,056

6,722 57%

47% 14,649 47% 15,278 46% 14,109

16,657 53% 17,049 53% 16,446 54%

48% 43,517

47,029 52%

47% 99,184

111,464 53%

46% 104,379

120,935 54%

47% 60,102

66,516 53%

48% 66,817

71,522 52%

49% 35,860

36,629 51%

48% 18,836

20,455 52%

49% 22,535

23,798 51%

Male Female


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