Advanced PT - August 2023

Why It Matters More Than You Think Save Your Neck From the Digital Age!

How can you prevent tech neck? If you're worried about forming tech neck or are concerned you may already suffer from the condition, don't worry! While the problem can be troublesome, it's not irreversible if you're willing to make a few changes to your daily habits. Check yourself before you tech neck yourself! The first step to overcoming tech neck is realizing you're doing it. Next time you're on your phone or computer, take a moment to check your posture. Are you hunching over? Is your neck extended down and forward? If yes, straighten up! Raise your devices. Tech neck forms when looking down at a device, so an easy solution is to raise what you're looking at! Set your computer monitor on a box or stack of books to elevate it to eye level, and make a conscious effort to hold your phone higher so you don't have to bend. Take tech breaks. Once an hour, give your posture a break by stepping away from your electronic devices, taking a walk, rolling your shoulders, and stretching your neck to loosen up those tight tech neck muscles.

Technology is great, but we didn't build it with our bodies in mind. With cellphones and computer monitors part of everyday life, so is a condition called "tech neck." Tech neck is "the act of stressing muscles while using phones, tablets, and computers, resulting in neck and shoulder pain, stiffness, and soreness," according to the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Typically, this looks like a head and neck extended in front of the shoulders while sloping downwards, sometimes even to a 60-degree angle. Why should you worry about tech neck? Bending once or twice to get a closer look at your phone isn't a big deal, but when this posture is chronic, it can lead to headaches, tingling or numbness in your hands, insufficient blood supply to the brain, loss of the natural curve in the spine, and even cervical spine damage. And when tech neck is permanent, it causes the muscles in your neck to become lengthened while the muscles in your chest become shortened, making it more likely for your neck to experience an increase in spinal pressure.


Think outside the box — and travel there too. Traveling is more than fun; it's great for inspiring creativity. In fact, a historical study by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that individuals who travel have more creative success, perform better on divergent thinking tests, and are generally more open-minded. The trick with thinking and traveling outside the box doesn't always need to be about going to far-off lands with another language. Sometimes, it's just about trying that new deli that opened down the block, going to that flower show on the other side of town, or even trying to bake bread for the very first time. The goal is to expose yourself to any new experience and view it with a childlike wonder. Worry about nothing other than having fun!

When considering the key factors in active aging, most people talk about things like diet, exercise, and social connections. And while these things are all important, some studies show engaging in creative activities can also lead to greater longevity. To many people, "creativity" sounds like something you do with a paintbrush or pencil, but according to University of Connecticut professor James C. Kaufman, this doesn't have to be the case. You can find creativity in everyday tasks like parenting, yardwork, or even talking with friends — you just have to know where to look! So if you're looking to reignite your creative spark and live longer as a result, here are three ways you can bring more creativity into your everyday life.

Use what you know to make something new!

As we age, we collect a lifetime's worth of valuable knowledge, but just having information isn't creative. Combine your wisdom with family recipes, knitting, sewing, or woodworking to develop a brand-new creation! Seek new perspectives. If you do the same thing every day and only surround yourself with like-minded people, you'll never be exposed to new ideas. The trick to inspiring creativity in your life is to see the world in a different way. You can do that by reading literature, talking to people, and listening to media that challenges your ideas.


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