2024 Suntory Catalog


Plays well with others ✓ Controlled growth ✓ Short internodes ✓ Showy foliage ✓ Thrives in heat and humidity ✓ Finishes nicely in smaller pots Desana DESANA ® ipomoea

Bronze Kyuikukan 5

Desana ® habit • Trailing/Semi-mounding • Spread: 18-42 inches

Lime Kyuikukan 3

Lobelia SUNTORY ® LOBELIA TRAILING lobelia Beautiful in hanging baskets ✓ Selected for summer performance ✓ N ice color range ✓ W ide spread ✓ M ore weather tolerant


Trailing White Sunlobe Toreho

Trailing Purple with Eye Sunlobe Torecama

Suntory ® Lobelia habit • Mounding, trailing • Height: 4 - 6 inches • Spread: 10 -16 inches

Trailing Blue with Eye Sunlobe Torebu


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