January 2024 Legal Brief




News from the Washington State Law Library

New Titles added to the eBook Library The law library has recently added even more books to our eBook library. Nutshells, Lexis eBooks, WSBA eDeskbooks and more are available to check out through our online catalog: https://librarycatalog.courts.wa.gov/ and can be read on your computer, phone or iPad/tablet. You will need a current library account to check them out. If you don ’ t have an account, you can create one at https:// librarycatalog.courts.wa.gov/cgi - bin/koha/opac - user.pl, or contact us to create one for you. If you already have an account, but don ’ t remember your password, use the ‘ forgot password ’ link to reset. For full details about using our eBook collection, check out this instructional blog post: https://medium.com/walawlibrary/lexisnexis - digital - library - ebook - collection - is - here - 847eac75e502. Books to Guide Your Legal Career Whether you ’ re just starting out, looking to open your own practice, or considering a change, you should check out our latest booklist on the library catalog: Books for Your Law Career. https://bit.ly/wsllyourlawcareer In - Person Research Service Available The State Law Library is open for in - person research services, Monday – Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, at our Tumwater location. You are strongly encouraged to review our updated website before your visit: https://www.courts.wa.gov/library/. Please contact the Reference Desk at library.requests@courts.wa.gov or 360 - 357 - 2136 if you have any questions: What We ’ re Blogging About: Book Reviews and Merging With the Supreme Court November was Native American Heritage Month, so please take a moment to read our Native American Heritage Month: Embracing Indigenous Knowledge and Educating Washington ’ s Students – With Indian Law Research Guide (Native American Heritage Month: Embracing Indigenous Knowledge and Educating Washington ’ s Students – With Indian Law Research Guide) post. Our friends over at the Spotlight on Civic Learning in Washington (Spotlight on Civic Learning in Washington) blog took the opportunity to celebrate the month by highlighting (https://medium.com/waciviclearning/native - american - heritage - month - 4487e7a8f6b4) the state ’ s Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in Washington State school curriculum, and we have provided some support to them by including an Indian Law research guide in our post. In light of an April 2023 National Judicial College poll of judges regarding hate crime laws, we pulled together an overview (https:// medium.com/walawlibrary/hate - crimes - in - washington - recent - changes - in - state - and - federal - law - and - a - guide - to - resources - 9986df1cd6ee) of federal and Washington hate crime laws, recent changes in the law, and selected hate crimes resources. Another changing legal landscape that we blogged (https://medium.com/walawlibrary/keeping - families - together - changes - to - washingtons - child - protection - system - bca8b61eea5b) about is the child protection system in Washington. In the post we provide an overview of the Keeping Families Together Act that went into effect in July of this year and other recent child protection reform efforts. To highlight the many new books we have received in the last several months we published two posts. One is on our new books for legal professionals (https://medium.com/walawlibrary/new - to - the - collection - books - for - legal - professionals - 1886c39c13d9) and the other is about our new books on criminal justice reform (https://medium.com/walawlibrary/new - to - the - collection - books - on - criminal - justice - reform - e52083897041). To read these posts and more or to subscribe to the law library blog, visit https://medium.com/ walawlibrary. Follow us on Social Media Be the first to know about what ’ s happening at the State Law Library. For service updates, special events happening in the legal world, new blog posts and even a cheeky post or two from the reference staff, follow us on these platforms:

Facebook (@walawlibrary) and Linkedin.

https://www.facebook.com/walawlibrary/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/washington - state - law - library

We look forward to seeing you and assisting you with your legal research.

Upcoming Holiday Closures

WSLL will be closed on the following holidays: Jan. 1: New Year ’ s Day Jan. 15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Feb. 19: Presidents Day

The law library research room at Town Center 3 in Tumwater.

- Contributed by Washington State Law Library reference staff.

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